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Cainanide Faith

An Assembly of Faith of the Biblical Noahides


MNGS Videos Bible

Geocities Angels Saga Videos

Noahide Books (Including Geocities) - YouTube

(Geocities Stories are Primary Reading Material for MNGS)

Kingdoms are archaic. Politics is dying. People are looking for greater self expression and self realization, not inhibited by the primitive Iconoclasts of the past. The old political system is built on the Monarchical system. Its laws are now established. It's work complete. The next system is NOW. Geo-Science - RISE OF THE GEO-SCIENCE CONGLOMERATES. Geo-Science is the managament and utilization of key Factors of Wealth and Commodity across the Global Geo-Scientifically based community, as knowledge of improving Science is the key indicator of Conglomerate status and success. Micro-Politics is too crude a term for the NEW AGENDA. It is Geo-Science Conglomerates. UN Principle - Every one has the right to self determination, including groups of individuals in seceeding against old political structure in a geo-scientific conglomerate endeavour. Successful Geo-Science Conglomerates of the future build on the New Agenda of Advancing Societal Knowledge. Political systems built on the Monarchies. Geo-Science acknowledges what went on before in Monarchism and the Political systems as a prior foundation, but move on to Conglomerates. We respect the laws, legal codes and institutions of the UN Nations, yet we craft our own agenda within this framework of stability for advancement of our own Conglomerates. The Monarchies of old birthed the Political system. English Parliament arose from the death throes of Monarchy. Kingston upon Hull in the England is part of Yorkshire in the 'Royal' designations, but a Unitary Authority in the 'Political' designations. Life moves on. The Political system is built upon the Monarchical system. Geo-Science emanates from the old Political systems of, essentially, Christendom, but moves on. We recognize the political system, its religious adherents and citizens, as those who vote and accept the countries of the United Nations and the political structures they represent, but we have moved on from these outmoded and outdated primitive realities. The business economies, institutions and cultural realities of this political system of the future are the foundation upon which the new Geo-Science community is built. Yet, we are separate to a large degree from the old United Nations systems, now involved mainly and usually only with partaking of foundational funds from the older political system, if necessary, in work involvements and welfare/social security payments to establish ourselves, and while we honour them and thank them because of it, in time, we as a Geo-Science community establish our own Conglomerates and Advance Forwards. Our ideas are new. We can form a Conglomerate in True Realities of Self Expression in our own home, in our own room, or our own house or flat or farm, which doesn't need to be recognized by the old political structures, simply because of our UN right of self determination to do what we want with our own lives. The Geo-Science Conglomerates of the future recognize EACH OTHER and form our own economies, culture and traditions of a more advanced and developed technologically, morally, spiritually and intellectually better culture.


The Rainbow Bible is our general religious viewpoint. Nothing legalistic in application, but we trust in God, and work out our salvation carefully. There is ample salvation theology in the Rainbow Bible to apply to life and guide it. Just sensible religion which pulls you through. In the end a rational man does acknowledge God, Creation and the sensible life rules of the Torah. Life is problematic if you want to get involved with degrading life behaviours, which the bible usually calls sin. Fundamentalists make a hoo hah over it, and like to judge severely on it. Too many fuck partners? Watch out for those VDs. They'll kill you. Stealing will land you in trouble with the cops. Killing ends life, and in our Geo-SCIENCE community we tend to value human life. Naturally we can throw all sorts of virtuous labels like 'The Dignity of Human life' and other crapola, but we just care about others, and value human life. God does, and he judges us if we are not courteous enough. Being a decent sort of caring person is what a human is supposed to be. It's not that complex in the end. Being religious at times is good, as it hammers home the theology points God might raise with you. No need to be crazy about it - it is just common sense which we mostly know as people anyway.


The religious can be ok, as they care a lot, and support our kind. But they can waffle on about sacraments and torah scrolls and translations and temple building and hymns etc. Mostly waffle. The paradigms that rule their lives. Rational humans do care, and agree with Iconoclasts on many points. But we don't belabour the point usually. Religion when you need it, and life goes on. So escaping the Iconoclasts and their legalistic games to rule you is about having knowledge, which is power, and claiming your rights of self expression and self determination. The UN Says we can, so there you go. You don't have to play anyone's game in our system. We follow principles of fair play and co-operative conduct to help each other out. We definitely want to prosper individually and build our own castle though. Getting a lot of stuff in life, a good home, car, possessions - we are 100% behind that idea. Finding a good partner, having kids, that is the way to go. We are probably a little bit fussy on the same-sex idea, but we accept that for people who are not fuckwits about it and have a decent enough code of behaviour. Who cares right? The biblical sodomites were nasty people. I don't like sodomites, but I know gay celebrities who are fine enough as far as I am concerned. It is not really an issue in the end, but I wonder about degradation of behaviour over time, and whether standards of behaviour which prolong the human condition of life will keep it going forever if we listen to too many practitioners of wild parties, boozing, drug use and other reckless behaviour. Those things can kill you. Its why the religious warn you about that. Life prolongment. I personally want it to never end. If you don't really care if it is ultimately temporal, sure, I wish you well enough, but don't hang around me if you wanna be a sinner. I just want standards of behaviour which can last eternally. It doesn't have to be religious at all - just a code of conduct which will go the distance. Working that out with old Jehovah often helps. But we are not religion in the end, and we want to move on from Kingdoms and Nations, and build Conglomerates. Power structures we can rule and promote ourselves in for our own peace of mind and enjoyment. It is a challenge building one naturally, so you need original copyright information, because God honours original copyright. If you don't get the info you need to build your conglomerate, you will never do it. Fortunately if you have a decent reference library you are probably in good enough shape. Finding workers for your system will eventually happen, most likely, especially with your own original ideas and copyrights. People tend to gravitate to knowledge over time, and if there is a system of knowledge for life advancement, eventually somebody is going to want it. There are a lot of shmos in futureworld, and some of them will just need a leader, and if you take the time to develop your own conglomerate, well, some of those shmos will probably choose you in the end. Get good quality info. Conglomerates can be businesses, political sort of clubs and things, but I worry about the future of real politics, because I tend to think the Kingdom of God will take that over in the end. There is not much of a future in it, unless you can toe the line and follow the religious leaders, and Kow Tow. I've got my own ideas. I'm moving on with this new idea now. Successful Business Ventures???? Read the Yellow Pages, think 'NICHE' and 'SPECIALIZATION'. Build a business or other sort of knowledge club with information you process yourself. Get a youtube page, and MONETIZE IT. People will watch your vids in time, and that provides the income. If you just want success, just get your own youtube vids which you have copyright on - just your own life story will do it in the end - and that is that. You don't need any empire of any conglomerate if you really don't give a damn. But if you want some sort of ruddy glory out of this life, I am here to give you my advice - take it as it is - and we will see what dreams may come.


Part of life is the claiming of new knowledge to use for your own benefit. New knowledge can bet written out and claimed in legal process as copyright. Original enough word syntax has the ability to be copyrighted and owned by a person or group. This is something to take advantage of. God honous the idea that creators have righs with the knowledge they create – they own it because they made it. God is a creator and rspects our rights to create, as we are made in the image of a creator. Thus, as we all know that knowledge is how society is built, the building of a successful miicro-nationailistic conglomerate is about accruing decent and useul kowlege to better our community. Core ideas of a micronation itself are things like flags, anthems, laws and customs of the land. This information can be constructed on suitable websites online, which is always a good place to start a project you intend to eventually get around to. But a conglomerae is also more than a micronation of physical nature ultimately – it can be a business, an organisation, a society, a family, an agenda in general. Even a philosophy. The power of the conglommerates of the future is that they are organised with the knowledge they own, have created this knowledge, know how to use it, and have clear ideas of what they are all about because of it. Created knowlege in a conglomerate gives you identity and reality in the real world – an original structure which has a point to its existence. And naturally there is gain from it, financiel, spiritual, emotional and various other factors, which prosper you and give you a better life. There are so many different types of formats of knowledge which can be created and one of the keys to success is to know which are the best and most productive and useful forms of knowledge. No point in digging in a well of knowledge if it is of no practical use. So think things through and claim your knowledge with the best of your ability, think wisely, think smart, think new, think cutting edge, and the knowledge you form can help build your conglomerate and give you a more secure place in this world.


The core idea of Micro-Nationalistic Geo-Science is the tahtering of knwledge of science. But global science – the science of the planet. It does not limit itself to one primal culture, but seeks out knowledge of science and other areas of innovative knowledge, to broaden its depth and unerstanding in the building of its conglomerate. In this emerging world it is those individuals who have broad knowledge and have gathered information eclectically from disparate sources who will have a greater understanding of the bigger picture of universal society and if they have gathered and learnt well, taking new international technolgies and knowledge, they are better armed to combat the rising sense of competition in a very competitive world, arme with information and details of the latest research and inventions of man from around the globe Essentially it is about staying in touch with what is going on and drawing that knowledge into a resource centre, where that knowledge is studie and learned to better educate the community of the conglomerate and give it inspiration for its own innovation. Further, it helps you to run the best kinds of conglomerates and micro-nations because they are full of the best of invention and resource, which makes them stand out and will logially lead to a much more affluent and succesful prosperity in life. Gather the best of information and study the best of information – learn what is going on in the geographies of mankind, and use that to better yourself and your own community.


It is using knowledge to organise things. It is using kowledge well to orgnise things, put them in order, file things, type and write documents, make decent policy decisions, formulate the correct allocation of resources, follow precedures and keep things running, in good flow, and tidy and neat. It is work. Make no mistake, and think you are on a holiday. Being a decent administrator of things is work, and people are relying on you to do your job properly in the machine of the network you administrate in and with, so they can do their job properly, and get the best of results. It's about being dedicated to your work, when you are an administrator, being neat and tidy in the workplace, have preictable behavioiurs, reliable behavioiurs, getting along, being lawful and decent, and being the person who does the job according to the way it is supposed to be done, not shriking the responsibilities which come with this position. MNGS people, I think, are very often office workers and administrators and public servant type of people. We're often accountants, and need to work with numbers accurately. We need to know the law, and adhere to it, and not make foolish judgments to go outside the law or bend the rules to suit ourselves. Comply with the law – the better you will be if you are legalistic, which will keep you out of trouble with the authorities. Drive responsibly to your workplace, follow the traffic rules, and park where you are supposed to park, and pay the parking fees you are required to pay – don't cheat the system. Work professionally with your colleagues, show them respect, chat in a friendly manner, and it is not unknown to marry someone in your own workplace – very common – so keep that in mind. Be a good administrator in the end. Keep that in mind – be good at your job. Learn to stay up to date with things related to your work, take opportuniities to do extra study and courses available at tertiary instituttions. Bring a decent morning tea, and make it nice. They are good opportunities to mingle, so don't be a cheapstake in what you offer up. Take it seriously, and do the best you can. Administration is a good job, with a good plan with its lifechoice, and you can settle into a good routine in life if you live up to being a decent administrator.