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Karaite Noahide Faith






The Rainbow Bible

(Also Known as ‘The Noahide Bible’)



6175 SC

(6175 Years Since Creation - 2011 CE/AD)

First Edition



Haven Noahide Fellowship

And the 7 Divine Fellowships




“Holy Scripture”

(Being a Public Domain copy of a Catholic Translation)

Published by ‘Noahide Books’

The Publishing wing of ‘Haven Noahide Fellowship’

Additions to text © 2010


All Other Writings © 2010

By Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly &

Haven Noahide Fellowship and its members &

Noahide Books


‘Noahide Books’




‘Haven Noahide Fellowship’






The Rainbow Bible

1.     Holy Scripture

2.     Psalms

3.     Maxims

4.     Mission Statement of Haven Noahide Fellowship

5.     Charter of Haven Noahide Fellowship

6.     Official Spiritual Devotional Sermon Series of Haven Noahide Fellowship - Sermons 1 to 50 - Prepared by Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

7.     The Book of Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

8.     Recommended Reading

9.     Introduction – the Emerging Karaite Noahide World

10.                       What is Karaite Noahide Faith

11.                       Responding to Christianity

12.                       Why Jesus is Not the Messiah

13.                       The Book of Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly Continued

14.                       Noahide Midrash – Noah and the 7th Rainbow

15.                       Praise Songs

16.                       The Book of the Divine Creator

17.                       The Book of Universal Faith

18.                       The Book of the Most High

19.                       The Torah of the Kingdom of Noah

20.                       About the Kingdom of Noah

21.                       The Royal Karaite Rainbow Bible Noahide Australian Kingdom of Kadravana

22.                       The Karaite Noahide position on its own judgements and reasoning

23.                       Psalms of Haven Noahide Fellowship

24.                       New Education

25.                       Understanding Astrology

26.                       Karaite Noahidism – the Next Branch of Judaism

27.                       Speculations

28.                       One Final Edition for Each Rainbow Bible

29.                       The Catholic Jesus Gospel




Holy Scripture




In the beginning, God created heaven and earth.  But the earth was empty and unoccupied, and darknesses were over the face of the abyss; and so the Spirit of God was brought over the waters.  And God said, “Let there be light.” And light became.  And God saw the light, that it was good; and so he divided the light from the darknesses.  And he called the light, ‘Day,’ and the darknesses, ‘Night.’ And it became evening and morning, one day.


God also said, “Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide waters from waters.”  And God made a firmament, and he divided the waters that were under the firmament, from those that were above the firmament. And so it became.  And God called the firmament ‘Heaven.’ And it became evening and morning, the second day.


Truly God said: “Let the waters that are under heaven be gathered together into one place; and let the dry land appear.” And so it became.  And God called the dry land, ‘Earth,’ and he called the gathering of the waters, ‘Seas.’ And God saw that it was good.  And he said, “Let the land spring forth green plants, both those producing seed, and fruit-bearing trees, producing fruit according to their kind, whose seed is within itself, over all the earth.” And so it became.  And the land brought forth green plants, both those producing seed, according to their kind, and trees producing fruit, with each having its own way of sowing, according to its species. And God saw that it was good.  And it became evening and the morning, the third day.


Then God said: “Let there be lights in the firmament of heaven. And let them divide day from night, and let them become signs, both of the seasons, and of the days and years.  Let them shine in the firmament of heaven and illuminate the earth.” And so it became.  And God made two great lights: a greater light, to rule over the day, and a lesser light, to rule over the night, along with the stars.  And he set them in the firmament of heaven, to give light over all the earth, and to rule over the day as well as the night, and to divide light from darkness. And God saw that it was good.  And it became evening and morning, the fourth day.


And then God said, “Let the waters produce animals with a living soul, and flying creatures above the earth, under the firmament of heaven.”  And God created the great sea creatures, and everything with a living soul and the ability to move that the waters produced, according to their species, and all the flying creatures, according to their kind. And God saw that it was good.  And he blessed them, saying: “Increase and multiply, and fill the waters of the sea. And let the birds be multiplied above the land.”  And it became evening and morning, the fifth day.


God also said, “Let the land produce living souls in their kind: cattle, and animals, and wild beasts of the earth, according to their species.” And so it became.  And God made the wild beasts of the earth according to their species, and the cattle, and every animal on the land, according to its kind. And God saw that it was good.  And he said: “Let us make Man to our image and likeness. And let him rule over the fish of the sea, and the flying creatures of the air, and the wild beasts, and the entire earth, and every animal that moves on the earth.”  And God created man to his own image; to the image of God he created him; male and female, he created them.  And God blessed them, and he said, “Increase and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and the flying creatures of the air, and over every living thing that moves upon the earth.”  And God said: “Behold, I have given you every seed-bearing plant upon the earth, and all the trees that have in themselves the ability to sow their own kind, to be food for you, and for all the animals of the land, and for all the flying things of the air, and for everything that moves upon the earth and in which there is a living soul, so that they may have these on which to feed.” And so it became.  And God saw everything that he had made. And they were very good. And it became evening and morning, the sixth day.

And so the heavens and the earth were completed, with all their adornment. And on the seventh day, God fulfilled his work, which he had made. And on the seventh day he rested from all his work, which he had accomplished.  And he blessed the seventh day and sanctified it. For in it, he had ceased from all his work: the work whereby God created whatever he should make.




Adam and Eve

These are the generations of heaven and earth, when they were created, in the day when the Lord God made heaven and earth, and every sapling of the field, before it would rise up in the land, and every wild plant, before it would germinate. For the Lord God had not brought rain upon the earth, and there was no man to work the land.  But a fountain ascended from the earth, irrigating the entire surface of the land.


And then the Lord God formed man from the clay of the earth, and he breathed into his face the breath of life, and man became a living soul.  Now the Lord God had planted a Paradise of enjoyment from the beginning. In it, he placed the man whom he had formed. And from the soil the Lord God produced every tree that was beautiful to behold and pleasant to eat. And even the tree of life was in the midst of Paradise, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.


And a river went forth from the place of enjoyment so as to irrigate Paradise, which is divided from there into four heads. The name of one is the Phison; it is that which runs through all the land of Hevilath, where gold is born; and the gold of that land is the finest. In that place is found bdellium and the onyx stone.  And the name of the second river is the Gehon; it is that which runs through all the land of Kush. Truly, the name of the third river is the Tigris; it advances opposite the Assyrians. But the fourth river, it is the Euphrates.


Thus, the Lord God brought the man, and put him into the Paradise of enjoyment, so that it would be attended and preserved by him. And he instructed him, saying: “From every tree of Paradise, you shall eat.  But from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, you shall not eat. For in whatever day you will eat from it, you will die a death.”  The Lord God also said: “It is not good for the man to be alone. Let us make a helper for him similar to himself.”  Therefore, the Lord God, having formed from the soil all the animals of the earth and all the flying creatures of the air, brought them to Adam, in order to see what he would call them. For whatever Adam would call any living creature, that would be its name. And Adam called each of the living things by their names: all the flying creatures of the air, and all the wild beasts of the land. Yet truly, for Adam, there was not found a helper similar to himself. And so the Lord God sent a deep sleep upon Adam. And when he was fast asleep, he took one of his ribs, and he completed it with flesh for it.  And the Lord God built up the rib, which he took from Adam, into a woman. And he led her to Adam.  And Adam said: “Now this is bone from my bones, and flesh from my flesh. This one shall be called woman, because she was taken from man.”  For this reason, a man shall leave behind his father and mother, and he shall cling to his wife; and the two shall be as one flesh. Now they were both naked: Adam, of course, and his wife. And they were not ashamed.




The Temptation

However, the serpent was more crafty than any of the creatures of the earth that the Lord God had made. And he said to the woman, “Why has God instructed you, that you should not eat from every tree of Paradise?”  The woman responded to him: “From the fruit of the trees which are in Paradise, we eat.  Yet truly, from the fruit of the tree which is in the middle of Paradise, God has instructed us that we should not eat, and that we should not touch it, lest perhaps we may die.” Then the serpent said to the woman: “By no means will you die a death.  For God knows that, on whatever day you will eat from it, your eyes will be opened; and you will be like gods, knowing good and evil.”  And so the woman saw that the tree was good to eat, and beautiful to the eyes, and delightful to consider. And she took from its fruit, and she ate. And she gave to her husband, who ate.  And the eyes of them both were opened. And when they realized themselves to be naked, they joined together fig leaves and made coverings for themselves. And when they had heard the voice of the Lord God taking a walk in Paradise in the afternoon breeze, Adam and his wife hid themselves from the face of the Lord God in the midst of the trees of Paradise. And the Lord God called Adam and said to him: “Where are you?” And he said, “I heard your voice in Paradise, and I was afraid, because I was naked, and so I hid myself.” He said to him, “Then who told you that you were naked, if you have not eaten of the tree from which I instructed you that you should not eat?” And Adam said, “The woman, whom you gave to me as a companion, gave to me from the tree, and I ate.” And the Lord God said to the woman, “Why have you done this?” And she responded, “The serpent deceived me, and I ate.” And the Lord God said to the serpent: “Because you have done this, you are cursed among all living things, even the wild beasts of the earth. Upon your breast shall you travel, and the ground shall you eat, all the days of your life. I will put enmities between you and the woman, between your offspring and her offspring. She will crush your head, and you will lie in wait for her heel.” To the woman, he also said: “I will multiply your labors and your conceptions. In pain shall you give birth to sons, and you shall be under your husband’s power, and he shall have dominion over you.” Yet truly, to Adam, he said: “Because you have listened to the voice of your wife, and have eaten of the tree, from which I instructed you that you should not eat, cursed is the land that you work. In hardship shall you eat from it, all the days of your life. Thorns and thistles shall it produce for you, and you shall eat the plants of the earth. By the sweat of your face shall you eat bread, until you return to the earth from which you were taken. For dust you are, and unto dust you shall return.” And Adam called the name of his wife, ‘Eve,’ because she was the mother of all the living.  The Lord God also made for Adam and his wife garments from skins, and he clothed them. And he said: “Behold, Adam has become like one of us, knowing good and evil. Therefore, now perhaps he may put forth his hand and also take from the tree of life, and eat, and live in eternity.” And so the Lord God sent him away from the Paradise of enjoyment, in order to work the earth from which he was taken.  And he cast out Adam. And in front of the Paradise of enjoyment, he placed the Cherubim with a flaming sword, turning together, to guard the way to the tree of life.




Cain and Abel

Truly, Adam knew his wife Eve, who conceived and gave birth to Cain, saying, “I have obtained a man through God.” And again she gave birth to his brother Abel. But Abel was a pastor of sheep, and Cain was a farmer.


Then it happened, after many days, that Cain offered gifts to the Lord, from the fruits of the earth.  Abel likewise offered from the firstborn of his flock, and from their fat. And the Lord looked with favor on Abel and his gifts.  Yet in truth, he did not look with favor on Cain and his gifts. And Cain was vehemently angry, and his countenance fell. And the Lord said to him: “Why are you angry? And why is your face fallen? If you behave well, will you not receive? But if you behave badly, will not sin at once be present at the door? And so its desire will be within you, and you will be dominated by it.” And Cain said to his brother Abel, “Let us go outside.” And when they were in the field, Cain rose up against his brother Abel, and he put him to death. And the Lord said to Cain, “Where is your brother Abel?” And he responded: “I do not know. Am I my brother’s keeper?” And he said to him: “What have you done? The voice of your brother’s blood cries out to me from the land. Now, therefore, you will be cursed upon the land, which opened its mouth and received the blood of your brother at your hand. When you work it, it will not give you its fruit; a vagrant and a fugitive shall you be upon the land.” And Cain said to the Lord: “My iniquity is too great to deserve kindness.  Behold, you have cast me out this day before the face of the earth, and from your face I will be hidden; and I will be a vagrant and a fugitive on the earth. Therefore, anyone who finds me will kill me.” And the Lord said to him: “By no means will it be so; rather, whoever would kill Cain, will be punished sevenfold.” And the Lord placed a seal upon Cain, so that anyone who found him would not put him to death.


And so Cain, departing from the face of the Lord, lived as a fugitive on the earth, toward the eastern region of Eden.  Then Cain knew his wife, and she conceived and gave birth to Enoch. And he built a city, and he called its name by the name of his son, Enoch. 


Thereafter, Enoch conceived Irad, and Irad conceived Mahujael, and Mahujael conceived Mathusael, and Mathusael conceived Lamech. Lamech took two wives: the name of one was Adah, and the name of the other was Zillah. And Adah conceived Jabel, who was the father of those who live in tents and are shepherds. And the name of his brother was Jubal; he was the father of those who sing to the harp and the organ. Zillah also conceived Tubalcain, who was a hammerer and artisan in every work of brass and iron. In fact, the sister of Tubalcain was Noema. And Lamech said to his wives Adah and Zillah: “Listen to my voice, you wives of Lamech, pay attention to my speech. For I have killed a man to my own harm, and an adolescent to my own bruising. Sevenfold vengeance will be given for Cain, but for Lamech, seventy-seven times.”  Adam also knew his wife again, and she gave birth to a son, and she called his name Seth, saying, “God has given me another offspring, in place of Abel, whom Cain killed.” But to Seth also was born a son, whom he called Enos. This one began to invoke the name of the Lord.




The First Genealogy

This is the book of the lineage of Adam. In the day that God created man, he made him to the likeness of God.   He created them, male and female; and he blessed them. And he called their name Adam, in the day when they were created. Then Adam lived for one hundred and thirty years. And then he conceived a son in his own image and likeness, and he called his name Seth. And after he conceived Seth, the days of Adam that passed were eight hundred years. And he conceived sons and daughters. And all the time that passed while Adam lived was nine hundred and thirty years, and then he died. Seth likewise lived for one hundred and five years, and then he conceived Enos.  And after he conceived Enos, Seth lived for eight hundred and seven years, and he conceived sons and daughters. And all the days of Seth that passed were nine hundred and twelve years, and then he died. In truth, Enos lived ninety years, and then he conceived Cainan. After his birth, he lived eight hundred and fifteen years, and he conceived sons and daughters.  And all the days of Enos that passed were nine hundred and five years, and then he died.   Likewise, Cainan lived seventy years, and then he conceived Mahalalel.  And after he conceived Mahalalel, Cainan lived for eight hundred and forty years, and he conceived sons and daughters.  And all the days of Cainan that passed were nine hundred and ten years, and then he died.  And Mahalalel lived sixty-five years, and then he conceived Jared.  And after he conceived Jared, Mahalalel lived for eight hundred and thirty years, and he conceived sons and daughters.  And all the days of Mahalalel that passed were eight hundred and ninety-five years, and then he died. And Jared lived for one hundred and sixty-two years, and then he conceived Enoch. And after he conceived Enoch, Jared lived for eight hundred years, and he conceived sons and daughters. And all the days of Jared that passed were nine hundred and sixty-two years, and then he died. Now Enoch lived for sixty-five years, and then he conceived Methuselah. And Enoch walked with God. And after he conceived Methuselah, he lived for three hundred years, and he conceived sons and daughters. And all the days of Enoch that passed were three hundred and sixty-five years. And he walked with God, and then he was seen no more, because God took him. Likewise, Methuselah lived for one hundred and eighty-seven years, and then he conceived Lamech. And after he conceived Lamech, Methuselah lived for seven hundred and eighty-two years, and he conceived sons and daughters. And all the days of Methuselah that passed were nine hundred and sixty-nine years, and then he died. Then Lamech lived for one hundred and eighty-two years, and he conceived a son. And he called his name Noah, saying, “This one will console us from the works and hardships of our hands, in the land that the Lord has cursed.” And after he conceived Noah, Lamech lived for five hundred and ninety-five years, and he conceived sons and daughters. And all the days of Lamech that passed were seven hundred and seventy-seven years, and then he died. In truth, when Noah was five hundred years old, he conceived Shem, Ham, and Japheth.




The Sons of God

And when men began to be multiplied upon the earth, and daughters were born to them, the sons of God, seeing that the daughters of men were beautiful, took to themselves wives from all whom they chose. And God said: “My spirit shall not remain in man forever, because he is flesh. And so his days shall be one hundred and twenty years.” Now giants were upon the earth in those days. For after the sons of God went in to the daughters of men, and they conceived, these became the powerful ones of ancient times, men of renown.  Then God, seeing that the wickedness of men was great upon the earth and that every thought of their heart was intent upon evil at all times, repented that he had made man on the earth. And being touched inwardly with a sorrow of heart, he said, “I will eliminate man, whom I have created, from the face of the earth, from man to other living things, from animals even to the flying things of the air. For it grieves me that I have made them.” Yet truly, Noah found grace before the Lord.






These are the generations of Noah. Noah was a just man, and yet he was predominate among his generations, for he walked with God. And he conceived three sons: Shem, Ham, and Japheth. Yet the earth was corrupted before the eyes of God, and it was filled with iniquity. And when God had seen that the earth had been corrupted, (indeed, all flesh had corrupted its way upon the earth) he said to Noah: “The end of all flesh has arrived in my sight. The earth has been filled with iniquity by their presence, and I will destroy them, along with the earth. Make yourself an ark from smoothed wood. You shall make little dwelling places in the ark, and you shall smear pitch on the interior and exterior. And thus shall you make it: The length of the ark shall be three hundred cubits, its width fifty cubits, and its height thirty cubits. You shall make a window in the ark, and you shall complete it within a cubit of the top. Then you shall set the door of the ark at its side. You shall make in it: a lower part, upper rooms, and a third level. Behold, I shall bring the waters of a great flood upon the earth, so as to put to death all flesh in which there is the breath of life under heaven. All things that are on the earth shall be consumed. And I shall establish my covenant with you, and you shall enter the ark, you and your sons, your wife and the wives of your sons with you. And from every living thing of all that is flesh, you shall lead pairs into the ark, so that they may survive with you: from the male sex and the female, from birds, according to their kind, and from beasts, in their kind, and from among all animals on earth, according to their kind; pairs from each shall enter with you, so that they may be able to live. Therefore, you shall take with you from all the foods that are able to be eaten, and you shall carry these with you. And these shall be used as food, some for you, and the rest for them.” And so Noah did all things just as God had instructed him.




The Flood

And the Lord said to him: “Enter the ark, you and all your house. For I have seen you to be just in my sight, within this generation. From all the clean animals, take seven and seven, the male and the female. Yet truly, from animals that are unclean, take two and two, the male and the female.  But also from the birds of the air, take seven and seven, the male and the female, so that offspring may be saved upon the face of the whole earth. For from that point, and after seven days, I will rain upon the earth for forty days and forty nights. And I will wipe away every substance that I have made, from the surface of the earth.”  Therefore, Noah did all things just as the Lord had commanded him. And he was six hundred years old when the waters of the great flood inundated the earth. And Noah entered into the ark, and his sons, his wife, and the wives of his sons with him, because of the waters of the great flood. And from the animals both clean and unclean, and from the birds, and from everything that moves upon the earth, two by two they were brought into the ark to Noah, male and female, just as the Lord had instructed Noah. And when seven days had passed, the waters of the great flood inundated the earth. In the six hundredth year of the life of Noah, in the second month, in the seventeenth day of the month, all the fountains of the great abyss were released, and the floodgates of heaven were opened. And rain came upon the earth for forty days and forty nights. On the very same day, Noah and his sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth, and his wife and the three wives of his sons with them, entered the ark. They and every animal according to its kind, and all the cattle in their kind, and everything that moves upon the earth in their kind, and every flying thing according to its kind, all the birds and all that can fly, entered the ark to Noah, two by two out of all that is flesh, in which there was the breath of life. And those that entered went in male and female, from all that is flesh, just as God had instructed him. And then the Lord closed him in from the outside. And the great flood occurred for forty days upon the earth. And the waters were increased, and they lifted the ark high above the land. For they overflowed greatly, and they filled everything on the surface of the earth. And then the ark was carried across the waters. And the waters prevailed beyond measure across the earth. And all the lofty mountains under the whole heaven were covered. The water was fifteen cubits higher than the mountains which it covered. And all flesh was consumed which moved upon the earth: flying things, animals, wild beasts, and all moving things that crawl upon the ground. And all men, and everything in which there is the breath of life on earth, died. And he wiped away all substance that was upon the earth, from man to animal, the crawling things just as much as the flying things of the air. And they were wiped away from the earth. But only Noah remained, and those who were with him in the ark. And the waters possessed the earth for one hundred and fifty days.








Then God remembered Noah, and all living things, and all the cattle, which were with him in the ark, and he brought a wind across the earth, and the waters were diminished. And the fountains of the abyss and the floodgates of heaven were closed. And the rain from heaven was restrained. And the waters were restored to their coming and going from the earth. And they began to diminish after one hundred and fifty days. And the ark rested in the seventh month, on the twenty-seventh day of the month, upon the mountains of Armenia. Yet in truth, the waters were departing and decreasing until the tenth month. For in the tenth month, on the first day of the month, the tips of the mountains appeared. And when forty days had passed, Noah, opening the window that he had made in the ark, sent forth a raven, which went forth and did not return, until the waters were dried up across the earth. Likewise, he sent forth a dove after him, in order to see if the waters had now ceased upon the face of the earth. But when she did not find a place where her foot might rest, she returned to him in the ark. For the waters were upon the whole earth. And he extended his hand and caught her, and he brought her into the ark. And then, having waited a further seven days, he again sent forth the dove out of the ark. And she came to him in the evening, carrying in her mouth an olive branch with green leaves. Noah then understood that the waters had ceased upon the earth. And nevertheless, he waited another seven days. And he sent forth the dove, which no longer returned to him. Therefore, in the six hundred and first year, in the first month, on the first day of the month, the waters were diminished upon the earth. And Noah, opening the cover of the ark, gazed out and saw that the surface of the earth had become dry. In the second month, on the twenty-seventh day of the month, the earth was made dry. Then God spoke to Noah, saying: “Go out of the ark, you and your wife, your sons and the wives of your sons with you. Bring out with you all the living things that are with you, all that is flesh: as with the birds, so also with the wild beasts and all the animals that move upon the earth. And enter upon the land: increase and multiply upon it.” And so Noah and his sons went out, and his wife and the wives of his sons with him. Then also all living things, and the cattle, and the animals that move upon the earth, according to their kinds, departed from the ark.


Then Noah built an altar to the Lord. And, taking from each of the cattle and birds that were clean, he offered holocausts upon the altar. And the Lord smelled the sweet odor and said: “I will no longer curse the earth because of man. For the feelings and thoughts of the heart of man are prone to evil from his youth. Therefore, I will no longer pierce every living soul as I have done. All the days of the earth, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, night and day, will not cease.”


And God blessed Noah and his sons. And he said to them: “Increase, and multiply, and fill the earth. And let the fear and trembling of you be upon all the animals of the earth, and upon all the birds of the air, along with all that moves across the earth. All the fish of the sea have been delivered into your hand. And everything that moves and lives will be food for you. Just as with the edible plants, I have delivered them all to you, except that flesh with blood you shall not eat. For I will examine the blood of your lives at the hand of every beast. So also, at the hand of mankind, at the hand of each man and his brother, I will examine the life of mankind. Whoever will shed human blood, his blood will be poured out. For man was indeed made to the image of God. But as for you: increase and multiply, and go forth upon the earth and fulfill it.”




The Covenant


To Noah and to his sons with him, God also said this: “Behold, I will establish my covenant with you, and with your offspring after you, and with every living soul that is with you: as much with the birds as with the cattle and all the animals of the earth that have gone forth from the ark, and with all the wild beasts of the earth.  I will establish my covenant with you, and no longer will all that is flesh be put to death by the waters of a great flood, and, henceforth, there will not be a great flood to utterly destroy the earth.”


And God said: “This is the sign of the pact that I grant between me and you, and to every living soul that is with you, for perpetual generations.  I will place my arc in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the pact between myself and the earth.     And when I obscure the sky with clouds, my arc will appear in the clouds. And I will remember my covenant with you, and with every living soul that enlivens flesh. And there will no longer be waters from a great flood to wipe away all that is flesh. And the arc will be in the clouds, and I will see it, and I will remember the everlasting covenant that was enacted between God and every living soul of all that is flesh upon the earth.” And God said to Noah, “This will be the sign of the covenant that I have established between myself and all that is flesh upon the earth.”


And so the sons of Noah, who came out of the ark, were Shem, Ham, and Japheth. Now Ham himself is the father of Canaan. These three are the sons of Noah. And from these all the family of mankind was spread over the whole earth.






And Noah, a good farmer, began to cultivate the land, and he planted a vineyard. And by drinking its wine, he became inebriated and was naked in his tent. Because of this, when Ham, the father of Canaan, had indeed seen the privates of his father to be naked, he reported it to his two brothers outside. And truly, Shem and Japheth put a cloak upon their arms, and, advancing backwards, covered the privates of their father. And their faces were turned away, so that they did not see their father’s manhood. Then Noah, awaking from the wine, when he had learned what his younger son had done to him, he said, “Cursed be Canaan, a servant of servants will he be to his brothers.”  And he said: “Blessed be the Lord God of Shem, let Canaan be his servant. May God enlarge Japheth, and may he live in the tents of Shem, and let Canaan be his servant.” And after the great flood, Noah lived for three hundred and fifty years.  And all his days were completed in nine hundred and fifty years, and then he died.




The Second Genealogy

These are the generations of the sons of Noah: Shem, Ham, and Japheth, and of the sons who were born to them after the great flood.

The sons of Japheth were Gomer, and Magog, and Madai, and Javan, and Tubal, and Meshech, and Tiras. And then the sons of Gomer were Ashkenaz, and Riphath, and Togarmah. And the sons of Javan were Elishah, and Tarshish, Kittim, and Rodanim. The islands of the Gentiles were divided by these into their regions, each one according to his tongue, and their families in their nations.


And the Sons of Ham were Cush, and Mizraim, and Put, and Canaan. And the sons of Cush were Seba, and Havilah, and Sabtah, and Raamah, and Sabteca. The sons of Raamah were Sheba and Dadan. And then Cush conceived Nimrod; he began to be powerful on the earth. And he was an able hunter before the Lord. From this, a proverb came forth: ‘Just like Nimrod, an able hunter before the Lord.’ And so, the beginning of his kingdom was Babylon, and Erech, and Accad, and Chalanne, in the land of Shinar. From that land, Assur came forth, and he built Nineveh, and the streets of the city, and Calah, and also Resen, between Nineveh and Calah. This is a great city. And truly, Mizraim conceived Ludim, and Anamim, and Lehabim, Naphtuhim, and Pathrusim, and Casluhim, from whom came forth the Philistines and the Caphtorim. Then Canaan conceived Sidon his firstborn, the Hittite, and the Jebusite, and the Amorite, the Girgashite,
 the Hivite, and the Arkite: the Sinite, and the Arvadian, the Samarite, and the Hamathite. And after this, the peoples of the Canaanites became widespread. And the borders of Chanaan went, as one travels, from Sidon to Gerar, even to Gaza, until one enters Sodom and Gomorrah, and from Admah and Zeboiim, even to Lesa. These are the sons of Ham in their kindred, and tongues, and generations, and lands, and nations.


Likewise, from Shem, the father of all the sons of Heber, the elder brother of Japheth, sons were born. The sons of Shem were Elam, and Asshur, and Arphaxad, and Lud, and Aram. The sons of Aram were Uz, and Hul, and Gether, and Mash. But truly, Arphaxad conceived Shelah, from whom was born Eber. And to Eber were born two sons: the name of the one was Peleg, for in his days the earth became divided, and his brother’s name was Joktan. This Joktan conceived Almodad, and Sheleph, and Hazarmaveth, Jerah and Hadoram, and Uzal and Diklah, and Obal and Abimael, Sheba and Ophir, and Havilah and Jobab. All these were the sons of Joktan. And their habitation extended from Messa, as one sojourns, even to Sephar, a mountain in the east. These are the sons of Shem according to their kindred, and tongues, and the regions within their nations. These are the families of Noah, according to their peoples and nations. The nations became divided according to these, on the earth after the great flood.




The Tower of Babel

Now the earth was of one language and of the same speech. And when they were advancing from the east, they found a plain in the land of Shinar, and they dwelt in it. And each one said to his neighbor, “Come, let us make bricks, and bake them with fire.” And they had bricks instead of stones, and pitch instead of mortar.   And they said: “Come, let us make a city and a tower, so that its height may reach to heaven. And let us make our name famous before we are divided into all the lands.” Then the Lord descended to see the city and the tower, which the sons of Adam were building. And he said: “Behold, the people are united, and all have one tongue. And since they have begun to do this, they will not desist from their plans, until they have completed their work.} Therefore, come, let us descend, and in that place confound their tongue, so that they may not listen, each one to the voice of his neighbor.” And so the Lord divided them from that place into all the lands, and they ceased to build the city. And for this reason, its name was called ‘Babel,’ because in that place the language of the whole earth became confused. And from then on, the Lord scattered them across the face of every region.


The End of Holy Scripture





Psalms of Haven Noahide Fellowship


A Psalm of Daniel

Psalm One


Yahweh, the Lord, is the Centre of all that is.

He is the Supreme Power, the Omnipotent One,

Full of Glory and Majesty, Eternal in Sovereignty.


Yahweh is gracious to us mere mortals,

Granting us blessings and peace,

Giving prosperity to the works of our hands.


Yahweh watches over those who call on his name.

He watches and blesses those who repent of sin,

And Grants his grace to the humble of heart.


Yahweh is a trustworthy foundation.

Yes, in God himself I place my trust,

Forsaking the strength of my own hands,

Forsaking the strength of men, whose fidelity is fleeting.



A Psalm of Daniel

Psalm Two


How the heart of man can choose a crooked path.

How the heart of man can choose a crooked way.

Oh, heavenly father, that your grace would be upon us all,

Leading us in the right way, leading us against our own evil inclinations.


Yahweh, enthroned in heaven, looks down upon the children of men.

He knows their heart, from their youth he has known them,

Caught up in their evil ways, caught up in their malicious intent.

Oh Yahweh, how great your grace is.  Oh Yahweh, how superlative your mercy.


You spoke with our father Noah.

You spoke with him and called him out of a perverse generation.

For mankind was wicked in your eyes, evil from the days of their youth.

And through Noah you rebirthed mankind, saved from the deluge of the flood.


Majestic Lord of Glory, redeem me I pray.

Hear my prayer and rescue me from the darkness of my own heart.

For only in thy goodness can the gift of eternal life be realized.

Only in thy goodness can the gift of forever have hope.



A Psalm of Daniel

Psalm Three



Can we not be so hypocritical, unfair and double-minded

Can we not be so duplicitous, fork-tongued and unfaithful

Can we not pretend to be paragons of virtue yet find shame in our hearts

Shame at betraying ones we claim to love



Let not my boasts be great, of words I can not live up to

Let me not say of my virtues qualities which I later betray as lacking

Let me be truthful in how much I can truly commit to and foreswear vain oaths

Guide me to be faithful



Show me the way of holiness which will not be questioned as shallow

Help me to grow up maturely, yet not reach for heights I later tumble from

Give me grace and mercy and remind others I am only human, not God himself

Forgive me for my shortcomings



I am only human.  I can not be more than what I am.  And I am so complex

That I don’t even understand myself half of the time.

But you, Oh Lord, know all the ways of humans and the choices of the heart.

Please, if you will in your mercy answer my prayer, give me the gift of wisdom

To love others in a manner which will last eternally and not be a vain oath of

Allegiance soon forgotten.




A Psalm of Daniel

Psalm Four


Let my soul rest in the calmness of nature,

the calmness of God’s creation.


Let my soul slumber and be at peace with the

simplicity of the song of the songbird

and the chirping of the sparrow.


Let the buzzing of the bees bring joy to me,

even to the days of my age and let

the sound of the sheep at pasture and the joy of the

newborn babe be always pleasant in my heart.


Let the sight of a spider’s web fill me with mystery,

and let the early morning mist always fill me with

happiness and aliven me to the new day.


Let the rushing geyser be a source of fascination,

and let me fear in the presence of the tornado and

be awestruck by the power of the lightning.


Let the gentle flow of the stream soothe my soul,

and let the thunderous waves entertain my thirst

for adventure.


Lord God Almighty, I thank you for the wonders

of creation, which give joy and happiness to my

life each and every day.  This world is a wonderful

and marvellous world, and all the children of Noah

thank you for your great kindness in creating it

For us.


We are your people, Almighty God, and the servants

of your covenant.  And let the sign of the Covenant,

the ‘Rainbow’, one of the greatest signs of nature,

always remind us of the beauty and wonder that comes

forth from the heart of the Almighty.




A Psalm of Daniel

Psalm Five


Lord God - You are the solace of my heart’s anxiety.

You are the peace in the storms of life which remains

Faithful and ever unchanging.  You are the strength

In my weaknesses and the power of my right hand

In all that I say and do.  Lord, you are God, and even

In my wrongdoing my heart still remembers the graces

And love you have shown me.


Lord God – From generation to generation mankind

Searches out the way of truth.  For so many finding

God is not easy, but you have always been there, waiting

To be found.  You love us, children of Adam and Eve,

Children of Enoch, children of Noah.  You love us and

Teach us the right way through the teachings of our

Fathers.  Lord, I pray, remain faithful to the heart which

Wants truth above all else, and remember the struggle

We have all gone through in finding our salvation.


Lord God – Remember our fathers who have gone before

Us, and our mothers who bore and fed us.  Remember forever

Those who have struggled to build our wonderful world, and

The many sacrifices they have made.  I pray and ask of you,

Eternal God, prepare a home of eternal joy and life as reward

For their struggle, and share with them the fruits of their

Labours and the joy and consolation their hearts truly desire.

Forget not the children of Noah who, even those who have

Not known you or understood your ways, still tried in their hearts

To live good and decent lives.  Forget them not in your mercy

I do pray Lord God Almighty, and prepare a home of eternal

Blessing for each and every one of them.


Lord God – The children of Noah praise your name.  We lift

Up the name of Yahweh and declare that he is God and that

There is no other.  Heavenly Father, we will serve you for

All eternity, building a Haven of Salvation in your name, a

Haven of love, peace and prosperity, in true service to your

Eternal Glory.  We will feed the hungry, nurse the sick and

Wounded, give homes to the homeless, and give peace and

Love to the broken of heart.  We will care for all as you have

Cared for us, and we pray watch over us eternally for we are

The sheep of your eternal pasture, the children of mankind,

And we need you in all our weaknesses and all our struggles.






Maxims of Haven Noahide Fellowship


Daniel’s Maxims


Know what you believe and why you believe it


The truth will defend you against all enemies


Evil will not prosper


Life simply is


To succeed – persevere


God is truth


Knowledge of truth helps you to make the best decisions


Finding something useful to do in life gives it meaning


Study knowledge of truth


Be honest with people


Love people


Practice Kindness


Show people grace


Stay true to your commitments


Pray for people


Be Patient


Turn away from evil


Teach people the right way


Walk with God


Keep on learning


Study the Bible


Help people


Watch your words


Respect your parents


Do the right thing


Obey the law


Seek God’s will


Help the poor


Be factual


Be consistent


Be tolerant


Be peaceful


Study Wisdom


Work on your spirituality


Increase your knowledge


Be faithful to your occupation


Show yourself friendly


Eat good foods


Watch your health




Be careful


Avoid danger


Do not hurt people


Keep the faith


Be in the hearts of Men





Mission Statement of Haven Noahide Fellowship

Haven Noahide Fellowship’s mission as a Tenakh Based Noahide Fellowship is to promote principles of the ‘Rainbow Bible’ (Genesis 1 – 11:9), and other Noahide-Relevant sections of the Tenakh to mankind today and in the future, for the purposes of establishing Noahide Faith worldwide, to establish Noahide Culture, and to establish Noahide Law as the basis for the spiritual constitutions of International and National Law.  Further, we utilize the principle of religious Assembly and Fellowship to establish Noahide Communities and Schools and other traditional spiritual organisations for the purposes of sanctifying people, giving them a home and a place in the world, being a real ‘Haven’ against life’s harsher realities, and providing charity and other life opportunities for interested members of society.  Finally, and most importantly, our mission is the eternal proclamation of ‘Yahweh’ (aka Jehovah, Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh, Hashem, El Shaddai, Elohim, Adonai, God etc) as the true God of Creation and Sovereign and Ruling Deity over mankind and the universe.





Charter of Haven Noahide Fellowship


Prepared by Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly, Head Pastor and founder of Haven Noahide Fellowship.  This Charter is Public Domain Information.



Rulings on Sacred Writings and Other Literature


Noahide members of Haven Noahide Fellowship are forbidden from studying any portions of the Talmud (The Mishnah & The Babylonian & Jerusalem Gemara) not directly related to Noahide laws and Noahide faith.  The section of the tractate Sanhedrin which features the Noahide laws may legally be studied by Noahides.  This is the Judgement of the Rabbis and Jewish Noahide Rabbinic teachers in relation to their own Jewish writings. While Haven recognizes Karaite principle, we do honour the wishes of Rabbinic Judaism not to pry into their own sacred literature.


Rabbinic Judaism has previously ruled that Noahides have permission to study all the writings in The Jewish Tenakh (ie the Jewish Bible), and thus Haven Noahide Fellowship upholds this judgement.


Haven Noahide Fellowship judges, in relation to the writings of the Christian New Testament, that Jesus is NOT the messiah, but that members of our fellowship are allowed to read the New Testament in its entirety and apply any non-idolatrous Christian teaching they find suitable to their life if they so wish to.  Jesus should be treated as a Jewish teacher of spiritual values and Christianity as a sect of Judaism with an incorrect messianic point of view.  This principle applies also to other Christian literature, as well as Islamic and Bahai spiritual literature.


Haven rules that all descendants of Adam, Noah, Abraham and Israel may freely read all the online literature of Haven Noahide Fellowship ( , )



Rulings on the Establishments of chapters of Haven Noahide Fellowship


Each national assembly has self-autonomy to determine their primary direction and doctrinal standing and teaching.   To be recognized as a legitimate Haven Noahide Fellowship chapter by the Head fellowship, their doctrine MUST conform with as a minimum ‘The Rainbow Bible’ (Genesis 1 -  11:9) as well as Sermon number 1 (One) of Haven Noahide Fellowship’s spiritual devotional series.


Haven recognizes it as the Sovereign right of any individual or groups of individuals in any country to establish (at their personal leisure) a chapter of Haven Noahide Fellowship providing they conform with the Rainbow Bible and the first sermon of Haven Noahide Fellowship.  Any such fellowship shall be regarded by all Haven Noahide Fellowship chapters as a legitimate body of Haven Noahide Fellowship providing they conform with the Rainbow Bible and Sermon Number One of Haven Noahide Fellowship’s spiritual devotion series.   Essentially anyone at all has permission to establish a chapter of Haven Noahide Fellowship providing they conform with the Rainbow Bible (Genesis 1 – 11:9) and the First sermon of the Spiritual devotional series of Haven Noahide Fellowship.  It is the judgement of the Head Fellowship that anyone may simply start such a fellowship at their leisure without permission from the head fellowship or any other national bodies even being necessary.  We stipulate that you must HONOUR the first established Haven Noahide Fellowship chapter in your nation – (and in terms of honour I stipulate that you respect them and show them appropriate and due courtesy) – but apart from that you are FREE to form a subsequent Haven Noahide Fellowship if you so choose, as long as you give ‘Natural’ regard to other worldwide established fellowships and give due recognition to any other HNF already established in your nation.


Our further judgement from the head fellowship (which is a non-binding judgement,  but recommended to be conformed with only) is that any such newly established HNF’s (as outlined in the prior ruling) should conform to the judgements of the sermons of the head HNF and the sermons of any already established HNFs in your nation as a natural matter of course, UNLESS they are very strongly contrary to what you honestly believe is sound wisdom OR the spiritual direction you desire to take your own chapter of Haven Noahide Fellowship.  Essentially we ask that you follow the general direction of HNF internationally and in your own nation, unless you have a strong and specific desire to mould it in another spiritual direction.  In this case, the minimum requirements are all that is asked.


Haven ENCOURAGES study of ALL Haven Noahide Fellowship material of ALL fellowships when and were such permissions are granted and given by the heads of each fellowship to study their spiritual teachings and material (as some fellowships may desire a degree of private knowledge).


The authority to make judgements and grant authority in a hierarchical structure is deemed as the permission of each sovereign chapter to decide for themselves.  Essentially, a chapter of HNF may form its own hierarchy and series of fellowship beneath it if it so chooses and designate roles and structures of authority at its own choosing.


Essentially, to clarify and restate, a chapter of HNF is delineated by its agreed observance of the Rainbow Bible and the first sermon of Haven Noahide Fellowship’s spiritual devotional series as the minimum requirements.  If a fellowship is abiding by these core requirements it has the right to be regarded as a legitimate HNF chapter.  No chapter is required to observe the remainder of the spiritual devotional series teachings, but is ‘encouraged’ to do so.  Various bodies of HNF may disregard any pseudo-HNF chapters which fail to observe these basic requirements of being a body of HNF, and the other principles of relevance as established in this charter.





Haven Noahide Fellowship – Spiritual Devotional Sermon Series


Sermons 1 to 50

The Sermons of Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

(Founder of Haven Noahide Fellowship)


1.                 Introduction to Haven Noahide Fellowship and

Core Doctrine

2.                 Finding Peace with God

3.                 The Biblical Calendar

4.                 Serving God with Faithfulness

5.                 Studying Scripture – A Daily Focus

6.                 Conquering Sin – A Basic List of Sins

7.                 The Creation Week

8.                 The Vapour Canopy & Rainbows

9.                 23

10.            Life Affirming Choices

11.            Children of Peace

12.            Confronting Evil

13.            The World Lies at the Feet of a Disciplined Man

14.            A Wife of Noble Character (Proverbs 31: 10-31)

15.            The Power of Your Words

16.            The Noahide Shema

17.            Satan

18.            Some of the Principles of Haven Noahide


19.            Being Gentle

20.            A Deeper Meaning in God Asking Abraham to

Sacrifice his Son

21.            Perseverance and Success

22.            Life’s Frustrations

23.            Supporting the Pastoral System – Understanding the Tithing System of Haven Noahide Fellowship

24.            Burial or Cremation

25.            Marriage – A One Flesh Relationship

26.            Worshipping God

27.            Acceptance

28.            Raising Children

29.            The Single Life

30.            Noahide Faith – The Universal Faith

31.            The Judgements upon the Noahide Nations of

Egypt and Canaan

32.     The Covenants and religious groupings of the


33.     Continue Learning

34.     Becoming a Virtuous person

35.     Resting on the Sabbath Day

36.     Jesus’ sermon from Morning Stars II – ‘Judgement on others’

37.     Callodyn’s sermon from Morning Stars II – ‘God the Heart of Life’

38.     Jesus’ second sermon from Morning Stars II – ‘The Power of Sin’

39.     Ambriel’s psalm and sermon from Morning Stars II – ‘God the Saviour’

40.     The Love of God

41.     Knowledge

42.     You are important to God

43.     Sharing your faith

44.     Angels

45.     Be in the Hearts of Men

46.     Animism – Basic Spiritual Awareness

47.     The Environmental Focus – Being Green is consistent with Noahide faith

48.     Salvation

49.     The Future of the Noahide World

50.     The Archives of Haven Noahide Fellowship








Haven Noahide Fellowship is a rainbow bible-based Noahide Fellowship. The Rainbow Bible is the traditional set of scriptures known as Genesis 1 - 11:9 (from creation to the end of the tower of Babel incident). The teachings of the Rainbow Bible go back to the giving of the Covenant and earlier, and are central tenets of Haven Noahide Fellowship Faith. It appears that Noah himself, or perhaps one of his sons, recorded the details we have today in the Rainbow Bible as it talks of historical detail which only they, apparently, would have access to. The sign of the Covenant, as shown in Genesis 9, is the Rainbow.

A Noahide is simply a child or descendant of Noah.  In the same way the term ‘Israelide’ or ‘Israelite’ refers to someone descended from Israel (Jacob) the term ‘Noahide’ refers to someone descended from Noah.  Noah, of course, is the ancient patriarch who God called to build an Ark and bring animals upon the Ark, after which he sent a flood to destroy sinful mankind, and then started again with Noah, Noah’s wife, Noah’s three sons Shem, Ham and Japheth and their wives.  While most of us are familiar with the idea that we are all descended from Adam and Eve, less of us know that scripture teaches we are also all descended from Noah, through his sons, as all mankind was wiped out in the flood apart from Noah’s family.  Thus the term ‘Noahide’ refers to all members of mankind today, as all of us are descended from Noah.

It is the universal monotheistic faith which underpins each of the major monotheistic religions of the world, and essentially the sense of spiritual morality that nearly all of us maintain in our hearts and way of life.

Basically, to describe this religion, simply ask yourself ‘What religion did Noah himself follow?’  And the answer to that is Noahide faith, the adherents of which attempt to follow such a religion – to follow the practices of our ancient patriarchal father Noah - who was deemed ‘Perfect in his generations.’

This brief article examines the Rainbow Bible to answer the basic question of what constitutes the spiritual requirements before God of a Noahide.  It is not implied that it is an exhaustive analysis of the Rainbow Bible’s doctrine for children of Noah, but simply viewed as introductory principles.  Each of us must study the Rainbow Bible for ourselves to learn more of its teachings.  It will be split into 3 main sections: 1) Law 2) Imperative 3) Principle. Please consult the scriptural citations for greater clarification.


1) Law

Technically speaking there seems to be only three times the Lord specifically commands the Nations of the world as a whole.

• The first is found in what would apply to Adam and his seed in an uncorrupted paradise. This is the command to abstain from the Fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. (Genesis 2:16 & 17).

• The second is found in the command to Noah and his offspring after the flood to not eat blood. (Genesis 9:4).

• The third command is to be fruitful and replenish the earth (Genesis 9:7)


2) Imperative.

An imperative in the sense I will define it is a principle which appears to have obligatory acceptance required by a Noahide but not written within scripture as a direct command but rather implied or assumed. For example the wording of the imperative not to murder is worded in such a way that God did not specifically command directly to Noah and his offspring in a personal sense by stating ‘Thou shalt not’ or ‘You must not’ etc, but made it so obvious to know that such is a requirement for Noah and his offspring in generalization. The Noahide Imperatives are:

• To abstain from Sin (Genesis 4:7)

• To not murder and to put to death murderers (Genesis 9:5-6)


3) Principle

There are many ideas within the written Rainbow Bible which are not specified as commands or imperatives but are shown as an active part of universal Noahide life. They include:

• A calendar system based on the sun and stars and natural cycles (Genesis 1:14)

• Permission to eat plants (Genesis 1:30)

• The implication within the command to abstain from the tree of knowledge of good and evil that God has the right to command mankind, especially due to him being the creator. This is a fundamental principle of Noahide faith (that God can Command us).

• The importance of keeping genealogies (Genesis 5 & 10)

• The importance of offering sacrifices. The type of sacrifices implied that are acceptable are: Field offerings, Blood sacrifices of animals which are ‘Clean’ animals. Sacrifices are offered on altars. Sacrifices probably should be offered with a ‘Positive’ spirit. (Genesis 4:3-5, Genesis 8:20). Sacrifices are completely voluntary and mainly made to God to show we love him.

• The understanding that drunkardness, while seemingly not forbidden, can cause problems (Genesis 9:20-27)

• The idea that God can call individual Noahides for specific purposes in the way he called Noah and gave Noah specific commandments.



Principles Established Specifically For Haven Noahide Fellowship

It is my intent to maintain the Rainbow Bible (Genesis 1 - 11:9) as the basis of Haven Noahide Fellowship's scriptural adherence. Further to this, however, we intend to develop our own system of Noahide Law.

I do not intend following the 66 or the 30 noahide laws of Rabbinic Judaism, mainly because they are founded on a false assumption - that they are the legitimate laws of Noah, which is scripturally untrue.  Essentially I follow the Karaite Jewish principle that the Tenakh is the sole body of legislation as appropriate to utilize in any sense of divinely authoritative scripture. In this sense Haven is primarily as 'Karaite Noahide' fellowship.  Haven does not claim any specific knowledge of exactly in what way or how the Tenakh is divinely inspired, leaving this to the formulation of differing religious denominations and individuals to determine for themselves.  It is Haven’s opinion that the system of Talmudic Noahide Law, commonly called ‘The 7 Laws of Noah’ is inconsistent with the scriptural record, and merely the opinion of the Rabbis as to what constituted Noahide law.  We feel they were developing a tradition on what laws were given to Noah and merely wrote down their traditional belief in the Sanhedrin tractate of the Babylonian Gemara dealing with this subject.  We do not view these laws as historically correct, affirming that the scriptural record is the primary record of Noahide law and faith (as shown in the Rainbow Bible of Genesis 1 – 11:9).  Having said all of the, God himself asked of me in a dream very early on in my Noahide walk with himself to ‘Build on my rock’ (or possibly ‘Build on the rock’ – I forget the exact word of my/the).   But his intention was extremely clear in the way he elucidated my mind to understand that his rock was the people of Israel, from all of their history, and that he had great love for them and cherished them.  To be quite factual, he did not specify exactly what he meant by ‘Building on his rock’.  My interpretation is this – As a Christian before leaving Christianity I was extremely evangelistic in my efforts to promote the church, and was dedicated to attempting to add souls to the Christian church.  I feel it is possible that God saw my sincere desires to add people to his kingdom and, as such, when I became a Noahide and committed to Noahide faith, he perhaps has approved of me developing a Noahide spiritual community which is built on Israel in a way, both built on the people and the teachings of Israel.  Thus while I have accepted that the Rainbow Bible is the true historical law given to Noah, I am now following God’s request (in my personal interpretation, which he did not specify otherwise) by adding what I feel are appropriate Noahide laws for Haven Noahide Fellowship.

Thus it is the purpose of Haven to develop, on top of the foundation of the Rainbow Bible, due to reasons of an increasingly complex Noahide world society having eventuated since the time of Noah, an intelligent and lasting system of Noahide Law, agreed upon by the founding members of Haven Noahide Fellowship, to be the laws maintained by our fellowship. Such a system of increased Noahide Law is deemed proper and necessary by our fellowship because of the growth of world Noahide society, the need to increase our relationships with each other in terms of legal principle, and done as such by the Authority of the founder of Haven Noahide Fellowship who was asked by God to build a religious community more in harmony with Israel's Torah Principles. As such, I have specifically chosen under the request of God to formulate those laws which should now be deemed as universally acceptable and appropriate Noahide Law.  There is no real point in re-inventing the wheel in a sense, thus I am following the basic Talmudic designations of what they feel constitutes Noahide law, with the objections of certain key aspects which I do not personally feel, in my own judgement, as appropriate for the Noahides of Haven Noahide Fellowship (and possibly most of the children of Noah in my opinion).  This is all done voluntarily by Haven Noahide Fellowship.  Thus, while we disagree with the Rabbis on the historical view that these laws were part of the original Noahide law, we will simply accept a degree of them anyway as per the request of God to myself to build on his rock.

I do NOT say I am 100% correct in interpreting God’s request to build on the people of Israel by establishing Haven Noahide Fellowship.  Yet I can say in all truth that God did NOT define what he meant by build.  He did not specify or allude to any conversion of myself to Judaism, he did not specify the building of any spiritual temple or the like, he did not specify the building of a spiritual noahide community or any such thing.  He did not specify at all what he meant.  He simply requested me to ‘BUILD ON MY ROCK’ giving me the understanding that his rock was the people of Israel.  Thus I am free to follow my own inclinations by simply establishing Haven Noahide Fellowship, without having yet had any objections that I am aware of from Yahweh himself.

Finally, I view these laws as universally appropriate for all the children of Noah, yet I was not granted any authority to make such judgements for all the children of Noah.  My authority, thus, is on my own personal interpretation of what God said to myself.  I am simply, therefore, only doing what I feel is right and appropriate.  I have no basis for objecting to a critics own personal objections to my works or ideas, and all are free as far as I understand it to simply ignore my viewpoints and efforts.  But I would suggest, perhaps, that I have a degree of divine approval for something – make of what I have said as you will.

In brief, on top of the system of law presented by the Rainbow Bible, Haven's laws are:



·        No deliberate harming of neighbour through ones own actions

·        No Idolatry

·        No Blasphemy

·        No Theft

·        Sexual Laws

o       No pre-pubescent paedophilia (No sexual activity until capable of having children)

o       No Bestiality (As we can not ascertain consent from animals)

o       No Rape

o       No Sexual Harassment

·        No Kidnapping

·        No Purgery in courts of Law



·        To live in harmony with ones neighbour

·        To contribute to a societal fund for the assisting of people in financial, health or otherwise difficult circumstances (ie charity, which can be maintained through a societally implemented taxation system)

·        To respect the systems of law of society when and were they do not contradict the Rainbow Bible or principles of our fellowship (With respect to Israel and the Talmudic Noahide laws forbidding certain sexual practices which Haven accepts for Noahides, we teach the importance of not objecting to the adherents of such laws rights to live by such laws and judge their own communities by such laws. We are independent of such communities and expect, in the same way we extend them the courtesy of not objecting to the way they run their own affairs, that they likewise not object to the way we run our own affairs, and point out that in the 'Rainbow Bible' we have a body of scripture upon which both communities agree.)








God encouraged Cain to conquer the spirit of sin which was always at his door, tempting him to its evil ways. (Genesis 4:7)

All of us know of people in our lives and people we see in TV who talk of troubles of the heart - anxiety, worries, depressions, sadnesses and miseries.  It seems so many people are miserable in their lives, all of them searching for an answer which eludes them.

The professional psychiatrists all have various answers which they think work, but the real truth to human existences questions of the soul are found in the religious text of the holy scripture which God inspired millennia ago.

What keeps us from finding true peace of heart is our SIN.  It is doing things which are carnal, nasty, viscious, mean spirited and hateful which leads to a sense of anxiety in life.  And this anxiety will always stay with us until we learn the fundamental lesson which Cain, who killed his brother Abel, failed to learn.  We need to repent of the carnal and sinful ways we can be so prone as humans to fall into and become, instead, children of love, joy and peace.

Finding peace with God is found in learning the principles of scripture and applying them to life.  It is found in being honest and truthful towards God and our fellow neighbours and doing the very best to show everyone LOVE coming from an honest heart.

The more we love, the more we show kindness, the more we show integrity, the more peace of heart we will find and the more happy we will end up being.






The Biblical Calendar

(NOTE:  Ensure you check scripture quotations to ensure accuracy for personal verification.  An important point to remember is we are dealing with approximations to the nearest YEAR as months and days are rarely specified.  Thus a plus or minus figure range of a dozen years or so can be reckoned into the final date.)

SC = Since Creation       

Genesis 5  

No of Years           SC

Adam to Seth                 130             0 – 130 SC

Seth to Enosh                105              130 – 235 SC

Enosh to Kenan   90               235 – 325 SC

Kenan to Mahalalel        70               325 – 395 SC

Mahalalel to Jared         65               395 – 460 SC

Jared to Enoch              162             460 – 622 SC

Enoch to Methuselah   65                 622 – 687 SC

Methuselah to Lamech 187     687 – 874 SC

Lamech to Noah   182             874 – 1056 SC


Genesis 11

Noah to Shem                502             1056 – 1558 SC

Shem to Arphaxad         100             1558 – 1658 SC

Arphaxad to Shelah       35               1658 – 1693 SC

Shelah to Eber               30               1693 – 1723 SC

Eber to Peleg                  34               1723 – 1757 SC

Peleg to Reu                   30               1757 – 1787 SC

Reu to Serug                  32               1787 – 1819 SC

Serug to Nahor              30               1819 – 1849 SC

Nahor to Terah               29               1849 – 1878 SC

Terah to Abram              70               1878 – 1948 SC


Genesis 21:5

Abram to Isaac               100             1948 – 2048 SC


Genesis 25:26

Isaac to Jacob                60               2048 – 2108 SC


Genesis 47:9

Jacob to his arrival

In Egypt                         130             2108 – 2238 SC


Exodus 12:40                 


Jacob’s arrival to

The Exodus          430             2238 – 2668 SC


1 Kings 6:1


From the Exodus to the beginning of the Temple in the fourth year of Solomon’s reign in the month of Ziv                   480             2668 – 3148 SC



1 Kings 11:42

Solomon’s Reign  40               3144 – 3184 SC


1 Kings 14:21

Rehoboam’s Reign         17               3184 – 3201 SC


2 Chronicles 13:1

Abijah’s Reign                3                 3201 – 3204 SC


2 Chronicles 16:13

Asa’s Reign           41               3204 – 3245 SC


2 Chronicles 20:31

Jehoshaphat’s Reign     25               3245 – 3270 SC


2 Chronicles 21:20

Jehoram’s Reign  8                 3270 – 3278 SC


2 Chronicles 22:2

Ahaziah’s Reign   1                 3278 – 3279 SC


2 Chronicles 22:12

Athaliah’s Reign   6                 3279 – 3285 SC


2 Chronicles 24:1

Joash’s Reign                40               3285 – 3325 SC


2 Chronicles 25:1

Amaziah’s Reign   29               3325 – 3354 SC


2 Chronicles 26:3

Uzziah’s Reign               52               3354 – 3406 SC


2 Chronicles 27:1

Jotham’s Reign              16               3406 – 3422 SC


2 Chronicles 28:1

Ahaz’s Reign                  16               3422 – 3438 SC


2 Chronicles 29:1  

Hezekiah’s Reign 29               3438 – 3467 SC


2 Chronicles 33:1

Manasseh’s Reign          55               3467 – 3522 SC


2 Chronicles 33:21

Amon’s Reign                 2                 3522 – 3524 SC


2 Chronicles 34:1

Josiah’s Reign               31               3524 – 3555 SC


2 Chronicles 36:2

Jehoahaz’s reign  3 mths        3555 – 3555 SC


2 Chronicles 36:5

Jehoiakim’s Reign         11               3555 – 3566 SC


2 Chronicles 36:9


Jehoiachin’s Reign        3mths

10days        3566 – 3566 SC


2 Chronicles 36:11


Zedekiah to the

Babylonian Exile  11               3566 – 3577 SC


The Babylonian Exile in the Christian Calendar is marked as 587BC which was 3577 SC

3577 SC = 587BC

3577 + 587 = 0 AD

3577 + 587 = 4164

4164 SC = 0 AD

Adding 2010 years, 2010 AD = 6174SC

Thus we are currently in the 6,174th year since creation.

Mankind’s millennial rest began on the 6001st year, which was 1828AD

It ends at 2828 AD






Faithfulness to God means being committed to God.  It means most importantly that when you are having difficult times in life – when things are going against you - when things seem to challenging or difficult to cope with - when everything seems to be going well for everyone EXCEPT you - that THAT is the time to remain

faithful and committed to God.

It is easy to praise God and tell him you love him and do everything to please him when things are easy.  But that is not the true test of your loyalty.  The true test is this:  When everything is against you can you still study your bible, praise the goodness of God and remain faithful?  God wants followers who will remain faithful to him - through the good times AND the bad times - for better or for worse.  Anything less than that is a 'fair-weather friend' and not a true follower of God anyway. So STAY COMMITTED, STAY FAITHFUL AND KEEP GOD IN YOUR HEART, SERVING HIM CONSTANTLY.






I strongly recommend that you make a habit of picking up your bible every day if possible, but at least every other day.  For Noahides I strongly recommend a LONG course of study in the Rainbow Bible, which is Genesis 1 - 11:9.  This covers mankind’s history from the creation to the end of the Tower of Babel incident.  Why this section is so important for Noahides is that all Noahides are descended from the figures in this section of scripture.  The Tower of Babel incident ends with the scattering of ALL mankind, and the prior chapters also relate to ALL mankind.  This it is very important you learn the Rainbow Torah as the FOUNDATIONAL reading material in your Noahide walk with God.  If you are capable, actually memorizing the whole Rainbow Torah could become a lifetime goal.  Apart from people with photographic memory, I don't think anyone could really memorize the entire bible (at least not without a monumental effort).  But memorizing the Rainbow Torah for a Noahide over a lifetime of committed study could become a reality.  A pastor of Haven Noahide Fellowship really needs to know the Rainbow Torah intimately.  He needs to have large sections of it memorized and be on his way throughout life to memorizing the entire text.  For a pastor of the fellowship a reading of the entire Rainbow Torah (genesis 1 - 11:9) is recommended on a daily basis.  Really, a pastor needs to make the Rainbow Torah his 'Daily Bread' and then also pay attention to the rest of the Torah and Tenakh at other times (primarily the Sabbath day which should be devoted to spiritual things).  Our job is to become citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven who need not feel any shame having dedicated our lives, in faithfulness, to a God who will richly reward us for our efforts.








Remember, God admonished Cain to conquer 'SIN'.  We understand sin as not only rebellion against God, but things which are 'IMMORAL' in nature.  A basic list of things which could be considered sinful for Noahides are:

* Violence

* Murder

* Failing to obey God

* Eating Animal Blood

* Offering impure sacrifices to God

* Breaking the civil laws of your own society – lawlessness

These things can be constituted as ideas which are contrary to a sound Noahide faith.  A Noahide is called to be holy as God is holy and thus, as Cain was exhorted to by God, master his nature and repent and resist all sinful impulses.






God created in this order:
Day 1
Created Light & Dark - Separated light from dark called light 'Day' and dark 'Night'
 Day 2
Created an expanse in the midst of the waters on earth below and above the earth (the vapour canopy) - the expanse is the SKY
 Day 3
Separated the Seas from the Land.  Brought forth vegetation on land.
Day 4

Created the Sun, Moon & Stars - which serve as signs for the seasons
 Day 5
Brought forth Sea creatures & Birds from the oceans
 Day 6
Brought forth land creatures from the earth.  Made man.
 Day 7
Sabbath day rest
Later on God 'BURST' the vapour canopy which provided the water for the flood.






As I briefly alluded to yesterday, there was a vapour canopy hanging over the earth 'IN THE BEGINNING'
 We read on the second day of creation that God created the expanse and named it 'SKY' or 'HEAVEN' in between the "WATERS".
 Where were the waters above the 'Sky'????
Well, we all know that mankind launches satellites into space and we use them for mobile phones and international television and radio and so on.
 These satellites are suspended above the earth in a zone in which they spin around the earth and do two things:
 1) they do not spin off into space
2) they do not fall to earth
 So it is quite likely that the vapour canopy, being waters 'ABOVE' the sky was suspended here, possibly above the ozone layer, in space.
 When the flood came scripture says 'God OPENED up the heavens'.  He literally tore apart the vapour canopy and the world was flooded
because of it.
 Finally, because the vapour canopy, prior to the flood, was between the Earth and the Sun, it appears that 'RAINBOWS' were never visible.  It says right in the beginning of Genesis that it did not rain, but that streams came up and watered the earth.  So, because it never rained, and because there was a vapour canopy over the earth, this seems to be why the language in
Genesis 9 says 'God set his rainbow in the clouds.'
 In other words, the Rainbow always had the potential to be seen, (as we see the rainbow on a sunny day when we use a sprinkler), but it had not materialized until AFTER the flood and the rain came.






Anthropoids have 24 pairs of Chromosomes, universally.  Apes, Monkeys, Baboons, Chimps etc all have 24 pairs of Chromosomes.  Mankind is traditionally viewed as an 'Anthropoid' but we have only "23" pairs of Chromosomes.  However, right along the centre of the first Chromosome in our DNA is a segment or strip which seems to indicate that at one point this first chromosome were 2 separate chromosomes which joined together.  Evolutionists often teach that mankind thus developed from an anthropoid ancestor with 24 chromosomes, but that a genetic defect led to us having 23 and evolving distinctly from them.  Genesis teaches that Adam and Eve (as well as the Serpent) were to be punished for partaking of the forbidden fruit.  What happened to Eve was that, prior to the curse, when she was to have children she would not have felt any pain.  But with the curse God said 'With Pain shall you bring forth children.'  What seemed to happen, to my way of thinking, is that mankind was perfect with 24 chromosomes right in the beginning.  Because of the CURSE God altered mankind’s genetic structure, merging the first and second chromosomes together, which not only caused women to feel pain in childbirth, but possibly led to many of our diseases and other things to do with a fallen or altered nature.  There is another interesting "23".  The earth is tilted on a perfect 23Degrees axis.  Perhaps, to actually cause the heavens to give forth the rain for the flood, the bursting of the vapour canopy was caused by God changing the degrees of the earth’s axis from a perfect "24" to the new, altered, 23Degrees axis.  An interesting idea, isn't it?








 The fall of Adam and Eve teaches us many lessons.  But one of the most important ones is this: immediately after declaring their punishment God made clothes of animal skin to ‘HIDE’ the nakedness of Adam and Eve.  Because Adam and Eve, after eating the forbidden fruit, gained knowledge of good and evil, God gave them clothing to start teaching them the fundamental lesson that they needed to choose ‘Goodness’ when confronted with a situation in which good and evil were involved.  They knew they were naked immediately, but God clothed them very quickly, and helped them in their ‘sinful state’.  God shows he cares by doing this.  You see, the fundamental lesson we can learn from this historical event is this:  God knows we have already chosen to have knowledge of good and evil, but he sets us an example by clothing us to help us to choose the ‘GOOD’.  God wants us to choose goodness as opposed to evil in ALL our life choices, and helped us to make that choice right there at the beginning by clothing us.

 Thus, in all our life circumstance were decisions are to be made which involve good and evil, God has already given us an example that he wants us to ‘Choose the GOOD’.

 We must make ‘GOOD’ and ‘POSITIVE’ and ‘LIFE AFFIRMING’ choices in every choice we make through our lives.  God desired ‘GOOD’ and ‘HOLY’ people who make the ‘RIGHT’ Choices.

 The ‘Rainbow Bible’ is a primary text we utilize to learn the basis for doing good as opposed to evil.  But God has also given us the people of Israel and the writings of the TENAKH to also assist us in learning good from evil.

 The fellowship teaches that the teaching of the ‘Rainbow Bible’ is mandatory for the fellowship.  The things in the Rainbow Bible MUST be complied with.  But it is always useful and sensible to commit to following those teachings within the TENAK that we find ourselves capable of following.  We should BUILD ON THE ROCK OF ISRAEL whenever and wherever we are capable of doing so.  We should strive to become as holy, by the fullness of God’s law, as we are capable of doing.

 God expects the teaching of the Rainbow Bible as a minimum for children of Noah.  But we should strive to please God and put into practice as much of the Torah of Israel as we are capable of doing so.  This pleases God even more so.

 We MAY NOT practice the Passover.  This is forbidden unless we are converted to Judaism and circumcised (as a male) or converted to Judaism as a woman.  Further we can not practice the priestly laws or laws which don’t apply to us directly.  But those which apply to the people of Israel in general, apart from the Passover, we can practice, and ideally should follow as much of God’s holy law as we are capable of doing so.

 Orthodox Judaism teaches that Noahides may apply teachings of the Torah if they so choose, so we are not contrary to the teaching of Orthodox, and Karaite Judaism generally expects Noahides should convert to Judaism anyway, so they don’t object to us putting into practice these holy laws.

 So, let us strive to please God by choosing Goodness and Holiness in our lifelong walk with the Almighty.






Children of Noah need to be "Children of Peace".  The world’s most popular sign or symbol for Peace is usually the 'DOVE'.  As fortune would have it, one of the key symbols for Noah's covenant, alongside the Rainbow, is the 'Dove'.

The Dove represents Peace, Purity and sacrifice in biblical language.   They were used in official sacrifices because of their gentle nature and their purity for sacrificial food.

What we as "Children of Peace" and "Children of Noah" need to be are "Sacrifices of Peace" to all mankind.  We need to sacrifice our own egos, desires and ambitions on the altar of Yahweh in service to all mankind for the "Peace Offering" which will heal ALL the children of Adam & Eve and 'Noah'.

Children of Peace are not interested in violence or bloodshed.  We are interested in bringing healing when others would bring pain.  We are interested in bringing love, when others would bring hate.  We are interested in bringing 'Peace' when others would bring 'War'.

We strive to be friendly and at "Peace" with our neighbour and fellow citizens.  We are lawful and try to be Just in all our dealings.  We are gentle and soft and kindhearted.  We are Children of Peace and Children of the Dove.






It is never easy or pleasant to have to deal with hostility.  To deal with deceitful men and violent men can often be the very bane and hardest part of our lives.  Sometimes, especially in youth, we can be confronted with people who don't show any affection towards us and are even judgemental, hostile and violent.

Because children of Noah are meant to be a peaceful and friendly people, it can be difficult to know how we are supposed to react.

In Isaiah 53 the suffering servant did not 'Yell Out' or 'bitterly accuse' his oppressors.  Instead he went silently to his slaughter.

Children of Noah need to be 'Meek' and 'Gentle' in the face of opposition.  We need to return 'Love' for 'Hate', and 'Gentleness' for 'Hostility'.

We need to serve as an example to those who oppress us of the patience and love of Almighty God.

On a societal level the Police have an important role.  These brave souls are required by God to confront the lawless members of our society and deal with evil on a day to day basis.  If God calls you to the Police force it is because you have the strength of character to deal with this work.  Judges and law courts also have important responsibilities in confronting evil and we must always support them by being upright citizens and making their jobs easier.  Ultimately, though, regular everyday children of Noah need to be gentle and peaceful.  A quiet and sensible flock of God our shepherd, quietly going about life and keeping the peace.  We only confront evil as a last absolute, and then only with special roles in society for people equipped to do as such.  Ultimately, when confronted with evil, show peace.  As King Solomon says in his proverbs:  "A Gentle Answer Turneth Away Wrath"






Here is a proverb:  "The World lies at the Feet of a disciplined Man"

A disciplined man has the ability to:

* Pray, because he finds the time to do this daily on routine.

* Study, because he is motivated and WORKS hard to achieve his goals.

* Teach others, because his inspiration from God leads him to work to strengthen society.

* Achieve success, because he gets up every morning dutifully for work, is disciplined enough to follow the correct work procedures, is disciplined enough to work his FULL allotment of hours without shirking, is disciplined enough to attend ALL work meetings and is disciplined enough to show a good attitude and ethic to his employers.  Being disciplined means having the ability to work hard under the Authority of God who will lead you and PUSH you to achieve the kind of goals you are capable of.  It is a true saying, "The World lies at the feet of a disciplined man'. 






A Wife of Noble Character (Proverbs 31:10-31) 10 [c] A wife of noble character who can find?     She is worth far more than rubies.  11 Her husband has full confidence in her and lacks nothing of value.  12 She brings him good, not harm,  all the days of her life. 13 She selects wool and flax and works with eager hands.  14 She is like the merchant ships, bringing her food from afar.  15 She gets up while it is still dark;  she provides food for her family  and portions for her servant girls.  16 She considers a field and buys it;  out of her earnings she plants a vineyard.  17 She sets about her work vigorously; her arms are strong for her tasks. 18 She sees that her trading is profitable,  and her lamp does not go out at night.  19 In her hand she holds the distaff  and grasps the spindle with her fingers.  20 She opens her arms to the poor  and extends her hands to the needy. 21 When it snows, she has no fear for her household;  for all of them are clothed in scarlet.

 22 She makes coverings for her bed;  she is clothed in fine linen and purple. 23 Her husband is respected at the city gate, where he takes his seat among the elders of the land.  24 She makes linen garments and sells them, and supplies the merchants with sashes.  25 She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.  26 She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue.  27 She watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness.  28 Her children arise and call her blessed;  her husband also, and he praises her:

 29 "Many women do noble things,  but you surpass them all."  30 Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.  31 Give her the reward she has earned,  and let her works bring her praise at the city gate.






Have you noticed how when people say kind things about your personality it makes you feel good.  And have you also noticed that when people insult you or say nasty things about your friends or family that you feel bad and negative.  So much of how we react to other people in life is not only in what they do but what they SAY.  Words have power.  It has been said 'The Pen is Mightier than the sword' and how true that is.


Perhaps the greatest public speaker of all time was Jesus of Nazareth.  The gospel says Jesus spoke with 'Authority.'  Perhaps the real key to this authority was that it challenged the established ruling class of the Sanhedrin priesthood.
 Our greatest political leaders usually have that about them as well - a sense of authority.  As if they have something we all want to listen to, and a divine mandate to speak these words.
 In life, the words you yourself speak come from your own authority - your own personal power.  They reflect you perfectly and communicate to others what you are about and what you believe.
 They have the power to speak positively and the power to speak negatively.  Here is a quotation from the New Testament book of James on the power of the Tongue.
JAMES 3:3-12
3When we put bits into the mouths of horses to make them obey us, we can turn the whole animal. 4Or take ships as an example. Although they are so large and are driven by strong winds, they are steered by a very small rudder wherever the pilot wants to go. 5Likewise the tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts. Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark. 6The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole person, sets the whole course of his life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell.
 7All kinds of animals, birds, reptiles and creatures of the sea are being tamed and have been tamed by man, 8but no man can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison.
 9With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in God's likeness. 10Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers, this should not be. 11Can both fresh water and salt[a] water flow from the same spring? 12My brothers, can a fig tree bear olives, or a grapevine bear figs? Neither can a salt spring produce fresh water.
 Watch over your tongue for it is your own power and, in many ways, the power of death and life.  To curse or to heal.






As you probably know, Isralites pray the 'Shema' every day. It goes:


Shema Israel

Adonai Eloheinu

Adonai Achud




Hear Israel

The Lord our God

The Lord is One


The Noahide Shema is similar and goes


Shema Noach

Adonai Eloheinu

Adonai Achud


We simple replace 'Israel' with 'Noach'.

This can be a daily prayer each morning or each evening - at least sometime during the day.






 The ‘Serpent’ tempted Adam and Eve.  Scripture teaches that before the serpent was turned into a snake-like form, he had another form which walked upright.  In the ‘Pseudepigrapha’ book of ‘The Life of Adam and Eve’, the Serpent is shown to be ‘Satan’.  This is a part of ‘Jewish Tradition’.

 In the book of Job, Satan opposes people who try to serve God.  He opposed Job with the line ‘Skin for Skin a man will give all he owns to save his life.’  This teaches that Satan is somewhat cynical, and very adversarial to humanity.  He expects the lowest common denominator from us and does not seemingly have a high opinion of us.

 I, personally, have heard demons mock me.  These voices were separate and apart from the typical voices associated with schizophrenia.  They were literal demonic voices encountered early on in my walk with God.

 Scripture does not really say if Satan is the head of the demons, but this is the tradition which has been built up.

 In our example of Job in scripture, Satan TESTS us.  Remember when Jesus is talking to the apostles and says ‘Satan has asked to SIFT you.’  Satan TESTS the genuineness of our faith, as the example in Job illustrates.  In this sense, then, he is a servant of God, doing his will, by testing the genuineness of our faith.

 There is no point in cursing Satan, reviling him or accusing him.  This is pointless.  He simply does his job in finding our weaknesses.  We may complain about our weaknesses being exposed, but they are better of being dealt with sooner than later.  Really, in truth, we should be grateful for the testing, realizing we will only be made holier in the end.

 Christianity calls Satan ‘The great old devil, the serpent, the dragon.’  This, really, is a fabulous misconception about what the Devil is all about.  He is our adversary to make us REAL – to get all the fakeness out of us.

 So do not curse the devil or his agendas.  He is only exposing what needs to be exposed before the throne of God anyway.






These are my personal judgements for what should be part of the practices of Haven Noahide fellowship No tattoos - this is a deliberate marring of the flesh

No Cuttings of the flesh - a deliberate marring of the flesh

No ear-rings or nose-rings through holes in flesh - a deliberate marring of the flesh
Fingernails: Fingernails always grow back and continue to grow if uncut.  As such it
is the right thing to do to trim fingernails.  God designed us to trim
our fingernails.
 Facial Hair: Facial hair, like fingernails, always grows back and continues to grow.  It is entirely appropriate to trim facial hair and even be fully shaved if someone desires to.  Because the hair grows back and continues to grow it can be
styled according to fashion if desired.
 Women's hair length: Women may cut their hair short in the western style of they so wish.  Women's hair likewise continues to grow back so this is a non-issue.  Being fashionable and practical are important principles for women.
 Makeup: Makeup to cover blemishes is important, but women should not be ashamed of their own particular 'NATURAL' look as well.  As such a woman who refuses to wear makeup should not be ashamed at the look her creator naturally gave her.  Our natural look is beautiful in God's eyes, and never an issue of shame.  However it is entirely appropriate to use makeup to cover blemishes as this can cause personal embarrassment otherwise and God cares about our feelings.
 Cigarettes:  These very often cause cancer and other diseases and should not be used or, if used, only smoked in very small quantities (a few cigarettes a year).
 Alcohol:  Can cause all sorts of health problems and needs to be kept to a minimum.
Drunkeness should be completely avoided.
 Illegal drugs:  We should not use these because civic law forbids it.  However, in countries were they are legal, all health concerns about the drugs need to be taken into consideration.





It is so easy to answer someone sharply or aggressively.  It is so easy to be proud and think we know better than others and, out of that pride, answer back as if we know it all.  But God resists the proud and gives grace to the humble.  Being gentle is the call of all the children of Noah.  We have to be strong people, but we have to show our strength through our gentleness.  Being gentle means being soft.  It means being kind to people, even when they show their harsher sides to us.  It means being meek and timid like.  It means having NO AGGRESSION.  God wants children of Noah to be very, very GENTLE.  To be soft, kind and pure.  Seek gentleness.






Here is the 'TESTING' of Abraham from Scripture 

Genesis 22 (New International Version)

Abraham Tested

 1 Some time later God tested Abraham. He said to him, "Abraham!"
      "Here I am," he replied.  2 Then God said, "Take your son, your only son, Isaac, whom you love, and go to the region of Moriah. Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains I will tell you about."

 3 Early the next morning Abraham got up and saddled his donkey. He took with him two of his servants and his son Isaac. When he had cut enough wood for the burnt offering, he set out for the place God had told him about. 4 On the third day Abraham looked up and saw the place in the distance. 5 He said to his servants, "Stay here with the donkey while I and the boy go over there. We will worship and then we will come back to you."

 6 Abraham took the wood for the burnt offering and placed it on his son Isaac, and he himself carried the fire and the knife. As the two of them went on together, 7 Isaac spoke up and said to his father Abraham, "Father?"
      "Yes, my son?" Abraham replied.
      "The fire and wood are here," Isaac said, "but where is the lamb for the burnt offering?"

 8 Abraham answered, "God himself will provide the lamb for the burnt offering, my son." And the two of them went on together.

 9 When they reached the place God had told him about, Abraham built an altar there and arranged the wood on it. He bound his son Isaac and laid him on the altar, on top of the wood. 10 Then he reached out his hand and took the knife to slay his son. 11 But the angel of the LORD called out to him from heaven, "Abraham! Abraham!"
      "Here I am," he replied.

 12 "Do not lay a hand on the boy," he said. "Do not do anything to him. Now I know that you fear God, because you have not withheld from me your son, your only son."

 13 Abraham looked up and there in a thicket he saw a ram [a] caught by its horns. He went over and took the ram and sacrificed it as a burnt offering instead of his son. 14 So Abraham called that place The LORD Will Provide. And to this day it is said, "On the mountain of the LORD it will be provided."

 15 The angel of the LORD called to Abraham from heaven a second time 16 and said, "I swear by myself, declares the LORD, that because you have done this and have not withheld your son, your only son, 17 I will surely bless you and make your descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and as the sand on the seashore. Your descendants will take possession of the cities of their enemies, 18 and through your offspring [b] all nations on earth will be blessed, because you have obeyed me."

 19 Then Abraham returned to his servants, and they set off together for Beersheba. And Abraham stayed in Beersheba.
In the immediate sense, God was testing Abraham's loyalty.  But there is a far more significant basis behind this - something very fundamental.
 I have, in the past, thought Abraham was gutless for not standing up to God when God asked him to kill his son.  I felt to myself if it was my son I would have told God to go to hell.  And, in a sense, that is why God asked Abraham to kill his son.
 For a man of the ancient world like Abraham, and still to a degree today, the son represented the 'SEED' of the man or 'HIS LEGACY'.  When Abraham complained to God before this that he had no seed and a servant in his household would be his heir it reflected how important the legacy of children was to them.
But what a legacy of descendants can turn into, if we are proud, is a sense of our own greatness and the pride which accompanies it.  And more than that – in our seed we seek to dominate other seeds and rule mankind.  It is the nature of the competitive spirit which all to easily overcomes ambitious men, and even women too.
 Going back in time to the early centuries AD, this is the time when many of the famous surnames and clan names came into being.  What you could perhaps surmise is that the progenitors of these clans all gained a sense of pride at their great accomplishment.  You see, having children can lead to a great sense of pride as if we have accomplished something great.
 But God does not like pride in men.  Because in pride we have hatred, conflict and war.  We have tribal divisions and wars between them and have for a long time suffered racial hatreds and divisions because of the jealousies and prides
held in one clan hierarchy against another.
 When God asked Abraham to sacrifice Isaac he was cutting right to the core of Abraham's dreams of Glory.  Abraham had ambitions for his children, to see them in Glory one day, as God had indeed promised him, but God needed to test Abraham.  He needed, in that testing, to destroy the pride which had built up in Abraham because of the promises of God and by asking Abraham to kill Isaac, he broke Abraham's pride.  And then God did not have a barbaric son in the people of Israel, but a people of law, justice and peace.
 God asked Abraham to kill his pride.  To kill his glory.  And the real step all of us need to take in our lives is to leave behind us the sense of accomplishment and pride we achieve in our children's lives and realize that it is the purpose
of men to glorify the creator God who gave us our abilities in the first place.
 Children are meant for joy, not pride, as if we are something special.






One of my personal proverbs is this:  "To succeed - Persevere".  You see, completing a work task, especially a long and complicated one, takes a lot of effort and often is not done at one sitting or at one go.  To gain success in achieving goals you need to be committed to your goal and work steadily to achieve it.  Success does not come through a half-hearted attempt at achieving glory.  It comes through patient, careful, thoughtful and methodical planning - and then working to that plan to carefully achieve your goals.  There are some principles for reaching goals:

* Start with the end in mind

* If at first you don't succeed, try, try again

* A good beginning makes a good ending

* A journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step

Often, to succeed in life, we need to simply get of our butts and actually make a beginning to a project.  But to achieve the ultimate goals we have in life, you must PERSEVERE.  This means facing up to challenges and obstacles and doing your best to work through them.  It means honestly facing up to the challenge and doing the required work for success.  If you desire success, God will provide the means for you to achieve it.  Your part is to make a good start and persevere.






 Members of Haven need to really learn this important truth.  God loves us, dearly.  But it is also a real truth that God has not yet completed perfecting planet earth, and a lot more work needs to be done in improving our societies and bringing wealth and blessings.  We can get so frustrated because of our lack of blessing in life, and we often end up blaming God and saying he doesn’t really care about us and doesn’t answer our prayers.  It is true – a lot of the time God doesn’t answer our prayers for blessings, especially finances, and we are left wondering if he really cares about us or is devoted to us. 


There is this saying popular in the western world – ‘God helps those who help themselves.’  A lot of the time God will simply provide us with the knowledge we need to be able to go about doing the work on gaining our OWN blessing from our OWN hard work.  God wants to see in members of Haven Noahide Fellowship the attitude that WE will take care of our own lives as well as his own input.  You see, God is making leaders and holy people out of us, and training us to be responsible and take care of things ourselves.  He doesn’t want us to always have to rely upon him, especially when we are capable of getting our own blessing through our own perseverance.  When there are challenges in life, especially the challenge of low incomes, God wants us to do everything in our power to work hard and look for all the opportunities we possibly can in life to further our own situation.

 A big part of that and a real key to success, wether you notice this immediately or not in the first instance, is gaining a very good education.  I am not just talking about qualifications from schools and colleges and universities, but real life education as well.  If you have internet access LEARN as much as you can.  Seek out ‘Good Advice’ websites, and also seek out websites on basic things such as ‘Mathematical knowledge’ and ‘Language teaching’ and ‘History websites’ and ‘Geography websites (Ie Maps of the world etc) and all sorts of knowledge and information.  You must commit to ‘Lifelong’ learning.  A very, very good start is to buy a dictionary, even a small one, and learn a new word every day to increase your vocabulary.  Try and learn the meanings of words that you don’t know and talk with a partner or a friend about the word and try and bring it into a conversation.  Remember, language is how we communicate in society, so the more words you know, the stronger your communication skills, and the better your chances of success in life.  Often success can be done not just through exterior schoolings, but simply our own home efforts to improve were and when we can.  Dictionaries are an excellent way to start and should be studied regularly.  If you can afford an ‘Atlas’ (maps of the world) this is an excellent idea, and it really is worth studying the names of the countries of the world and their capital cities and major geographical features.  Remember, nations don’t change their names a lot, so learning who else is in your world and about them and STAYING INFORMED and BROADENING YOUR KNOWLEDGE is always the best thing to do.

 A good lesson is to ‘DO THE BEST WITH WHAT YOU ALREADY HAVE.’  With the things God has already provided for you, learn to make use of them already.  If you have access to the internet remember to spend whatever time you have learning new things.  A useful thing to do when wanting to know about something on the internet is also typing in ‘wikipedia’ with whatever you want to look up as wikipedia has a lot of information.  Try looking up online dictionaries if you need to and just learn a new word from an online dictionary every now and again, write it down or try to remember it, and talk about it with your partner or friends and family.  Remember this truth – ‘THE BETTER EDUCATED A SOCIETY, THE MORE WEALTH AND PROSPERITY WILL COME TO IT’.

 So remember, when you find all these frustrations in life, DON’T BLAME GOD, but try to do the very best with what he has already provided for you.  When you persevere at life and work hard the blessing inevitably comes.  So, DON’T GIVE UP, KEEP THE FAITH, TRUST IN THE LORD, AND LOVE ALWAYS AT ALL TIMES.






 The intention of Haven Noahide Fellowship is to slowly grow into an international fellowship.  We desire to have a system of connected fellowships, all serving a common mission of providing a spiritual ‘Haven’ or ‘Sanctuary’ to children of Noah, Mankind, today.  The Pastoral system, in which a pastor is responsible for the running of each fellowship, answerable to a national pastor or overseer in each country, who is in turn answerable to the head pastor of the Australian fellowship, were the fellowship began, is the basic hierarchical system which we intend to have operating.


The pastoral system is to be maintained similarly to a Rabbinic system or a Catholic Priestly or Christian Pastoral system.  In this sense it is important for the pastors who devote themselves full time to ministry within the fellowship as a whole to be supported by members of the assembly.

 Haven accepts the ‘Tithing’ system, which both Abram and Jacob followed, as an acceptable means of support for the pastoral hierarchy.  Our pastors are meant to be representatives of the divine on earth, acting as intercessors and as elders responsible for ministering spiritual values to their respective flocks.  The ideal is to maintain a full-time pastor for each assembly, who would be supported through ‘Tithes’ of faithful and committed members and any other freewill offerings.

 As new members of a fellowship, you should not feel obligated to commit your own finances to the fellowship until a time in which you feel it is the kind of spiritual fellowship you feel you can personally make a commitment to.  If you desire to be a committed member of Haven Noahide Fellowship on an ongoing basis it then becomes appropriate to make financial commitments as well.  However, if you are new and are simply trying to work out if you fit in our assembly or not you needn’t concern yourself with any financial commitments.

 For committed members we do not make inquiries into how much you give to the assembly.  The offerings are meant to be collected anonymously, and nobody is meant to know what or how much you give to the assembly.  As a fellowship we teach that the ‘Tithing’ system of 10% of income is biblical and consistent with scripture and practice in the community of other biblical organisations.  However, while we recommend the tithe as both a way of supporting the pastor and a way of bringing individual blessing to the giver (as the person who gives to a shepherd of God is seen as supporting God’s will, and we believe God, in return, blesses such an individual) we do not teach it in any way as a mandatory practice and happily enough accept whatever people are willing to offer. However, we do teach that giving 10% of your income, even if you don't have much, is the best way for someone to start gaining a blessing themselves, for he who gives to God's stewards are giving to God, and the blessing you may be hoping for might really start coming once you start tithing yourself. Tithing is biblical, God's established system, and a good foundation to build ones life upon.

It is a natural part of human nature to be suspicious and question exactly why you should give your pastor 10% of your hard earned winnings.  Firstly, there is NO command in scripture for Noahides to tithe to a pastoral system or join a Noahide Fellowship.  If you want to join Haven Noahide Fellowship you MUST do so because of your own voluntary desire to be part of a spiritual fellowship particularly focused on learning Karaite Noahide teaching and doctrine.  Haven Noahide Fellowship was established in 2007.  There ARE older established Talmudic Noahide movements, so we are NOT the oldest Noahide body or fellowship.  We do NOT make any such claim.  But we DO claim to be the oldest established ‘Karaite’ or ‘Bible (Tenakh / Old Testament) only Noahide fellowship.  Of the ones who reject the Talmudic literature on principle and accept the Tenakh as the primacy of God’s teaching and authority, we DO claim to be the oldest of such groups.  I am not aware of any other founded Karaite Noahide movement at all.  Thus, if in your walk with God you come to conclude that Karaite Noahide faith is your religious belief, then we ARE the oldest movement of such bodies, and currently not aware of any other competitors.  Thus, it is largely on this simple fact of a religious established body unique in nature that we make our claims of legitimacy.  If you accept the 7 Laws of Noah, and the punishment of the death penalty for violating these laws, then you belong in the Talmudic Noahide world.  If you accept the 7 laws of Noah, but think the death penalty for ALL of them (for such things as theft and eating blood as well) is just a bit weird or extreme, then you probably belong with us.

You DON’T have to join us.  That is your own prerogative.  You are perfectly free to walk with God on your own merit and minister to yourself, your family and your own fellowship if you wish.  That is totally within your owe domain.  We WELCOME members, but do NOT compel them to remain with us if they ultimately choose not to.  It is up to YOU.

However, IF and this is an important IF, IF you do ultimately decide to call Haven Noahide Fellowship your home, and you become an official member, it would be, in the way we run our fellowship, appropriate and acceptable and important to offer your general tithe to your own fellowship pastor.  Your pastor would in turn give a tithe to the pastoral fellowship from which he was planted, the tithing system going all the way back to the head Canberra fellowship.  In the next life (the world to come) the head Canberra fellowship intends to continue the tithe, delivering 10% of the Canberra Fellowship’s Income to Noah himself (who we would expect to tithe of our income to Adam and Eve).






In Biblical religious tradition Burial is usually the practice for dealing with the bodies of dead people.  Abraham, Jacob and Joseph were all buried, as was Sarah.

 In the prophetical writings of the ‘Neviim’ in the Tenakh (The Jewish Bible) the scripture speaks of dead bones being resurrected.  There is a biblical idea that the resurrection to the world to come is from the dead bones of buried people.  Contrasting this is that in non-monotheistic cultures ‘Cremation’ was and still is a prevalent practice.

 Haven has the view that God is capable of resurrecting a spirit which has died in a new body in the ‘World to Come’ if he so desires, wether that be from a buried body or a cremated body.  But perhaps there is a reason why the monotheistic religions have buried for so long, and the reason cemeteries have become such an important part of the monotheistic world.

 The decision to bury or cremate for a monotheist can thus be a crucial decision.  It must not be taken lightly and if one has biblical beliefs that it is necessary to bury for the future resurrection then you should certain arrange for this.

 Haven thus makes the general ruling that when and were a member of the fellowship is capable of affording burial they should in fact do so.  It is important to pray to God for guidance in this area and follow his will.  We can not say wether burial is necessary for life in the World to Come or not, but for those with such concerns they should be mindful to ensure they are buried and have arrangements made for this act before they pass on.










The Rainbow Bible records Adam and Eve becoming one flesh as husband and wife.  In fact, a man shall leave his father and mother and cleave unto his wife and the two shall be one flesh.

 Marriage between a man and a woman is a fundamental and natural human relationship.  When we are born into the world from a very young age there is a yearning to be close with people, and it is in the union of marriage upon a suitable age that the most defining of life’s relationships can arise.  Marriage between man and woman can bring children – more people in the human race.  Certainly, children can be born outside of the marital relationship, but when marriage occurs, strengthened by the bonds of commitment and love, a happier home for children ensues, one in which they can be taught traditional family values and become pillars in their society.

 Haven stresses the ‘Normality’ of the choice of marriage and that, in most circumstances, this should be the normal choice a human being would make for their life upon a suitable age.  Certainly, we are of the opinion that many people choose to remain single throughout their lives, feeling marriage is not for them.  We do not condemn such choices, and respect people’s fundamental human right not to marry if they so choose.  But we do strongly recommend marriage and stress that it should be considered the ‘Usual’ or ‘Normal’ course of action for a human being upon becoming mature enough to marry.

Marriage is intended to be an important union between man and woman, is a fundamental aspect of the Rainbow Bible, and Haven Noahide Fellowship upholds and maintains this tradition completely.

Marriage rites and ceremonies can be determined by the individual’s marrying, but there is no problem in national customs in marriage being followed by members of Haven Noahide Fellowship.









Part of Israel’s Torah is to ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength’.

 As children of Noah we are not specifically commanded to cleave to God in a relationship of love, but this is most definitely a part of a faith-filled Noahide walk with God.  El Shaddai is a loving and compassionate creator.  When God has drawn us into a relationship with himself, often drawing us away from a sinful lifestyle to knowledge of him, helping us to repent of our sinful ways, often a way we want to express our hearts desire in our love towards him is through the act of worship.

 In ancient cultures idolatry was the act of worship and devotion to a believed in ‘deity’ or ‘god’.  Today, Hinduism is still an expression of idolatry, as is Oneness Christianity with its belief that Jesus is God the Father.  The usual problem with idolatry is that it is a mis-focus on the one who actually deserves to be the central focus of our true love and adoration, Jehovah himself.

 Christians often talk about a relationship of love they have developed towards the person of Jesus.  They often claim special encounters have happened in their lives which lead them to believe Jesus is there lord and saviour.  While this is a significant thing in Christian faith, as Noahides our focus is on Yahweh himself, who we would tell Christians is the God of Israel, or God the Father in ancient Christian Pre-Trinitarian belief.  In fact, we teach that Jesus believed in God and worshipped God, a being he taught was separate and distinct from himself. 

 The Jehovah’s Witnesses, the main branch of Unitarian Christianity, are a group which do not view Jesus as God or a member of the Trinity and Noahide faith shares this basic viewpoint.  While we do not believe that Jesus was a ‘god’ in the way the Jehovah’s Witnesses do, nor that he was the Archangel Michael, we do accept that he was a very real historical personage, and the author of much of the Gospel teaching.  But we do not worship Jesus of Nazareth, and view him as a very real ‘Human Being’, a son of Israel, and a teacher of Torah based spirituality.  In essence we view Jesus as a ‘Rabbinic’ type figure (Rabbi means Teacher), but someone totally human in origin, and not a focal point of worship.

 Jehovah God, also known as ‘Yahweh’ or ‘Yahovah’ or various such wordings of the divine name, in Haven’s belief is the creator of the universe, and the source of pure and true love.  Worship of God is not just an acknowledgement of his sovereign power, but a way of drawing close in love with a being that will always treat you with love in return.  God is the author of morality – holiness emanates from his very nature – so when we commit to a relationship of love and worship of God we will connect to a source of love which will flow back to us in untold blessings of mercy, kindness and affection.  There is a scripture which says ‘Taste and see that the Lord is Good’.  We strongly advocate such a testing, for you will come to know the love and faithfulness of Jehovah, a God who will always remain faithful and never let you down.







It can be such a problem in today’s world for people to find acceptance with other people, with spiritual communities and with business organisations and society in general.  It seems that so many people often don’t fit well with the group, and are often ostracized or kept out because of it.

 As Noahides we need to remember that all mankind today are children of Noah, and that all are valuable and important in God’s eyes because of it.  Haven promotes tolerance and acceptance of people who find it difficult to relate to other people in various ways.  As a fellowship we have standards which, while accepting such practices are an active part of the lives of many of the children of Noah, tend to discourage or frown upon such practices being performed in hedonistic or vagrant and vulgar ways.  These are certain sexual and magical practices.  However it is very important that such people who violate these practices still find a home and acceptance with us.  We are meant to, in the same way Abraham interceded for the men of Sodom and Gomorrah, have great patience and mercy with people who practice lifestyles contrary to our usual customary behaviour.  To a degree, in how outspoken they are in their practices, they can still be members of Haven Noahide Fellowship – it all depends how much they flaunt their lifestyle to the embarrassment of others.  If they live a moderate lifestyle, obeying the civil laws of society which do not forbid these practices, then they are acceptable enough to become members of Haven Noahide Fellowship.  It is important enough to state the general viewpoint of the fellowship in our compliance with the biblical way in general to such people, but we must also practice enormous grace, mercy and friendship towards all people so that they can find a true home in Haven.  As Christina Aguilera sings, we are all beautiful in God’s eyes, and Haven is meant to be a ‘Haven’ for all the children of Noah.

 But it is not just people with divergent lifestyles which we need to accept – we must accept all lawful people into our fellowship who desire to join and find a home.  We must continually show all members of our fellowship grace, kindness, mercy, respect and love.  We should treat them as if they are Noah himself, as we must remember we are all Noah’s beloved children in God’s eyes.  We must have a heart which does not discriminate against people of vibrant alternative ways of life, yet tolerates and accepts in love such people as children of Noah worthy of our affections.

 In a funny way, despite Judaism’s often rejection of Jesus of Nazareth, Jesus is also a child of Noah, and is worthy of our respect and love as well.  In the way Jesus taught in his own views that you should ‘Do unto others as you would have them do unto you’, we should always show the kind of love and grace we would desire from others to all who come to us for friendship.  If you take it for granted that God loves you and shows you grace, so should be your attitude towards all the children of Noah.










The first man, Adam, had children.  And these children were made in the image of God, as Genesis 5 relates.  A fundamental purpose for us as human beings is to marry and procreate.  Procreation is having children, for God desires many children amongst mankind.

 When raising children there are many lessons that society has learned over a long period of time to ensure children turn out for the best.  I feel the most important of all lessons are those which focus on the morality of the child – those lessons which teach the child to choose right over wrong and make the best decisions.

 Morality, of course, should be in harmony with both God’s own teaching for us as well as the laws of society.  So many problems appear in the teenage years, such as drunkardness, drug-use, and wild and reckless behaviour, which could be avoided in a large degree if the parent’s exercised a stronger sense of teaching the child morality and lawfulness.  So much of the time children grow up with the belief that they are a law unto themselves, and only in later years do they start to realize they have responsibilities not only to themselves, but to society in general, and that being a moral and law abiding citizen is how these responsibilities are met.

 Solomon teaches that ‘to spare the rod is to spoil the child’.  Many in modern day society have a problem with this approach, and many are trying to legislate against it.  If you disfavour smacking you will need to replace this approach with a firm hand in your teaching and lecturing of your child.  The child needs to understand, as it is being raised, that it is becoming an important member of society, and that the things it says and does impact upon other people.

 ‘Fear of the Lord is the beginning of Knowledge and Wisdom’ so when a child is raised to respect God and its fellow man it will usually find the right way as it progresses in life.

 There are so many different ways of raising a child in terms of culture and practice, and there is no right or wrong way, really, for such a thing.  But all children need to be raised to respect God and their parents, and be taught to be good children, with an obedient sense of responsibility and morality.  And all parents have an obligation to ensure this.






Not all of us, it seems, are destined to marry.  And this is, really, not wrong.  Many people enjoy the single life and the blessing of being able to do things for themselves without the obligations of a partner and children.  Yet a single life still has a responsibility to interact with society, and should not separate to its own little world, were problems of insular behaviour can often result.

 If you have chosen the single life it is still very important to interact with whatever family you have, or have strong friendships or relationships with a spiritual community.  No man or woman is a rock or an island, and we all share this planet together.  Even as a single person you still have some sort of obligation to be a member of your society and show other people in your society you care and are concerned about them and society as a whole.  You still need to contribute ‘Yourself’ to society, as you are an important and cherished part of God’s plan for the world.

 There is a sense that the most regular lifestyle chosen for a child of Noah should be to raise children, as God did command Noah and his seed to do as such, but in a world today with over 6 Billion people we don’t have to worry that much about the fulfilling of this command as there are so many people.  But it is still important to procreate and replace ourselves if we can.

 Yet there is no shame in the single life, and such people should still strive to be a valuable and important contributing member of the society in which they live.










 Haven teaches the important role that each of the major world religions plays in the moral conduct of their adherents and the peoples of the world.  We believe that monotheism is the purest form of religion, but that all religions which point to displaying a moral code and way of life have value and are important contributors to the spiritual life of mankind.

 The major monotheistic religions of Judaism, Christianity, Islam and Bahai, we view as the main spokes of the teaching of God’s sense of morality and justice in mankind today.  Haven views these 4 religions as specific Noahide-Based religions, as each of them accepts the God of Adam and Eve, the God of Noah and the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.  We feel that these religions are fundamentally important to the spiritual growth of mankind and are a valued and cherished part of God’s plan for the future of mankind.

 Yet, what unites them all in a very true and physical sense is that each member of these religions today are ALL descended from Noah.  Further, ALL of them have the witness of the Rainbow in their lives, wether they have specific knowledge of Noah’s covenant or not.

 Of course, that witness is not just limited to monotheists, but all other religious and non-religious people see the Rainbow in their lives as well.

 Haven sees Noahide faith as the ‘Universal Faith’ underpinning each of the major monotheistic religions in particular, but also part of the traditional ways of life that all the children of mankind have inherited from their ancestors.

 The religious principles of Noahide faith seem to be accepted quite literally by each of the major monotheistic religions, playing an active part in their theological teachings and beliefs.  As we see it Noahide faith has the potential to play an active role in ecumenical and interfaith religious movements, and we view it as a ‘Uniting Force’ which is the crux of our community in a very literal ‘Family’ sense.

 Noahide faith is, really, for all mankind as a Universal faith.  While many of us will choose a religion other than simply just Noahide faith to practice and live by, it really should be understood, as represented by Haven in particular, as the Universal focus of all religious belief, and what underpins our community of faith in mankind today.






 Leviticus 18 & 20 as well as Deuteronomy 18:9-14 show the judgement of God upon the Noahide nations of Egypt and Canaan.  It is important to remember these things in relation to these judgements.

 Firstly, Canaan itself was the land to become the promised land of Israel, and was subject to a higher code of law because of it.  Egypt was the resident home of Abraham for a while, as well as Jacob (Israel) and the Israelite people as a nation had their formative years in the land of Egypt.  Because of this these two lands are considered important by God in terms of the holiness required for living there.

 Secondly, Abraham’s first son, Ishmael, had a mother, Hagar, who was an Egyptian and Ishmael himself married an Egyptian.  Further, Joseph married an Egyptian and thus the Israelite tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh are half-Egyptian.  And the other sons of Jacob married Canaanite wives.

 Therefore, because of these reasons, these two nations in particular amongst the Noahide nations were judged by God with a stricter judgement than the rest of mankind in relation to issues of sexuality and magical practices.

 Thus, the laws of Leviticus 18 & 20 and Deuteronomy 18:9-14 should be strongly considered as applying to the people of Egypt and those descendants of Canaan.






 In terms of legal responsibilities towards God, the divisions amongst mankind based on the Torah should be seen as thus:

 Noahides – Noahide law as described in this document.  The sign of Noah’s covenant is the Rainbow (Genesis 9).

 Hebrews (Descendants of Eber, from the line of Shem, 14th in the line of Adam) – Noahide law plus special treatments in Exodus relating to laws of slaver

 Abrahamides (Descendant of Abraham, excluding Israelites from Moses generation onwards) – Noahide law plus the circumcision.  Jethro who was a Midianite and descended from Abraham, Moses father-in-law, offered burnt offerings to the Lord.  Abraham tithed once to Melchizedek who was a Noahide priest of Salem.  The occasional tithe is thus a suitable part of Abrahamide faith.  Abraham offered this tithe prior to his circumcision, whilst operating under Hebrew faith, as Abraham was a Hebrew.  The sign of Abraham’s covenant is the circumcision (Genesis 17).

 Israelides – the relevant sections of Torah law in relation to the various divisions amongst priesthood, wether commoner, Levite, Priestly family, High Priest or King.  The sign of Israel’s covenant is the blood of bulls and the Torah law itself (Exodus 24).






 This Rainbow Bible with its list of sermons is meant to give an introductory idea and feel of the simplicity of faith in God and walking with him as a child of Noah.  Really, we can complicate things if we wish to and, in life, sometimes things can get complicated.  But spirituality is meant to have a simple essence of simply ‘Doing the right thing’.  Christians often use the slogan ‘WWJD’ which stands for ‘What Would Jesus Do’.  While that is admirable for Christians, perhaps as Noahides we could ask ‘WWND’ or ‘What Would Noah Do’.

 In all of life’s difficulties you are not going to find an answer to every question in a book.  You are going to have to think for yourself and put some real ‘Heart and Soul’ into solving your lifes difficulties.  As a spiritual person your real quest is to do the right thing in each circumstance you find yourself in life and be a good representative of the name of your father ‘Noah’.  God is there for each and every child of Noah, and as we continue to learn from others and for ourselves let us rest in the grace which comes from the love and benevolence of our Almighty Heavenly Father.




 In our walk with the God of Noah, there is a purpose.  There is a point.  We are born into this world and it seems for so many that we arrive at our 18th year starting to ask questions about why we are here and what it is all about.

 For those of us in Haven Noahide Fellowship we have found the answer.  To serve God as children of Noah living lives pleasing to him.  And a large part of that life process, were we are heading, is become virtuous people.

 Virtues are qualities or character traits which define us.  Characteristics of our personality which shine though in our behaviours.  And virtues are meant to be understood as positive, moral or life-affirming characteristics.

 Here is a list of some important virtues:































To understand what each of these virtues are, simply look them up in a dictionary for their meaning.  But most of us instinctively know what these words mean.

 You see, a large part of our overall virtue is putting into practice these characteristics, studying out ideas and ways of life which will inculcate them into our nature, and persevering with them, which is a virtue in an of itself, to see a real change in our lives to become virtuous people.

 The main character of virtue are words which are synonymous with virtue, such as righteousness, holiness and godliness.  Through listening to people teach on the ways of a good life and by carefully putting into practice positive ideals and, when we fall short of these ideals, repenting of our carnal or sinful or simply slack behaviours, we reinforce the teaching of virtue in our life and progress in our walk with God becoming the kind of children of God that he will be proud to call his own.

 So strive for being virtuous and committed to a lifestyle of holiness.  It will be a garland around your neck which will make you the joy of your family and your community.






 Genesis chapter 1 and 2 teach that God created the world in 6 days, then rested on the 7th day, his day of rest.  You see, God is a spiritually alive being, but even God needs to rest from time to time.  It may sound strange, but God is a feeling and thinking being with a heart and emotion, but also a being, despite his capabilities, which also needs to rest and relax.  God needs some down-time.  Some time to relax, unwind and just be at peace with his creation.  And that is why he gave the Sabbath day to Israel – to be at peace with Israel on the seventh day of the week when he doesn’t have to do very much.

 God speaks to me – and God has told me through the holy spirit that he wants to eventually sanctify all the earth to keep the Sabbath.  To have a special day of rest when his holy spirit can rest upon all the earth, and not just Israel, and delight in his people, the children of Adam and Eve, and the Children of Noah.

 In Israel he is particularly fussy and likes very little activity to take place.  Outside of Israel in the Noahide world we need to give God a rest as well, as also we need to rest, and it needs to be a time of quiet, peacefulness, when very little is undertaken and calmness is the days repose.  We need to ‘not kindle a fire’ and by that, on the Sabbath day, I mean be very gentle and peaceful in the way you conduct yourself on that day.  Say calm, soothing words.  Do not be overly exuberant on the day, do not be overly noisy our loud and boisterous.  Be calm and gentle, a soothing solace to God who desires to find peace with us.

 A relaxing picnic can be a good thing and remember to invite God along so he can enjoy the pleasant fellowship.  Invite God into your life on the Sabbath day and be that peaceful and joyous celebration of rest he wants us all to be on his sacred seventh day.







 Judgement on others can be so hard.  People can often be affected, especially family members, by how harshly we judge or criticise them.  But God, who watches every soul in existence, who’s eyes run to and fro throughout the world, seeks out justice.  And often, to teach us a good lesson, with the very same way we judge others and the criticisms we criticize them with, he will often have arranged people to judge us back.  He subtley reminds us that we have often said and done things against people in harshness, and because of this he has arranged for us to share the same treatment.  It is, in a way, a lesson of Karma – what goes around comes around.  If we are going to insult someone, why should we expect not to be insulted?  If we are going to hit someone, how can we claim we are being abused if it happens to us in return?  You see, in many ways, we receive what we give out in life, or we reap what we sow.  And because of this an essential message of mine for so long has been ‘Do unto others what you would have them do unto you’, for if you treat others harshly, God will judge you likewise, but in a way of blessing, if you are kind to others, God will exact justice and have people treat you kindly in return.  You get what you give.




 ‘2 hours later Callodyn was in a street café, speaking with a total stranger.  He asked the person if he had heard of noahide faith, and the man said he had read a bit about it but was a nominal Christian.  And then Callodyn started sharing some of his teaching.


‘Life is a heart.  And that heart is God.  God was before us all, but has no plans on getting rid of us.  You see, God loves us, as apostle John of Christian faith would teach.  Our life comes from God.  Our origin comes from God.  What we are, our flesh and blood, our spirit, our soul, all of it comes from God.  God himself is the centre of existence, the primal axiom, in the words of my brother Michael, on which all depends.  But this centrepiece did not want to be alone forever, but wanted to express his heart, the love he was capable of, the goodness which was perfectly at home with himself.  And so God planned.  For an age we can not reckon, but in the time of the eternal deity, he planned and eventually, through his great power, brought forth creation.  The angels were his first children, it is believed.  But there are also children of God in another sense, but we think of them as in some way angelic as well.  These children lived in the heavenly realms God created and began the thing which, I guess, all of us will never stop doing.  They began to learn.  We are created children of God, all angelicdom and humanity and we are all like sponges in a way.  Sponges to be filled with information and, from what we understand, information which is neverending.  Our spiritual minds have infinite capabilities, to be filled with whatever knowledge we choose to allow into our lives.  And it is through the knowledge we take in that our lives are formed and the decision we make come to be crafted and made.  Good knowledge, the right knowledge, is so incredibly important that right at the beginning God made a tree for Adam and Eve to know about, but told them not to eat from.  It was the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.  All of us, now, have a strong sense of what God is talking about in both good and in both evil, but there are so many ways of looking at it.  Is it all relative?  Is good and evil in the fruit so intermixed that with the deception of the serpent can we ever tell right from wrong in truth?  And the conscience we supposedly have, is this knowledge darkened by the fruit itself?  For didn’t God ask, ‘Who told you that you were naked?’  All of this is of course from the early part of the book of Genesis from the bible.  Were we find the tale of Adam and Eve.’

‘I am familiar with it, but go on,’ said the man.

‘You see, good knowledge, proper knowledge, accurate and true and reliable knowledge of the ways of life guide us to, in the end, make the right decisions on lifes fundamental matters.  A question which needs to arise in this life is this – ‘Do you really want to live forever?’  Because if you don’t ever really ask that question of yourself, sometimes things happen in this life which lead it to make decisions which lead to the end of it.  We get involved with improper drug and alcohol use, eat things we shouldn’t eat, hang around people of shady character and many other decision which can, in the end, end up killing us in our spiritual form.  As you know we are hard to kill in spirit, but each and every day and year a certain number of people leave us and go off to Sheol for choosing, ultimately, ways of death.  And that, really, in terms of all the spiritual teaching of existence, is what it comes down to.  ‘Do you really want to live forever?’

‘I guess it does at that,’ said the man, intensely interested in what Callodyn had to say.

‘If you do, then you need to make choices.  Life affirming choices.  And there is someone you need, above all else, to connect to.  And that person is the heart of life, the primal axiom from which everything flows, God himself.  The fellowship I started, Haven Noahide Fellowship, is all about connecting people to that primal axiom.  It is all about introducing them to the idea of God if they don’t have a concrete thought on the subject, and getting them to learn and know about who this God really is.  We acknowledge that, as it says in scripture, the great ‘Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh’ is the true creator and sovereign lord of life, and to him we owe our hearts allegiance.  For in him we will gain the knowledge that will guide us to life eternal.  God gives each of us, in our spiritual youth, lessons we need to learn to come to the decisions we need to make.  A big part about the monotheistic religions we grew up with on earth was to lead us to make those decisions.  And when we made the right ones, a blessing usually followed, ones which usually reinforced themselves, all centring on the fundamental choice – the choice of life.  There are many keys to eternal life, many things to understand, to nut out, to grow in knowledge and wisdom and experience of and, if we continue to choose this eternal life, we inevitably do just that.  Sure, God will throw challenges at us along the way.  But they are only meant to strengthen us.  Remember that saying, what doesn’t kill me only makes me stronger.  And that strength makes it easier to continue to make this choice of life.  Some say that there comes a time when we think we are making the choices, but a spirit of our eternal father within us is really doing that for us.  And some say he has been doing that all along.  Who can really say, huh?  But, whoever makes the choice of life, that is really what Haven Noahide Fellowship is about.  It is about life.  Yet, more than that.  It is about a Haven.  It is about a spiritual place in the world, a home of likeminded believers, who share the same values, the same choice of life, who want to find a place of sanctuary with each other from the harsher elements of existence.  A place of happy conversation, of friendly games and loving friendships.  A place of  marital bliss and insanely long, we hope, genealogical legacies.  It is really, in the end, about the life of society we have always known, and is not much different in many respects.  But it is a Haven and a Fellowship and in it we hope people find those who have made that commitment, who have made that choice, and who will be around forever, serving God, loving neighbour, and finding that heart in the children of men.’


Callodyn left off speaking, really thinking he had said about enough.  The man looked at him, nodded slowly, and smiled. 




 ‘The power of sin is in its ease, its seductive brilliance in leading the soul away and telling it that carnal pleasures, which it offers, are the true balm for the soul’s delight.  And truly it is called temptation because of it.  But when the soul which should now know wisdom has chosen sin – when the soul which should now know wisdom gives into temptation – when the soul which should now know wisdom turns its back on the established divine paths, only trouble can come.  It is a true saying – a man reaps what he sows – and if we sow to the flesh, with all its power of hatred, violence and wrath – we will surely reap from the flesh.  For the spiritual man, to which all of us are destined to inherit the beauties and ways of life of, disavows the wisdom of the flesh, and realizes in the gospel of truth, in the Torah of God’s wisdom, lay the ways of the eternal, and in treading down these pathways there is no death.’




 Meludiel looked at her man, handing out flyers on the streets of New York on New Terra, promoting his ‘Messiah Ministries’.  She was proud of him, still so dedicated to saving people from the death of sin choices, as Ambriel called them.  A crowd had gathered around him and, taking out the bible of his ministries he started reading one of his psalms.  ‘A Psalm of David Rothchild, Messiah of Israel,’ began Ambriel.  ‘Lord God, how can I forget your goodness?  How can I forget your love?  When I was alone, abandoned, surrounded by wolves, you were there, a constant foundation, a sure strength.  When things looked at there worse you spoke confidence to my heart and I overcame.  And because of your goodness, Lord, because of your steadfast love, I will praise you with the fullness of my heart.  I will declare your saving grace to all I meet and let them know, in truth, of your unfailing love.  Praise the Lord forever.  Alleluia.’  As she continued to listen, standing at a distance, he began to preach. 


‘Repentance, it often seems to me, eludes us at the times we need to repent the most.  When things are going well in life, when we are happy with the world, praising God, declaring our unfailing love for him, it seems it is easy to repent and make promises of eternal devotion to his holy standards and unfailing commitment.  But time invariably passes and we become caught up in the mundanities of everyday existence - and the knowledge of God, while we may still wholeheartedly affirm such belief and acknowledge such importance, becomes clouded in our everyday humdrum, put aside almost by so many, and at times completely forgotten.  And it is at those times when the devil of sin enters in, rejoicing in your apathy, and promising you all the hellish riches it can offers.  It is at those times, when repentance is lacking, when we ironically need to repent the most.  I feel, for such eternal commitment to be made to the divine one – an eternal commitment in which one does not forget the sacred and holy saviour who called you out of darkness into his marvellous light – we are brought by God, almost involuntarily, into the darkest of despair at the end of our choices of sin and there, when faith in him has become at last reborn, he puts us to the test to teach us to rely upon him and, thus, saves us from the wolves who would surround and conquer our very hearts.  It is then we see the steadfast eternal love of Almighty God and, reflecting, when we were in our apathy and state of darkness, there was God, knowing were we were in life, and leading us faithfully, inexorably onwards into the ways of eternal truth, love and life.  I am David Rothchild.  I am the founder of Messiah Ministries and I offer my ministerial fellowship to any and all who would wish to join and carve out for themselves a place in the eternal ways of God and the salvation he truly offers.  Thank you.’ 


He left off speaking and the gathered crowd gave a clap and, as he started handing out flyers again, he gave a little wink to Meludiel who looked so pleased at the commitment of her dear twin brother.




 When people first come alive to God and go through acts of repentance of sinful behaviours they have lived through, it is often the case that people report feeling love from God, feeling as if they are now in good standing with the creator.  What we know from scripture is that God created mankind in his image and placed him in the Garden of Eden for the purpose of the man being happy.  He provided for the man with food from the Garden of Eden and, when man was lonely, provided a suitable mate for him.  You see, the very fact that God created this wonderful planet for us to enjoy is ample proof that he cares for us deeply.  I myself have experienced the love of God in his own words to build on his people of Israel, and the words ‘Loving Concern’ so perfectly describe the immense love God showed towards me in person.  He was infinitely concerned with my life and wellbeing and wanted me to involve my life with his son Israel who he deeply cherishes.

 God, I dare say, expresses his love in different ways to different people, as appropriate for each.  The way God will display his love towards you is not necessarily the same as towards somebody else, but you can be assured that what you need and desire in God will be shown by him to yourself, perhaps in ways you never expected.

 God still provides the rainbow as the sign of Noah’s Covenant.  And he has never sent a global flood since then, as he promised.  This shows God is faithful to his word.  And a God is faithful is trustworthy.  What you can know is that in the love you show towards God he will reciprocate in ways beyond your belief.  He is a loving, faithful God and he really in truth cares for you.


God’s love is towards all the children of Noah and he desires each and every one of us to live in peace with each other and show the kinds of graces, kindnesses and loves towards others which he bestows upon us ourselves.




 Knowledge, information, data, facts – call it whatever you want to, it is by the accumulation of such stuff that we grow in understanding to help us make sense of our life.  But having knowledge is not always going to help us in life.  It is having wisdom, which is the wise use of knowledge, that will truly benefit us.

 In the world today knowledge comes in so many diverse areas.  Just look at the Dewy decimal system in a library to see all the basic classifications on human knowledge.  And they are just the basic classifications.

 In truth, knowledge is potentially infinite, and we can never hope to know everything, no matter how long we live.

 But possessing knowledge, if that is all you have, is not true wisdom.  True wisdom is knowledge of God, of the creator, of the one who made all.  Knowledge of God is the divine knowledge which teaches us the wisest way to live our life.  It teaches us the wisdom of how the world really works and the force and power behind it.  Of course, God does not leave us guessing when it comes to finding the source of true knowledge.  In the TENAKH he has provided an entire source of divine knowledge, all meant to assist us in discerning good from evil, and knowledge of life and eternity from the knowledge of death.

 It is always good to accumulate knowledge, but in all your studies never neglect the divine knowledge God introduces into your life, for the divine knowledge of truth will guide you more assuredly then all the degrees in any university you could care to mention.

 And, of course, knowledge of love is what gives life so much of its blessing.  Here is my translation of 1 Corinthians 13.

Love – Paul’s teaching

If I spoke with the tongues of an Angel, in all his glory, and thought myself splendid, what would it matter if I didn’t really love people very much.  If I was the ultimate prophetical voice, and expounded the word of God with so much wisdom that people were amazed at me, but didn’t practice love towards my friends and fellows, what kind of person am I really?  If I had 7 university degrees, with PhD’s, but lacked intelligence in how I showed love to people, perhaps not even loving them at all, is my life really worth living?  Love suffers long and is kind and patient.  It is not arrogant or rude or unforgiving.  And it does not think highly of itself, puffing itself up in pride.  Love is the true voice of prophecy, it is the true word of God.  And love, knowledge of love itself, is what is eternal.  You see, prophetical preachers come and go, but love will last forever.  All that knowledge was part of our learning, but love is the completion of our journey, giving us a fulfilment in life which makes it all worth while.  When I was younger I behaved in childish ways, but growing up and growing in love I have learned to put these ways behind me.  While I am young and naïve what I know is not complete, but when I love completely my knowledge will be perfect.  Faith will last forever, and is a great virtue.  Hope will endure for all time, and is a wonderful truth.  But love is special, greater than even faith and hope, yes love is the greatest of all.




 If you are a member of Haven Noahide Fellowship, believe me it is no accident.  God has placed you in our spiritual body for a reason – to find yourself in a spiritual haven, but also to be a haven to others, in fact to be a haven to all the children of Noah, mankind today.

 You are important to God and he has brought you into Haven Noahide Fellowship because you will be taught things here, things on love of God, respect of your fellow man, the ways of practical holiness, the ways of virtue and hopefully biblically acceptable and correct doctrine.


We are not God’s only spiritual fellowship, but we are a dedicated and serious one.  We aim to help all members in our fellowship and the pastors desire to care for the flock as their dearly beloved children, children of Noah and children of God.  Because of this attitude you can believe me when I say You are important to God because he has brought you into a place were his knowledge is taught, were the father of Glory is glorified alone, and were we attempt to live in peace and harmony with all mankind, not threatening them, but showing them the kind of love that God has so graciously shown us.

 You are important to God.  Remember that.  You are loved, cared about, valued and cherished.  Every single member who commits to Haven Noahide Fellowship is meant to be valued and treated with care, to be shown respect and love, never belittled or mocked, never derided or insulted, but shown the kind of spiritual haven that the deepest desire of their soul truly craves.

 You are important to God.  Never forget that.  As he carves Israel into the palm of his hand, we believe he carves us also into his heart and we are a people of God, important to him, with we believe the gift of eternal life giving us meaning, purpose and consolation.




 Sharing your faith can be a daunting thing.  But today, in the emerging world, it is thankfully becoming a little easier to be able to speak your beliefs without being criticized so strongly.

 Members of Haven Noahide Fellowship are encouraged to share their faith in ways which they feel comfortable with and are not scared of doing.  We will never ask you to do anything you don’t want to do in the sharing of your faith, and if you are ever confronted with a challenge to share your beliefs in a way that scares you, we encourage you to speak to your pastor and share your fears.  He will always understand.

 If you are a person of courage and boldness and are happy to share your faith, this is a wonderful thing.  But God made all of us differently, and some people are shy and intimidated in being bold with their beliefs.  And this is exactly how God made them and absolutely nothing at all to be ashamed of.

 We can all be witnesses for our faith and our beliefs, and we should all strive when we feel it is possible to have courage to share with others.  But not everyone is born with skills of evangelism, and this is perhaps a calling for those who feel the spirit move them in such a way.

 But sharing your real faith – sharing the only faith which has lasting value – is sharing the faith of love.  Loving your fellow human, showing them grace and kindness and being the kind of person they will be attracted to spiritual anyway.  If you can be a vessel of love for mankind, you will be surprised that it will not be you that has to seek out people – it will be people seeking out you for your wisdom and insight.  So share your faith in a way you are comfortable with, and let love and grace be in all the words you speak.




 Are angels real?  Do spiritual beings apart from God really exist?  The Torah speaks often of the Angel of the Lord who went before Israel as a pillar of fire while they were in the wilderness.  In the book of Daniel we hear the names of the angels Michael and Gabriel and learn there are other princely angels which rule nations, such as Persia and Greece.  And Satan, a dark angel, is mentioned in Job and Zechariah and elsewhere in scripture.

 If you have regular internet access and are curious about angels I encourage you to type in search terms like ‘Angel stories’ or ‘Angel encounters’ or something similar.  There are numerous websites, message boards and discussion forums which all speak about encounters with what people call ‘Angels.’

 Traditionally there are both good angels and bad angels and bad angels are often the fallen ones, called demons.  Satan has often been called the leader of the fallen angels.  In the book of Enoch, which is not in the Tenakh but in the pseudepigrapha, there are numerous fallen angels mentioned, including Semyaza and Azazel amongst a list of over a dozen.  And there are also the traditional good angels mentioned, including Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Raguel & Phanuel, amongst others.

 Having a focus on angels is a good thing in life, but when we do so it should be on angels of goodness and angels of light.  Praying to the Archangel Michael is not necessarily a strange thing.  He is an ambassador of God and can intercede for mankind, taking our prayers to God.  Of course, we must remember it is God who gives the angels their powers and responsibilities and we must always remember who is at the top of the divine hierarchy and not lose this focus.  In Christianity Jesus seems to be practically exalted as high as God himself and this is not quite right.  Any focus we have on angels, therefore, must be sensible and in proportion with a proper respect for God himself as the first and foremost love of our life.

 Angelic spirituality is an excellent thing and I welcome and desire all such activity in Haven Noahide Fellowship.  They are ambassadors of God, bring good tidings, and with our guardian angels we can be protected from many of the hazards of life which unfortunately so often beset each and every one of us.




 God spoke to me, Daniel Daly, in a dream.  In my dream I had been judging a Christian group for their oneness idolatry, for God had revealed to me earlier that worship of Jesus as God the Father was a death penalty offence.  Yet as I judged them, God spoke to me saying ‘Be in the Hearts of Men’.  What I instinctively understood at the time was to have mercy upon people, and not judge them so harshly, but see the heart of people who are trying their best to please God, but who live in ignorance.

 Our Noahide Christian brethren who view Jesus as God are in a state of error on such a belief.  But it is not a deliberate error of ill intent.  It is an error of good conscience, brought upon by a misunderstanding of spiritual truths.


The truth of God’s nature is not always easy to discern.  When we are young and naïve in our spiritual youth we can and do believe things which we later regret.  But life is a learning process and we must always look at the heart of the person – a heart which is trying its best to do the right thing.

 As Noahides in Haven Noahide Fellowship we must ‘Be in the Hearts of Men.’  We must show them mercy, tolerance and patience, for the Lord has long been patient with us, forbearing with us in all our difficulties, prides and wrongdoings.




In nature there is the physical aspect of things which we see, feel, touch, hear and smell which are obvious to all of us.  But since ancient days in so many diverse cultures there has been another truth – the truth of spirit or animistic awareness.  Everything which has been created has a ‘Spirit’ associated with it.  From rocks and minerals, to plants and animals and human beings, there is a spiritual energy associated with creation.  For example, have you ever noticed feelings from youth and earlier years, and feeling these things later on in life.  And to start with they may not be noticeable, but when people point it out it is very noticeable and you start noticing it all the time.  Places as well have a spirit associated with them.  What might be termed the ‘Ambience’ of a place is a specific spiritual ocean of spirit energy appropriate to that location.

 Animism, as it is called, is part of Yahweh’s design in nature.  It is the spiritual soul of creation, and it could well be that such spiritual energy is also the stuff of heaven and the stuff of our dreamselves.

 Animism should not be shunned our disdained, but wholeheartedly embraced and researched with good conscience.  It is the true spiritual substance of creation, and an important part of the spiritual awareness and sixth sense of our lives and existence.




When God created Adam and put him in the garden he told him to tend the garden.  This was one of the duties of Adam – to look after the Garden of Eden.

 God loves his creation.  There are numerous psalms which speak of the love of God towards his creation, for it is his personal handiwork and he delights in it.  It thus stands to perfect reason that God wants the best for his creation, and earth, being the pinnacle of his work, is meant to be preserved and looked after.

 Being environmentally focused or ‘Green Minded’ is supposed to be a preoccupation for all the children of Adam and Eve.  Having concern for nature and flora and fauna – plants and animals – and our reserves of ores and minerals – is a fundamental part of the management task God has entrusted mankind to do.

 Mankind is the pinnacle of God’s created living beings.  As such, made in the very image of God, we are responsible to watch over his creation as the ultimate ‘Gardeners’ of Eden, and preserve for all future generations and forever this beautiful paradise of creation which God has entrusted to us to watch over.




Salvation is having an eternal relationship with God.  Not a temporal one – not one of a few hundred, a few thousand or even a few million years.  It is one of ETERNITY.

 And this relationship can and should be found by everyone.

 Only in GOD can we expect to have eternal life.  Only by HIS power can we hope to live forever.  For Yahweh is the source of life, love, morality, truth and peace.  In HIS Kingdom – in HIS knowledge – we gain Salvation and enjoy eternal life.




Remember, Abrahamic faith started with Abraham.  It had to start somewere.

In Fact, Noahide faith has been kept alive in the traditions of Israel for a long time now.  It has never really died.

Yet, all of us not from Abraham HAVE kept faith in the covenant, even if without knowledge, for we have made a civilized world for ourselves, are still begetting offspring, still keep the principles of lawfulness, still see the Rainbow, and many of us have always believed in God.

We are just RENEWED in faith in recent years, and the Future of the Noahide World is truly glorious.  Wether we have believed or not, God has kept faith FOR US, as the Rainbow is still witnessed, and our father Noah is still our father Noah.

We are of the OLDEST of God’s Covenant’s.  We are not going anywhere, us children of Noah, and we will be here for all time to come as well.




In our youth Haven does not have a large supply of assets available to us.  But we are young, a young infant spiritually in God’s eyes, and we will inevitably grow older and stronger.

It is the intention of myself, the founder of Haven Noahide Fellowship, for Haven to keep comprehensive records of the achievements of all the children of Noah.  And by this statement we affirm that we are interested in all the affairs of every human being alive on planet earth today.  Naturally we cannot store all the possessions of everyone who ever lives, nor would we ever have such access.  But we have an eternal interest in all human beings lives, and we hope to preserve in our records archival information on whoever is willing to contribute life stories, in the forms of autobiographies and genealogical information, for our permanent storage.

We are well aware that websites like and various other genealogical organisations will likely go on forever preserving such data, and we wholeheartedly commend them for such efforts.  We thank the Christian church and its founder Jesus for preserving baptismal and genealogical records throughout the ages and having such records available to the public for their use.  We hope to make use of any public domain records to form as comprehensive a family tree as possible.  One of the chief aims of Haven Noahide Fellowship is the Family tree of Noah – which is the family tree of ALL mankind.  Yet, further to simply genealogical information, we desire to keep as comprehensive a record of historical biographical information of as many of the children of Noah who are willing to contribute such records to our fellowship for their preservation.

Researchable autobiographies in electronic format (ie online websites) are intended to be kept permanently by our fellowship (Online out of necessity due to the physical space limitations of keeping numerous records on a permanent basis).  This data is intended to be made available to the general public for their research and appreciation of mankind’s history.

Going further, Haven does intend to establish a physical library eventually.  Each national fellowship is encouraged to work towards the point of obtaining a sufficient amount of land for the building of a library to house, permanently, all the published works of their nation.  Presently nations of the world generally handle such duties themselves with their own national libraries, yet we feel this work is so very important that we too must contribute our efforts to likewise maintain such material, for the sake of posterity, future research, and as an important asset value for Haven Noahide Fellowship.

Further, museums are equally important for storing regular items of everyday use over the history of mankind.  Haven intends to gain buildings for the permanent storage of items used by mankind throughout its history.

Further, we intend to develop our own comprehensive news service, both to inform the public and to preserve our own permanent record of the history of mankind.  All such material is to be made publicly available.

Finally, in terms of historical significance, the primary religious scripture for Israel and the Church has been the Holy Bible.  Haven intends to continue the Biblical Tradition by producing its own series of Holy Bibles featuring the same variety of spiritual texts that the Bible itself features in an historical context for each successive generation.  This current Rainbow Bible is intended to be completed and ready for final publication by the end of 2011.  It features the following components:

Holy Scripture (Genesis 1 – 11:9)



Spiritual Devotional Sermon Series

Noahide Fiction

Autobiographies of founding members of Haven Noahide Fellowship – Historical Information

A concise synopsis of world spiritual activities and important histories since the time of Noah


The Rainbow Bible will then become a series of bibles produced on a decade by decade basis, and kept permanently online as a record for humanity of the history of Haven Noahide Fellowship, its members, and relevant historical and spiritual information.  Each subsequent edition of the ‘Rainbow Bible’ will come out at the end/beginning of each decade by the HNF calendar, with the second volume due at 6180 SC (or 2016 AD/CE), the third volume due at 6190 SC (or 2026 AD/CE), the fourth volume due at 6200 SC (or 2036 AD/CE) and so on.  These bibles are meant to contain the continuing spiritual growth of Haven Noahide Fellowship and its impact upon the world, as well as historical information preserved in a factual format of the major events of mankind’s history.

We will aim to continue the above format of the first Rainbow Bible, and potentially continue with selections from the Jewish Bible all the way through the entire Tenakh in future Rainbow Bibles.  Ideally we will also continue with selections from the entire Pseudepigraphal and Apocryphal literature of Judaism.  Going further, while we are specifically a NON-Christian Noahide movement, there seems no real problem in continuing at some point once the Tenakh, the Pseudepigrapha and the Apocrypha have been completed with selections from the New Testament writings, the Apostolic Fathers, the Christian Apocrypha and so on from the early century’s writings of both Judaism and the Christian Church.  When we historically arrive at the period of the advent of the Koran, this literature too seems quite acceptable for inclusion in our selection of sacred writings, and so on to the advent of Bahai and the inclusion of their spiritual writings.  All selections will come from ‘PUBLIC DOMAIN’ sources, so as not to infringe any copyright concerns.

Thus, in the same was as the Holy Bible preserves an important spiritual history for a period of Israel’s history, as well as the same way the Christian Bible preserves the life of Jesus of Nazareth, our Noahide Bibles are meant to likewise preserve mankind’s significant histories, both of major spiritual issues as well as major secular issues.  Essentially we intend to produce ‘Noahide Bible’s’ on a permanent ongoing basis.

As a closing word, Haven is of the opinion and would strongly welcome the production of other ‘Holy Bible’s’ from other significant spiritual communities.  The Catholic Church has one standard Holy Bible of the teachings of Jesus in the gospels YET it also has the teachings of the Apostle Paul and the other Apostles.  While we are well aware of the writings of the ‘Apostolic Father’s’ and the ‘Ante-Nicene’ fathers and so on, we as a fellowship are of the view that these writings are now of such a holy nature that they are worthy of the title of ‘Scripture’.  By the term ‘Scripture’ we mean ‘Sacred and Holy Writings’ without attributing the title of ‘Word of God’ to them.  We think it would be a marvellous idea, and you could view this statement as a request to the Catholic Church, that they produce a further series of ‘Holy Bible’s’ for each subsequent century of the Christian Calendar.  Thus the Apostolic Fathers and other information would become a crucial part of the ‘Second Century Holy Bible’ and so on.  There are vast amounts of historical information in the Vatican Library on the ‘Saints of the Church’ as well as on the ‘Popes and Cardinals and Bishops and Priests of the Church’.  We suggest that in the same format as the Holy Bible itself is displayed that the Catholic Church produce a series of Bibles for each of the Centuries from the Second Century through to the Twentieth Century.  It would be important for each Bible to contain the important spiritual epistles, dogmas, creeds, sermons, psalms, proverbs, maxims, hymns, histories and other documents for each century, all put together and written in an appropriate manner for the feel of each century letting the church communicate its proper history in terms of the real life of each century - and it would be fundamental that in the preparation and writing of such documents that the church pray fervently for the guiding hand of the ‘Holy Spirit’ to present a ‘Holy’ and ‘Scriptural’ record, in the same manner as the original Holy Bible, for all the history of the Holy Church.  Such bibles would form the ‘CORE’ of Catholic University and Seminary Libraries and be the fundamental texts of sermons, homilies and spiritual living by the faithful.  20 Bibles – one for each century of the Christian Church – would be an absolutely marvellous thing for the Catholic Church to offer the world, and we would wholeheartedly delight in the study of such texts.  Yet not only the Catholic Church, but all the major Christian Churches could formulate their own Bibles relevant to each of their own assemblies.  And going further, we would wholeheartedly wish that our Jewish brethren would further produce a continuation of the Jewish Bible with a sanctioned update of their religious historical developments in a series of new bibles in the same theme as suggested above.  Noahides are permitted to study the Jewish Bible, yet Rabbinic Judaism frowns upon study of Talmudic literature by Noahides.  Therefore we would welcome a continuation of the Jewish Bible in a series of New Bibles.  All these spiritual communities would certainly have enough spiritual material to continue the work undertaken by scribes all those centuries ago.




“Elam and Asshur’s Lesson”

(A Very Short Noahide Story – by Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly)


Grandpa Noah was in the vineyard one fine day, picking grapes.  Young Elam and Asshur, his grandsons through Shem, were also busy picking some grapes.  Just then, Elam yelled out.  ‘Grandpa Noah!  Quick!  There is a Lion,’ said Elam, pointing to a lion which was approaching them.  Noah told Elam and Asshur to stand behind him, and he reached for his spear.  The Lion came closer and closer.  The situation was tense.  And, suddenly, it sprang at Noah.  Yet, brave Grandpa Noah, spear in hand, pierced the Lion in the heart, and it died, slowly bleeding to death.


Elam looked at the dying Lion.  ‘It might make good food, Grandpa.  What do you think?’  Noah looked down at the dying Lion.  ‘Lion’s are unclean animals, young Elam.  The covenant our great God has made with us does permit us to eat unclean animals, yet I feel it is perhaps not always for the best.  And, of course, we may never eat the blood of any animal.’  Asshur looked at his Grandpa.  ‘Why can’t we eat the blood?’  Noah came over to Asshur, scruffed him on the head, and replied.  ‘The life is in the blood young Asshur.  It is what sustains and gives us life.  God has forbidden us eating it because of that reason.’  ‘I see,’ replied Asshur.


They dragged the Lion to the edge of the Vineyard and placed stones over the body to hide it from vultures.


‘What was it like before the flood?’ Elam asked his grandfather.  Noah, wiping the sweat from his brow, looked down at his young grandson.  ‘They were violent times, young Elam.  Violent times.  People hated each other.  They stole from each other rampantly – nobody’s possessions were ever safe.  And even some of the wicked men worshipped carved idols made of animals and sea creatures, even the stars and moon.  They worshipped these idols and mistakenly believed that these were the spirits of life who ruled the world.  Often, such men insulted those of the LORD who tried to teach them the right way, even insulting the glory of the LORD.  They blasphemed his holy name and despised our ancient traditions.  Men would sleep with other Men’s wives, and even with each other which the LORD hates.  It was, young Elam, in truth the most immoral of times in our history.  And because of this – because the wickedness was so great – God judged the world and sent the great flood.’  Elam nodded, soberly taking in that information.


‘Grandpa,’ began Asshur.  ‘What can we do to make sure the world never becomes like that again?’  Noah looked at him firmly.  ‘The LORD commands us to make Law Courts.  To have judges who judge our communities to ensure that we obey God and live in peace with each other.  My child, we must have mercy and patience with those who transgress God’s holy laws, as he is merciful and patient with us.  But, if they continue to disobey, we must punish them to preserve the law, order and peace in the world.  By doing such we bring happiness to the world – we continue to make it a better place – returning it to the glory of Eden.  Dear Grand-children.  Every time you look at the Rainbow, think on these laws, and with your children and your children’s children, teach them, everlastingly so, to be faithful to God and the laws of holiness.’  Elam and Asshur looked up at their wise grandfather, smiled, and returned to picking grapes.  And another day passed in the life of Noah and those who God had redeemed from the rest of mankind.




“The Raven and the Dove”

(A Very Short Noahide Story – by Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly)

The Raven sat on the branch, contemplating the scene below. Three tireless workers, and the older father figure, toiling away, working on the big boat. The raven heard the term, often, 'Ark of Salvation', which it seemed to understand as referring to the Ark but, as Raven's were not as smart as humans, was not quite sure.

The Dove, sitting up the branch a little, also surveying the scene, turned to the Raven and asked. 'Why is the boat so big? Are they planning on travelling far, do you think?'

The Raven considered the question before responding 'God only knows.'

Months came and went, and the Raven and the Dove, having come aboard the Ark, were up near the side window, which the old man had opened that day, as it had finally stopped raining. 'Freaky,' said the Raven, looking out. 'There is water everywhere.'

'It is all the rain, dear Raven,' replied the Dove.
'You know, Dove, if this is the only boat and all the others have drowned, then I don't think I will ever leave the boat. It will probably end in no good, if you know what I mean. Leave this boat and who knows what trouble you could get in to.'
The dove considered the Raven's point, yet replied. 'I will take my chances. I mean, how possibly bad could it be? What, would they kill me or something?'
'Maybe,' said the Raven. 'But this God thing the old man speaks about, I think he sent all the rain. You better not be too cocky, or he will punish you as well.'
'Oh, I am not worried. There are plenty of doves here, and I think we will be fine.'
'Whatever,' said the Raven.

And time passed.

And the old man opened the window, and let the Raven go. The Raven flew out and looked all around, finding no safe land anywhere, so returned to the Ark. The old man took him back in, and petted his head lovingly. The Raven looked at the dove. 'I am never leaving, you know. Never leaving the old man. He has taken care of us when everything else was destroyed.' The dove nodded, starting to understand.

A little later on the Dove was released, found an olive leaf, but in considering the words of the Raven returned to be safe and sound.

Yet, in the testing of the dove, the dove was released again, and decided, because of the newness of the world - how it had been refreshed - that it would leave the man and take its chances. It would see just were its own freedom in life could take it.

Yet the Raven remained. And as years past, and as the communities of Ravens and Doves grew once more, the Raven kept in mind the lesson of the Ark and the Flood and, seeing the Old man's descendants sacrifice doves regularly, it wondered to itself just how long it would take before the Dove realized that, at the end, when the second and final punishment came, that there would be only one safe place then, and that was with the old man and the Ark.







The Book of Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly


Chapter One


I am not really sure what my oldest memories are, but I do remember being in the kitchen at Berridale (7 Bent Street) playing on the chairs we had, which had black vinyl, being chairs I had played on often, doing a rocking horse motion on them around the kitchen, and thinking right at that point, in thoughts which had slowly developed for a while, I will remember this time for the rest of my life.  And I have never forgotten it.


I was born on the 20th of November 1972 Kingston upon Hull in England in the United Kingdom.  I was born at the Hull Maternity Hospital, which Mum tells me is no longer there.  What had happened was my older brother Matthew was born in Cooma Hospital on the 21st of October 1969 and my older sister Brigid was born in the same hospital on the 26th of October 1971.  But when it came to the third child, myself, mum decided to have me in England in Hull, were she likewise had been born.  She was born on the 7th of July, 1937 (meaning she turned 70 on the 7/7/2007 – which is probably why 7 is her favourite number).  My mother’s name is Mary Philomena Daly nee Baker.  Dad was born Cyril Aloysius Daly on the 11th of August 1922 in Sydney.


I remember, in those early days, the world book dictionaries we had, and the set of world book children’s encyclopaedias.  We still have the dictionaries, but the children’s encyclopaedias are long gone.  They had a games section of a jungle map which you followed from page to page, as well as a volume of kids activities which I liked to look at.  I remember a big box which dad brought home from work one day, which we played in in the back yard for a while.  And I remember the first day thinking that when the ‘Goodies’ came on (on ABC at 6) that I would still keep on playing in the box.  But I think that the others went inside when the Goodies came on, and I went in shortly afterwards.  The Goodies were big to me as a kid, and so was Dr Who which ABC put on right after the Goodies.  They are my earliest childhood TV shows I remember, alongside The ABC News at 7 (which is still the time they show it) and the Saturday morning Cartoons.  I remember ‘Point of View’ which they showed before the cartoons at 12 which was a political commentary show.  When ‘Point of View’ came on I was usually watching TV, waiting for the Cartoons.  The ‘Whacky Racers’ was a show I remember, were the hero turned into a bad guy as well.  Star Wars was a big thing because every one was talking about it, and when what I thought was Star Wars was supposed to come on TV I was broken when the blackout occurred and we missed nearly all of it.  In fact it was just the Star Wars holiday special (but I didn’t know at the time) and perhaps it is a good thing I missed it because Mr Lucas maintains he would prefer if it was totally forgotten.  I read online that some people consider it Star Wars canon, because it contains plots which supposedly tie into the saga (ie Chewbacca visiting his family).  Later on, when I learned about confirmation names, mine was going to be ‘Luke’.  It was going to be ‘Luke’ for a long time, mainly because of Star Wars ‘Luke Skywalker’.  But I ended up choosing ‘Tarcisius’ just a few months before my confirmation because I read a book in Year 6 at St Pats in Cooma in the back on St Tarcisius.  I also read one on St Pancratius, but was scared of the way St Pancratius died (I think he was beheaded) and preferred the death of St Tarcisius.  I guess I ended up choosing Tarcisius because I thought that was the spiritual thing to do.


I pinched my dad’s 2 cent and 5 cent coins almost straight away from his jar, because I knew they bought lollies.  I kept on pinching from mum’s purse into my teens.  It was where my arcade money came from.  I was convicted a lot and felt guilt, but always brushed it aside.  I remember, later on in Cooma, getting busted for pinching lollies from Woolworths, and they took us to the police station.  We were under age and just got a warning.  It is the only time I have been to the police station for illegal activity.  I have never been arrested, and have worked hard to make sure I won’t be.


Anyway, God dealt with the pinching gradually through my life, and I learned my lesson eventually.  I do remember, though, that whenever I pinched some money and mum asked who was pinching from her purse, it was normally always me, but I would deny it to her face.  I am not really sure if my siblings ever pinched money.  There was this time, though, in Cooma, when Aunt Molly accused me of pinching a dollar, but it actually wasn’t me that time.  I think she had just mislaid it.


Like ‘Swiper’ from Dora the Explorer, pinching was my main problem, but apart from that, looking back, I usually feel I was a good kid with a good heart.  I was usually gentle throughout my school years, and did not like fighting, and was picked on because of it.  I was extremely unpopular all the way through to the end of year 10 at St Patrick’s.  Fortunately, they were never too violent towards me, usually just occasionally calling me names and letting me know my place at the bottom of the hierarchy.  Throughout those 11 years at St Pats there were a lot of hard times, but there was an occasional moment here and there when things were just a bit okay.


My teachers were Mrs Macminnamin in Kindie, Sister Susan in year 1 and 2, Mrs Jones in year 3, Mr McHugh in year 4 & 5, Sr Ann in year 6, and then various teachers in high school.


I first went to the pre-school in Cooma north before kindie, but only occasionally.  I remember a few times staying at the big house up the top of crisp street at the top of the hill in Cooma – the very big mansion like one – after pre-school for some babysitting.  I can’t remember the people, but they had a shack were I remember thinking there was a fox there.  It is a big part of my memory.  Mum tells me they asked me questions but I was playing them for fools as a little devil.


The first day I got home from kindie, mum tells me I undid my shoes, took them off and said ‘Thank God for that.’  I remember I was trying to be dramatic.


I learned to read very quickly, and that was my main strength in school.  I was good at maths, but excellent at reading.  I remember in year 1 or 2 one time when the class had to read a book, I was finished very quickly before the rest of the class, and I think it was Sr Frances taking the class a the time who told me to read it again, and I did so very quickly, a lot of the class still reading.  I had free time for a little while and thought about stuff.


I remember getting in trouble once and being told to go down to stay with the kindies.  But I was too embarrassed, so hid behind the kindies class, and looked under the school at the stuff they kept there.  Later on I went to the section were the toilets were.  I got caught out the next school day and told Sr Susan I was were the toilets were, not telling her I was at the other part of the school.  Another lie.  But I didn’t get into too much trouble.


I remember sporting carnivals.  I never got any places, ever, at any sporting carnival.  I don’t think I ever came last, but I was always down near the bottom.  Once I got a fifth place, just missing out on a forth and a white ribbon.  I was no good at sports to start off with.  But, later on, when I was with my friends from the public school (the gang I got into) we played a season of Indoor Cricket in the B Grade competition, and we actually won it.  There were only 4 or 5 teams, but we still came first, and I got invited to play that day in the A Grade final, which I did.  We lost, but I always remember we could have won.  The problem was we thought the ‘Hot’n’Tots’ were invincible, and we lacked confidence, but they played poorly in that final.  We lost, but we might have won with the right motivations.  But I still got a trophy for wining in the B Grade final with my team, and that was about the only sporting triumph I have achieved in serious competition.  Although I was on the winning team for the UPC Oldies vs Youngies cricket competition for both the first 2 years, once on the oldies and once on the youngies.  I think I was the only person who could claim I was on the winning side for both years.  One of those years I made a ’50 Not Out’ and matched Jonathon Downs effort (the Pastor John Downs’ son).  It was a mandatory retirement at 50.  Of course, Jonathon was a much better batter than myself, and had all the shots.  But my innings started slowly, and worked up gradually.  And towards the end I started hitting ‘4s’.  I guess I go slow to start with but gradually build up strength.  Either way I was pretty happy to match Jonathon’s score.


The gang I joined was a Cooma game arcade group of kids.  I started going there to play games at about 14 or 15 and Damien Asanovsci and Peter Dradrach befriended me.  I had never really had friends, but they seemed to care.  And those few years were some of the best years of my life.  Peter and Damien, alongside Michael Werle and Michael Gratwick and Keith Willis and Mark Post were the gang, and we listened to Heavy Metal and played Indoor cricket.  The bands we listened to were ‘Metallica’ and ‘Iron Maiden’ and ‘Motley Crue’ and ‘Def Leppard’ & ‘Megadeth’ mainly, as well as ‘Helloween’.  I liked Bon Jovi because Damien had given me a copied tape of ‘Slippery When Wet’.  It was the first major album I had listened to, apart from a ‘Black Funk’ tape from probably Boney M or someone similar, and a few kids tapes.  I thought the album was incredibly cool and became the biggest Bon Jovi fan in Cooma most likely.  I ended up seeing them in Sydney in 1989 alongside my friend ‘Noodles’ who lived near the train station in Cooma.  The only other live concert of a big act I have seen is ‘Rebecca St James’ in Sydney in the early 2000s.  The Bon Jovi concert was far too loud, and I had borrowed my brothers binoculars without asking him to see the band.  There were 2 rock chicks in front of us and they went wild.  But we were way up the back, and the view was not fantastic.  Still, I can claim to have seen Bon Jovi live in the 1980s, and that is a big deal to me.  I bought a t-shirt at the concert which had a big heart and a dagger on it, and they still use that symbol.  I was on Austudy at the time and was buying all the Bon Jovi cassettes and records, and had a number of posters and magazines.  I even bought a metal ‘New Jersey’ badge, which I lost later on in life.  They were the biggest band for me to start with, and my favourite for a long time.  No band really ever replaced them as my favourite, but I have a lot of favourite bands and artists now.  Iron Maiden, Def Leppard, Queen, Alice Cooper, Madonna, Spice Girls, Britney Spears, Billie Piper and so many others are big on my list, and I have owned probably over 1000 CDs by now.  But with my schizophrenia I usually end up either destroying them, or trading them back for others, or selling them, or giving them to family members.  But I am less attached to a CD as a possession now anyway, and FM104.7 plays all the new hits and radio is usually enough.  Freddy Mercury from Queen went on about the ‘Disposable Pop’ idea.  And these days what I know is that new hits always come along, and new artists always replace the old, and you don’t have to stay attached to the same old music forever.  Some styles seem to stay in vogue now, and older styles come back from time to time.  I think Billy Joel sums it up – ‘Everyone is talking about the new style funny but its still rock and roll to me.’


We were in Berridale for the 1970s, Cooma for the 1980s and Canberra for the 1990s and beyond.  I did go back to live in Cooma in 2001 briefly and in 2007 briefly, and in 2009 until the present moment, were I am living both in Cooma and Canberra.  I have a cheap flat I am renting whose lease expires shortly, and I am undecided wether I will keep the flat or not.


Berridale was a blissful town to grow up in.  We went to Catholic Church on Sundays, the whole family, and I did that every week until I was 16, when I went my own way on beliefs.  I remember looking up at the crucifix and realizing that was the Jesus fellow.  I remember praying the rosary in the rosary group which came to our house.  I remember the statues of angels at the church which were put up in the attic of the church I think (because of something to do with protestant discussions at the time – I am not sure though).  But, whatever else, church was extremely boring, a massive guilt trip, and I never really liked it that much.  Later on as an altar boy it was alright because I was doing something, but I couldn’t abide sitting in the pews.  I never liked church, and that was that.


At 16 Mum went on a holiday to England with Greg, and I stopped going to church.  When she got back I was so headstrong that she didn’t try to persuade me to go back and that was the end of the matter.  From there I gradually drifted into Agnosticism, and while over the next few years I strongly considered atheism, I never quite made the commitment to that viewpoint.  At that stage my faith was a work in progress.


In 1990 we came to Canberra, first in Kambah and then in Gilmore and then in late 1990 to 29 Merriman Crescent Macarthur, were I am right at this moment in the front middle room typing this away (Tuesday 2nd of March, 2010).  We will get up 20 years at this place later on in the year, and that is a pretty good achievement.  But it is still taking a while to get used to even the suburb, and I haven’t totally done that yet.  In a strange way Tuggeranong is still new territory to me, and the rest of Canberra as well, but I am gradually getting used to it as home.  Actually, Cooma is home as well these days, and I suppose I am basically a ‘Monaro’ boy.


I also have a younger sister, Jacinta, and a younger brother, Gregory.  They are both married and Jacinta has 3 kids and Gregory has 1.


In my early 20s I was studying at the Canberra Institute of Technology, undertaking an Associate Diploma of Business in Office Administration.  I ended up completing all the requirements, with 3 distinctions, 5 credits, and many passes.  It was during the latter half that I had my crises of faith and finally went back to church.  But I had an accident in testing my faith, jumping off a bridge barefooted near parliament house.  I turned schizophrenic that day.  I blacked out immediately after stepping off the bridge, and woke up a while later on the ground.  The ambulance came shortly, and I was in hospital for a couple of weeks.  It was when I went nuts, and I am still essentially a Schizophrenic.


From there it was off to Catholic Church in Gowrie for a while, but I was witnessed to by Pentecostal girls, and ended up going to Potters House Christian Church. In fact, I attended a service there just this Sunday – my first in a good few years as I don’t go anymore, no longer being a Christian.


I was at Potters House for about a year, then off to United Pentecostal Church because I no longer believed the Trinity.  But the ‘Oneness’ was wrong also, and I ended up ‘Unitarian’ in faith.  After 6 months at Hughes Baptist church attending occasionally I became a ‘Noahide’.  That was a leap of faith in January 1999 and now, in March 2010 I am still a Noahide.  So I have 11 years up and hopefully am slowly gaining some credibility for my faith.  Jesus talks about traditions of men being taught by the Pharisees as commands of God.  I agree with him, and thus disregard the Mishnah and Gemara (the Jewish Talmud’s).  There are different ways of looking at the Jewish Bible itself, and I would probably make a ‘Hexateuch’ argument if I had to, but I am no longer sure it really matters.  In the end conversion to Judaism has simply not been an option, and the Noahide thing is working for me very well indeed.  I am happy with it, content with my situation, pleased that Haven Noahide Fellowship today has 3 official members, with reasonable potentiality for growth, and happy that Yahweh is not asking me to do anything in particular out of the ordinary.  I have had ‘Rainbow’ witnesses at key points over the last decade and it seems to me that the Rainbow as the Covenantal sign of my covenant is really, in truth, the one to stick with.  Scripture declares it an ‘Everlasting Covenant’ so, to me, faith in an everlasting Covenant leads to everlasting life.


Now, my books.  Morning Stars was begun the writing of in the year 2000.  I began it at work in AQIS one day in the Exdoc section.  Saruviel popped in pretty quickly, and I think the name was bubbling away from ‘Suvrael’ the southern continent of Silverberg’s ‘Majipoor’.  Lord Valentines Castle, The Majipoor Chronicles and Valentine Pontifex were awesome, and some of the many fantasy and sci fi epics I have consumed.


‘Morning Stars’ the title comes directly from Job 38:7 KJV.  It was borrowed directly from that translation.


It took 5 or 6 years to write the first version of Morning Stars (the currently paperback published version of 100 copies only), but writing took off very quickly after that point.  I write heaps now.


People occasionally ask me were did I come up with me ideas about angels.  Well, Michael and Gabriel come from the Book of Daniel in the Old Testament, and Gabriel appears in the Gospels, and Michael appears in ‘Jude’ and in the ‘Revelation’ in the New Testament.  I have also read some of the ‘Pseudepigrapha’ and Michael and Gabriel and a number of others appear in 1 Enoch in the Pseudepigrapha.  Some churches actually hold to 1 Enoch as scripture, and for biblical students I strongly encourage you to go check it out because Jesus quotes the hell out of it.


Metatron is in one of the Enoch’s as well (there are 3 Enoch books, I think) and he has a heap of names in there, well over 70.  The Rabbinic literature goes on about various angels, and Muslim literature also does as well.  Also, don’t forget the Doreen Virtue Books and many others out there.  Currently Angel Books are doing well, and I am aiming to get the major fantasy niche in this market if I can.


I cheekily call ‘Chronicles of the Children of Destiny’ the third volume of the Pseudepigrapha.  I guess, because the Pseudepigrapha is public domain, and if I had the money, I might consider publishing it myself one day under the ‘Noahide Books’ imprint and adding the first ‘Arc’ of the Chronicles to it and calling this the third volume of ‘Haven Noahide Fellowship’s’ own Pseudepigrapha.  Recognition from the big churches and the big Jewish and Muslim movements might not be easy, or it might end up being quite easy – you never know.  But we are actually quite serious about being NON-cultic, quite serious about being lawful and in harmony with the general rules and customs of the land, and quite serious in our devotions to God.  On salvation, we generally teach that this is mainly God’s business.  Iron maiden sing a song which says ‘There’s not a God to save you if you won’t save yourself.’  Some Christian fundies will argue that works aint gonna do it, and that only faith in Jesus death is going to get you there.  But Jesus teaches in revelation to one of the churches a doctrine which says ‘I have not found your works perfect.’  Of course, the New Testament can be argued on Calvinistic and Armenian standpoints, but taken as a whole – ie the 27 books being the New Testament, I would actually agree that you probably need to be a Christian to be saved, doctrinally.  But it depends how you view it.  For example, you can’t enter the kingdom of heaven unless you are born again.  Is this the New Jerusalem?  Thus, if you are not born again, like John the Baptist in Jesus own words, is the new EARTH available instead?  Jehovah’s witnesses think so.  Is this were the Catholics go?  As in there creed they say ‘The Life of the World to Come’,  which is the standard Jewish doctrine on salvation.  The World to come – the new earth.  Of course Isaiah goes on about a new heaven BUT ALSO a new earth.  Are there different destinations for different folks.  Jewish salvation is works oriented.  I think Catholics seem to be of that mould also these days.  The fundies are faith oriented.  Is it a different destination for different groups?


So if you are not Born Again my fundamentalist friend, I know you can’t enter the Kingdom of God, but is that Kingdom the New Jerusalem?  And if it is, is the New Earth available instead?  Interesting question.


You see, Jews actually do have faith.  And they have faith in God, and not Jesus.  Will this works doctrine of salvation get them the ‘New Earth?’  Perhaps, I think.  Perhaps.  Anyway, just so you will actually know, Haven’s own doctrine of salvation for us Noahides in particular in Haven Noahide Fellowship is that God is the saviour.  Jews have to circumcise to maintain their own covenant.  Christians have to baptize to maintain their own covenant.  We believe Noah’s covenant is totally up to God’s own effort.  You see, we can’t make a rainbow – only God can make a rainbow.  So we don’t even bother to save ourselves.  We do whatever the heck we want to, can be slack and second rate on spirituality if we want to, occasionally little devils on legal issues (as the Coloured Devil’s would testify), but, in general, happy enough and amused by all the entertainment.  You see, God didn’t actually give us Noahides a doctrine of salvation, so we do bugger all, smile that the rainbow still pops up for us every now and again, and thank our lucky stars we don’t have to slave away at the Sabbath, or confess every sin under the sun in true Johannine fashion.  Amen and amen and amen.  But enough with religion.  I am tired, thirsty and hungry, and fortunately the kitchen is still were I would imagine it to be.  This chronicle is finished for the moment, but I will give you some more thoughts later one.  Cheers.  Daniel




Chapter Two

(Written Friday the Fifth of March, 2010 CE/AD, in the morning)


Funnily enough, I am actually published already.  No royalties, or anything like that, but in reasonably significant publications.  My first publishing is actually a fan letter to a comic.  I was a big fan of DC Comics growing up and loved the Justice League International and others from the 1980s, but in the early to mid 1990s I loved quite a few others and ‘The Demon’ run by Garth Ennis and John McCrea was awesome.  And, thus, I am published in the last issue of the 1990s run of the ‘Demon’ in poetry form.  I have to go off and obtain the comic again, but here is the poem as far as I can recall from memory.


‘A Devious Plan by Etrigan to conquer all the Earth

Saw light in Demon 52 when Glenda did give birth

A Tragic fate it does await a child so innocent

For the Demon’s evil schemes are not heaven but hell sent


I laughed with glee in 53 at Hitman’s futile folly

Too kill an undead army, methinks it’s not that jolly

And Jason Blood he knew the score and gave a grin not frown

As he stepped into the circle and took the bastard down


It was a fight with fire and flight which came in 54

A merry battle yes indeed with blood and guts and gore

So to the victor go the spoils and Jason blood did smile

While Etrigan his dark revenge will have to wait a while.’



I wrote out the letter on paper with a pen, and my writing is not that neat, so they misspelled the last name and put ‘Daniel Dacy’ instead of ‘Daniel Daly’, confusing the ‘L’ for a ‘C’.  I sent in another poem on the Demon as well, but the first poem was in the last issue, so they couldn’t have published the second one.  I did though have my name mentioned in an issue of ‘Green Lantern’ I think around this time as well, (just a little later), in the letters section.


My next publishing was in poetry anthologies from (I think they have changed their name now).  My poem ‘Cat’s’ was published in ‘Treasures to Discover’ and my poem ‘The Next Day’ was published in ‘The Best Poems and Poets of 2001’.


After that I was published in a magazine in America, but never received a copy of the magazine, and it was one of my poems.  I think it was called ‘Anointed Magazine’ by Magpie publishing, or something or another.  I’ll get it one day.


And then, just last year, I was published in ‘Short and Twisted 2009’, an Australian Anthology book, with short stories with twists to them.   My short story ‘The Diabolical Adventure of RXQ7’ was published in this anthology.


Of course, ‘Morning Stars’ and ‘Ye Olde Devil’ were published at the same time under my own ‘Noahide Books’ imprint in 2007 with 100 copies of each of them.  I have handed most of them out, but still have a few of each at home.


My writing is central to my life, these days.  I receive a Centrelink ‘Disability Support Pension’ for my Schizophrenia, and because I have a lot of free time available, I write books.  I became schizophrenic in the mid 1990s the day I returned to faith in the God of the bible (interesting that, isn’t it).  It was a hectic time.  I had just spent the afternoon at YWAM in Watson with a girl called ‘Ariel Cheng’ who was studying with me at CIT at the time.  All the previous night my depression had reached its worst, and I needed to See Ariel because she was saintly and a believer.  All that day coming through Canberra from Macarthur to Watson I felt all this heaviness upon me, but when I got to the ground of the YWAM place, the spiritual heaviness abated.  But when I left later on it returned.  I stopped off in Woden at the Christian book store, bought a ‘Good News Bible’ and stopped off again at Holy Family Catholic Church in Gowrie and read the entire book of Job.  And that is when I felt the goodness of God and returned to biblical faith.  The following day I went off on a mad crusade after having confessed my sins to a Catholic priest in Red Hill, and, in an attempt to test my faith Indiana Jones and the last crusade style, I ended up jumping of a bridge near Parliament House.  I was in hospital for a couple of week, and then in a wheelchair, but most of the anxiety and depression was now gone.  And then about 6 months later when I prayed a sinners prayer in Potter’s House in Pearce, the rest of the depression left.  BUT, in those 2 and a half years as a Christian, until January 1999 there was still a degree of anxiety.  This, though, left in January 1999 when I became a Noahide.  And since then things have been very good for me.  I have had Schizophrenia all throughout this time, rejected the medication on naturalistic grounds a number of times, but now take it consistently.  My symptoms are talking to myself a lot, and hearing voices a bit, but it is fine now.  It doesn’t really bother me that much anymore.  I have learned to live with it.  But because I receive a Disability Support Pension since applying in 2005, I no longer really have to work so, to keep myself busy and (hopefully) earn a living one day, I write books.  The main intention with my books is to keep them FREE to read online, but if people want to purchase paperback copies of my books, those ones I can sell.  That I think is an ethical way of going about business, and completely fair.


My main saga, of course, is ‘The Chronicles of the Children of Destiny’.  This is about Angels and Children of God, from their creation up into a potentially neverending future.  There is quite a bit written about them now, and I don’t really plan on ever finishing the saga in this human life.  I have prayed many, many times to God for long life, and hope he continues to bless me with this.


The first book written in the ‘Chronicles of the Children of Destiny’ was ‘Morning Stars’.  This was begun the writing of in 2000 CE/AD.  Prior to this my writing achievements were:  A story about insects who flew in leaves in year 6 (which I was very proud of), a Frog and Toad story in primary school, a Fantasy Epic which I had maps drawn up for, about Kalan Lyant and Mallintor the Magician and the continents of ‘Kaluvia’ and ‘Ky-Keria’ and Karadarak’ and the main bigger one which I can’t remember the name of but had the capital city of ‘Rhyan’ and a minor village called ‘Lameth’ were a female bartender called ‘Marni Bonniker’ worked, who was to figure into the saga.  ‘Ky-Keria’ was a continent on the north of ‘Kaluvia’ and they were just connected (like north and south America’.  All of ‘Ky-Keria’ was barren land with the dread city ‘Yalth’ in the centre, were the main protagonist of the saga, and evil warlock, resided.  On Kaluvia on the north-east side were the ‘Iridian Jid’ mountains, two cities called ‘Ejin’ and ‘Eijin’.  On Kaluvia, over the other side of the Iridian Jid on the mountains on the northern side, near the ocean, was ‘Haven’.  On Karadarak on the top north-eastern corner was ‘Auar’ and the ‘Auarii’ were the elf-like creatures from the hidden Shangri-La of ‘Auar’.  Auar was totally surrounded by impassable mountains on the land side and impenetrable cliffs on the ocean side, and thus had never been found by the dwarves or humans.  I had written in year 7 or 8 or 9 (I can’t remember which) quite a bit of this story on paper, but eventually lost the writings unfortunately.  But later on in the mid 1990s it was going to be called (with new ideas) ‘The Doomsayer Chronicles’ with all sorts of ‘Armageddon’ overtones.  I will definitely write this saga one day, and ‘The Belzandramanian’ which is currently underway mentions this saga, and should be viewed also as a prequel alongside David Eddings two sagas.


I had read ALL of the Belgariad by this stage, and was about to be pleasantly surprised by Damien Asanovsci with his mothers copy of ‘Guardian’s of the West’ in hardback.  The other major fantasy works I read in those years were:  The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, The Twilight Realm, the First Shannara Trilogy, The First 5 Riftwar saga books (Magician, Silverthorn, A Darkness at Sethanon, Prince of the Blood & The King’s Buccaneer), The Dorian Hawkmoon books by Michael Moorcock, Conan the Adventurer, The Pliocene Exiles (and later the Galactic Milieu saga) by Julian May, The first nine Xanth books by Piers Anthony and later the first seven Incarnations of Immortality Books and Battle Circle by Piers Anthony (and I have ideas for a Battle Circle sequel, which I might do in fanfiction – hey, I will call it this:  ‘Battle Circle II:  Circle of Death’ – I just made up that title then.  Anyway, my idea for the sequel is that the two guys left stranded near the end with the radiation poisoning (was that it?  It is years since I have read it) but it was Sos and Sol wasn’t it?  Anyway, whatever, they get rescued and cured by the Chinese Helicon, and they are in the sequel.  It was just an idea I had back then because I liked the books so much.), Some of the Discworld novels by Terry Pratchett, Most of the Foundation Saga (yet to read the two prequels to foundation), All 10 Chronicles of an Age of Darkness books by Hugh Cook and even a short story in the saga in his online website (check it out Hugh Cook fans, there are other short stories in the Chronicles there), This is the Way the World Begins featuring Ram Burrell by J T Macintosh, The Sword and the Satchel by Elizabeth H Boyer,  The first two volumes of ‘Memory Sorrow and Thorn’ By Tad Williams (I am halfway through the final volume and will finish it off eventually), and more recently the first two volumes of the Faded Sun Trilogy by C J Cherryh (I will finish of the third volume eventually) and others still.


I will probably start ‘The Doomsayer Chronicles’ soon.  After that in the Mid 1990s I wrote the first two versions of ‘The Harmony Bridge’ both of which never got finished.  The Current short story ‘The Harmony Bridge’ is a different version still, but contains some of the ideas.  It really should be seen as a sequel to the original ideas for the Harmony Bridge, the plot I still have in my mind which I will write out some day.  In fact the original version of ‘The Harmony Bridge’ birthed the name ‘Callodyn’.  That is were he was born.  Radric was born in the second version of ‘The Harmony Bridge’ and later I met Andre Wheeley from Crossroads Christian church and ‘Ambriel’, in a sense, was born from the ideas of both of these.  Radric was a friend of Callodyn’s.


I am on facebook at:



Here is my current resume:



Resume of Daniel Daly   



Address:          29 Merriman Crescent

                        MACARTHUR  ACT  2904


Phone:              (02) 6291 4414




Date of Birth:   20th of November, 1972


Skills:                      Office Administration Skills

Word Processing Skills – MS Word (Intermediate to Advanced)

MS Excel (Basic to Intermediate)

Typing: 60 wpm

                        Creative Writing Skills

                        Pastoral Skills


Education:               Associate Diploma in Office Administration

(1995) Canberra Institute of Technology


Certificate in Word Processing and Office Skills

(1993) Canberra Institute of Technology


Year 10 Certificate

(1988) St Patrick’s School, Cooma


Work History:  


2000 – Current        Author.   I have my own website

( dedicated to promoting my own fictional books about angels.  I have spent the last decade writing these books.




1996 – 2000.   Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service

Position:          Clerical Officer – Various Positions from ASO1 to acting ASO3

Duties:             Various database work, Excel Spreadsheet work, Travel log, Stationery cupboard maintenance, Photocopier room maintenance           




1996                        Department of Employment, Education and Training

Youth Affairs

Position:          Clerical Assistant

Duties:             Photocopying, Filing




It is not an exhaustive resume, just a basic one page one.


Well that is the end of chapter two.  I will write more soon.  Cheers.  Daniel


End of chapter two




Chapter Three

(Written Friday the 12th of March and Saturday the 13th of March 2010 in the evening, late on Friday, and early the next morning, Saturday, just after 12 midnight)


There is a line in a song which goes ‘A Good Heart these days is hard to find.’  Thinking about it, what will really last forever, beyond your works even, is if you have a good heart which people are attracted to and find peace in.  If people can get along with you and find acceptance with you, if you can overlook their flaws and fallible nature and love them simply for being them, for being human and alive and worthy of love because of it, if you can show empathy and relate your heart to theirs and give them consolation when they are low and be a faithful friend in both difficult times and good times, if you can be a little rock of eternal friendship and hope in their lives, then that will really last forever and be a blessing of untold wealth.  Money comes and goes.  Perhaps, in the world to come, we will be trillionairres a trillion times over, and perhaps right at the bottom a number of times too.  Who can really say, hey?  Perhaps we will own mansions, and cars, star in movies and sing great songs.  But when everyone has had their turn at glory, what will last?  Thinking about Jesus, who I don’t believe is the Christ or Messiah or God or anything like that type of nonsense, but thinking about how he often comes across in his simple human wisdom, he apparently forsaked all the glory of wealth in his life, didn’t bother really trying to earn thousands of drachmas (or whatever their currency was) and living out the high life, but instead sought to teach people spiritual values and share a message of love with them.  And while I think God has various ways of looking at the person of Jesus of Nazareth, ways unlike how the church views him, I think there is still a heart of popularity attributed to this man simply because he comes across has having cared about people, and perhaps was even willing to die for them, which he apparently did.  I couldn’t do that, personally.  I have the guts to take a bullet for any wife I would marry and children, but I couldn’t die on a cross.  But then again, that’s not me.  If someone asked me ‘Would you die for me?’ I would have to tell them ‘NO.’  But then I would say ‘But I would LIVE for you instead.’  But, whatever, the message of Jesus simple love is, really, what is going to last forever.  The message of finding a heart which accepts you and treats you kindly, which will sacrifice for you and dig you out of difficult situations, will give you blessings when you need them, and stay faithful to you – well who can say that they don’t really want that a lot?  And, hopefully, that is what Haven Noahide Fellowship, if it really ever starts growing well and turning into something which I hope it could become, will be all about.  Above all else I want Haven to be exactly that – ‘A Haven’.  I think everyone can say at some time in their lives they needed a place to get away, a place to call their own, a place to be accepted, loved unconditionally, and helped out in difficult circumstances.  In Australia were I live we are so lucky that we have a good welfare system which helps out the people with low incomes.  I know that Indigenous Australians still have a degree of poverty, but it has gotten to the point in Australia that if you really want to succeed in life, the opportunities are there.  Schooling will be free if you can’t afford it, you can gain HECS to study a university degree and pay it back later.  There is the jobsearch allowance to support you while you are looking for work.  And there is government housing for people who can’t afford to own or rent in the private sector.  All of this comes from, to my way of thinking, a society which genuinely cares about its citizens.  And that is what we all want, isn’t it?  To live in a world which cares and has a heart in it.  All my life I have heard it said occasionally that this is a cold hard uncaring world.  But I have found the opposite often equally true.  There ARE a lot of caring people in this world.  There are synagogues and churches and mosques and temples full of religious and spiritual people who are motivated by pleasing God and helping their fellow humans.  And there are non-religious people who hold to an ethical or moral stance of live and let live and trying to be a good person.  And, I think, that may just be what it is all about, this thing called life.  C S Lewis argued in ‘Mere Christianity’ that there is a ‘Moral Law’ which we all seem to ascribe to.  For example, we often say of things ‘That’s not right’.  Or ‘That shouldn’t be’ as if there is some benchmark or standard of righteousness which we all seemingly hint at, even unknowingly.  A lot of that may be as a result of centuries of grooming on our morals, but is it more than that?  Is there really a sense of justice innate to being human, made in the image of God.  And, for me, Justice is not just about righting wrongs, but acting justly to ensure a society in which happiness is found.


Haven Noahide Fellowship, as of today, has a tiny number of members.  But it has a growing number of people who know about us.  My hope is that Haven WILL grow, and end up being that Haven in peoples lives, a place of sanctuary, a place were they can escape to and find peace from God and solace for the heart and soul.  I want Haven to be a place were EVERYONE is accepted, because we are all children of Noah and Noahides.  It is to be a place were people can be put right with God, meeting him, encountering him in prayer and meditation, and finding others who also connect to him.  It is to be a place, ultimately, in which Jew, Christian, Muslim, Bahai and any of the believers in the God of Adam, Noah and Abraham can connect and find Haven from the conflicts which have often beset them.  You see, Haven accepts everyone of all the Adamic religions, wanting to be a place were they can find acceptance with each other and tolerance for their differences.  And it is the sign, the simple sign of the ‘Rainbow’ with its bright colours, which all of us can see and witness to, and have hope in the promises of God that his Grace will remain, everlastingly so.


*   *   *   *   *


I have had a crush on a number of female pop singers for a number of years now.  I have fancied the Christian pop singer ‘Rebecca St James’ for a long time, ever since the mid 1990s when I was given a Christian compilation CD from my sister with her song ‘Here I Am’ on it.  I think she is a wonderful person, and hope she soon finds the right man for her, because she is still a virgin in her early 30s and has been faithfully waiting for the right one.  I really like all 5 Spice Girls, and am currently reading Geri Halliwell’s biography ‘If Only’.  She comes across as a very genuine person, in no way flakey, with a very real upbringing and with a heart which cares.  I think she is FAB.  I am also a big Madonna fan now, and hope the best for her.  I also really like Britney Spears and Kelly Clarkson, as well as Mandy Moore, Hilary Duff and Lily Allen.


I remember in the 1980s when I first heard of Madonna.  She was that new big super popstar, who at the time I thought was basically one of the real big popstar's like Michael Jackson.  I never bought any of her albums though and was never really a fan until the early 1990s when I was at a video store and looking at CDs for rent and thought I may as well try the ‘Bedtime Stories’ album by Madonna.  I loved it and became a fan then.


I know Madonna has studied Kabbalah for many years, and I also know she still seems to be a Christian in faith as well.  I find her a very interesting personality and the fact that she has faith in God is, to me, a great thing.  To me that is someone who ‘has it all’ but still remembers where her bread is buttered.


Success in life, finding the big dream of it all, and finding your piece of the pie seems to be what it is all about for many of us in the west.  I wrote a poem a while ago called ‘Stuck’ which sort of summed up how I view things.  It is in my ‘Life, Love and Other Mysteries’ anthology of poetry and song.


So much of my own yearnings in life over these past 20 years have been for some sort of success.  To make a name for myself, to achieve wealth and success, to gain my own, supposedly deserved, glory.  But I suppose I have to learn the poem God gave me to write for myself.  ‘In patience what I need comes to be.’  I guess, if we can learn to wait, to learn to let go of the demand for ‘Instant Wealth’ and ‘Instant Success’, then perhaps what we actually really NEED will be given to us by God and that in this ‘Prison of Life’ we will end up FREE from the frustrations of our own covetous lusts for wealth and success, instead transformed into a person which is content with God’s love and whatever he sees fit to provide for us.  Because if we have God’s love – if we have the love of the one who is eternal and has always been there – then it is just patience we need to have, for he will give us all good things in the fullness of time.  What we need to learn in the mean times is to love each other, to respect each other, and to value each other.  For those gifts, which are FREE, are the ones we really need for eternity anyway.


*   *   *   *   *


When I stopped going to Catholic Church at 16 it wasn’t really because I didn’t believe in God.  It was because church was boring and I had better things to do.  But, gradually, looking back, I realize now that the simple faith I had in God as a child disappeared in those years from 16 to 18 or so.  But not for long.  I questioned, intently, wether God was there or not.  I thought about it all the time, a great deal, and then, later on in year 11 or 12 at Lake Tuggeranong College I stole a book on philosophy for beginners from the library (which I might have eventually returned to the Civic library) and read some of the arguments for the existence of God.  What nailed it for me was the ‘Argument from Design’.  Essentially it argues that nature is so complex, wonderful, beautiful and has such a design to it that it indicates a ‘DESIGNER’ behind it.  I gave this thought, then, and within a short while confessed my faith.  Yes, God was there, had designed the universe, and was the creator.  It was at that point I really did believe in God, and have never stopped since.  But I was NOT a religious believer, instead, I guess, being deistic in my viewpoint.  I did believe in an afterlife, though, and shared that view briefly once with Ariel Cheng, a friend from CIT.  But she alluded that unless I was a Christian I wouldn’t receive that afterlife.  That got me interested in Christianity and later I became a pentecostal.  But for a long time now, since being a Noahide, I KNOW I was in the right position back then.  I had faith in God, believed in a world to come, and I know that was and still is enough for God to accept you.  It was all he needed to save me.


Over the course of my walk with God, though, I have come to know that Jehovah is NOT a trinity, and that Israel is his ‘Rock’.  But, the way the Noahide world is gradually emerging now, we Noahides are becoming God’s ‘Rock’ as well.  After all, we are of the ‘Oldest’ of the biblical covenants, older still than Abraham’s covenants, and perhaps in that sense should be the MOST responsible of God’s holy people.  Perhaps, because we are of the OLDEST covenant, we should be the most mature and reliable in our service to the Most High.  It is what I believe personally anyway.


Faith in God in action can mean a lot for many people.  For many it is a belief system which guides their lives and moral choices.  For others it becomes the central focus in a religious calling.  And for others still, just that little part of faith in their lives, that little corner, which they occasionally go to that reminds them that, yes, they believe, and that there is a meaning to it.  But then back off to the real world.


For me, personally, it is perhaps a mixture of all those perspectives.  As a Christian in Potters House and the United Pentecostal Church I evangelized on the streets of Civic in Canberra a great deal, handing out flyers, talking to people and even street preaching.  I hardly ever saw anyone come to church that I had talked to, but wonder these days what, if any, impact I had.  It has been slow going in Noahide faith as well, but what I seem to be understanding these days is that you REALLY need to get your time up in a religion and a religious assembly and show REAL commitment before God will bless you with souls.  If you are a monotheistic evangelist, and you want to win souls to your assembly, they won’t come forth unless YOU stick to your assembly.  If you quit later on, God has wasted his time in using you as an example, hasn’t he?  You have GOT to stick to your guns and really commit, or you are just wasting your time.  Real soul winners are ones who end up sticking to something, and showing people their faith is genuine.  If it isn’t you won’t bear fruit in the end.  In this day and age it is as simple as that, because with all the religions on offer people see through the shallow ones very quickly now and move on.


*   *   *   *   *


I lost my virginity to a prostitute in Fyshwick in Canberra at 26 years of age.  It was the day (early in the morning) after I left Christian faith and was thinking about Jewish/Noahide faith.  I was living in Hughes in Canberra, working at AQIS, and had come to the conclusion that I really didn’t believe in Jesus and that I just believed in God.  And then, later on that night, thinking that because I was no longer a Christian, that all the Christian teaching on sexual purity until marriage really didn’t apply to me, with all my years of sexual frustration having built up, I went off to the keycard machine at the mall, withdrew a number of hundreds of dollars, and early the following morning took a taxi out to Fyshwick stopping at ‘Exotic Studios’.  The girls working name was ‘Amber’, she was from Cooma originally (funnily enough) and was very pretty.  I went a fair number of times after that, but it gradually diminished.


Sexuality and what God requires of us is a big issue for me, and very challenging.  Not being Jewish and, further, honestly believing that the Talmudic system of Noahide faith is simply rabbinic invention, I have only been able to rely on the Scriptures themselves.  I would be lying to myself if I tried to follow the mainstream ‘7 Laws of Noah’ code.  I don’t believe it is the historical truth, so there is no point in trying to meet its religious requirements.


I essentially have a ‘moderate’ stance on the composition of the scriptures, and would recommend ‘Richard Elliott Friedman’s’ ‘Who Wrote the Bible’ to explain source theory on the Documentary Hypothesis.  While I would question ‘Dating’ of the sources, I agree there ARE differing sources in the Torah.  Some say it is Priestly invention, the sections in Leviticus and that, by and large, the rulings are developed rulings.  This is probably true to a degree.  IF there are any genuine Mosaic sections in the Torah WE don’t know with any certainty what they are.  Further, we really DON’T know what are the rule from God, if any, on sexual morality.  The bible says what it says, but is this reality?  Is this the moral truth of human lives?  I am not sure.


In the Australian Capital Territory were I live Prostitution is legal.  Because of that I occasionally visit a lady and have an intimate encounter.  I have shared this with a number of friends in my mental health groups, and nobody really seems to object.  In fact it is usually an article for light hearted conversation.


From observations on this throughout life, smirks, laughter and grins are often the result in male to male conversations on their sexual escapades.  Is that, then, the reality of sexual conduct?  And, therefore, are the biblical prohibitions rabbinic nonsense?  Is it really that big a deal?  Today we have homosexuals well entrenched in our society, and nobody seems to mind.  In fact many churches say that is ok now.  With my knowledge on the composition of the bible and the lack of real proof of God’s own voice on the subject, what can we really say?


In the end I only argue common sense should prevail, and your own convictions and inner voice.  There are a lot of sexual freedoms now, and I think that will always be part of society from now on.  We won’t ever be going back to the Victorian era, and the restrictive ways of the past.  X rated porn is here to stay, and they are the facts of life.


What I do know, though, is that VDs aka STDs or STIs are a permanent part of the landscape, and a fool practices unsafe sex with every Tom, Dick and Harry.  So whatever your practices on this issue, be bloody careful.


*   *   *   *   *


I probably had my first cigarette in my teens.  But I can’t really remember.  In fact, it might have been my early 20s.  So far I have smoked about 20 to 30 cigarettes in my life and drunk about 50 to 100 cans of beer in my life.  I am not actually really trying to abstain from beer – it is just that I don’t really like the stuff very much.  I do like cigarettes, but plan on never taking them up seriously, as I know all to well the dangers.  But once or twice a year I will have a smoke, little enough to ensure I do no real damage.


I got weighed just the other day and came in at 154 KGs.  Quite a bit, but funnily enough down on the last weighing.  I have been up over 160 KGs previously.  My diet, and the fact I now drink quite a bit of water, is gradually and slowly wearing down my weight.  The way I am going, 3 or 4 years from now I expect I might be under 140 KGs.  I am hoping for that.


Being health, of course, is a big part of life.  It seems for so many that it is a major preoccupation and for the other half a non-issue.  But we are probably all concerned in some way.


God’s plan is for us mainly to eat fruits and vegetables and various plants, and he started us off on that.  Later he gave Noah permission to eat meat, and we can do that as Noahides as long as we drain off the blood.  Nobody is supposed to eat blood.


All of this is meant to support our life and make us healthy.  Of course, we don’t have access to the tree of life, as we can’t get back to the garden.  I pray that God feeds me that fruit spiritually, and I pray that a lot, and hopefully he does.  I really enjoy life these days and want as long a life as I can possibly get.


Of course, we need to be healthy and because of this I make sure I don’t smoke or drink too much, and I try to gradually improve my eating habits as the years go by.  I am even slowly thinking about vitamin tablets as an option to consider.


*   *   *   *   *


My brother Gregory was probably my best friend for most of my young life.  I teased him a bit too much I think, and was a bit bossy an older brother, but I really did like him, and am grateful I had him as a brother growing up.  We used to play cricket together in the back yard quite a lot, and across the road with the neighbours boy as well.


Greg has a boy, James, now.  James really is a ‘Daly’ and is like his grandfather with a quiet nature.


I have never been married, but would like to one day.  At 37 I realize I am not getting any younger, but still hope to meet a nice lady to have children with.  Of course God told Noah to populate the earth, and I am willing to do my bit, but just haven’t found the girl I connect with yet.  Hopefully one day.


Gregory is married to a Philippino lady called ‘Christie-Mae’ who was born on Christmas Day.  They seem to get along, and I enjoy having her in the family.  They are in Perth now, were they will build a house, so I won’t see him a lot in the future.  But he is my favourite sibling, and I wish the best for him.


*   *   *   *   *


I have listened to hundreds, possibly over a thousand, CDs in my life.  With my schizophrenia I am in the habit of getting rid of them in some way, but I have a large knowledge of many musical artists.  I have many favourite albums, but some of them would include:  Bon Jovi – New Jersey, Def Leppard – Hysteria, Kings X – Faith, Hope, Love, Spice Girls – Greatest Hits, Britney Spears – The Singles Collection, AC DC – Back in Black, DC Talk – Jesus Freak, Cheri Keaggy – My Faith Will Stay, Rebecca St James – God & Susan Ashton – A Distant Call.  I love music, can listen to it all day, and hopefully always will.  I myself have composed a number of basic classical piano pieces, and hope to eventually have a small compilation CD put together.  It will go on ‘Myspace’ if I ever get the project done.


*   *   *   *   *


Anyway, I will close this third chapter with a slice of wisdom.  ‘Whatever you do, do well.’


All the best.  Daniel


End of Chapter Three




Chapter Four

(Written Tuesday, 6th of April, 2010 CE, early in the morning)


It has been quiet enough the last few weeks since writing the last chapter.  I finalized the cleaning of my flat down in Cooma (Unit 4 / 194 Sharp Street) were I had just finished a six month lease.  I signed the bond release form and hopefully they will find it all up to scratch.  I have lived away from home (my parent/s) a number of times over the years, but due to lack of marriage have usually ended up back with them.


My first time away from home was in 1995 when I joined the Potters House Christian Church in November of that year.  I had been witnessed to by Tammy Saunders and the church had some established group houses for its younger tween members.  I stayed at a place on McFarland Crescent in Pearce in the Woden district, just up from the Pearce Shops and community hall were the Church met at that time.  Since then they changed locations to Civic in the Griffin centre for a while, and now down at a primary school in West Kambah.  They have had pastor’s come and go, and the original pastor that I was baptized under, Philip East, is now in Indonesia I think, still at his gospel work, with a different church.


I lived in the men’s group house with Brenton White, Scott Boswell, Rama Vaa and Craig Holford.  Craig Holford, along with his wife Raelene, are the only ones still attending the Canberra Potters House church from the days I attended the church (1995 to 1996, for about 1 year).  Brenton has a twin, Chris White, who is still a friend I see every now and again.  Scott was the main guy responsible for my induction in a sense into the group house and into Potters House, but I got along best with Rama Vaa, a Samoan fellow who was at university.  In the women’s group house, which was just down the street a little, there was Deonie (who later married Scott) Tammy Saunders (who later married a fellow named Mal Makkinga who had come into the church and who developed a close friendship with myself), Camille and Sofya Sharaf, who I had a crush on, who later married Sung Taing who was in the church with her for a while.


I was in the group house briefly, and then had another psychotic episode, wandering the bush, and then returning home to live with my mother for a while.  But I returned to the group house and the church, before living with Brenton White in the ‘Wall’ in Mawson for a little while.  After my year in Potters House I went to the United Pentecostal Church in the next suburb of Chifley, and moved to a flat in ‘Chifley House’ on Eggleston Crescent.  I was in that flat for a year or so.  After that I moved into a flat in Greenhaven Court in Hughes in Woden, just opposite the Hughes Jehovah’s Witnesses Kingdom Hall.  I attended the ‘Baptist Church’ in Hughes on and off for a little while, and a few visits to the Kingdom Hall.


In January 1999 living in Hughes I became a Noahide, and the following year in 2000 I began writing ‘Morning Stars’.  I was offered a ‘Package’ in 2000 due to lack of duties for my position, but I could tell the Schizophrenia problem was perhaps the main issue as to why my duties had dwindled.  I had been hospitalized a number of times by then.


I returned to 29 Merriman Crescent in Macarthur in 2000, not long before I took my package.  In 2001 I lived in Cooma on Baron Street for a six month lease, but was only there a few months before I had another episode and took off for Melbourne.  I stayed briefly with June Cantrell the Noahide who was a friend of mine (and of Frances Makarova ie Rachav), before being hospitalized in the Dandenong Hospital.  Just before leaving Cooma I remember (as I had no television) going into the newsagents and seeing the paper of the 911 incident with the twin towers.


I returned to Canberra after my hospitalization, and never really went back to Cooma to live to finish off the lease.  It was cleaned and I stayed in Cooma since then.


I was not hospitalized again until January/February 2008 (7 years reasonably well) and have not been since that time.


In 2007 I returned to live in Cooma at, this first time, unit 3 / 194 Sharp Street, which is the front unit on the right.  Returning back to Canberra I had published in paperback form, just after my father’s death, Morning Stars and Ye Olde Devil.  I was hospitalized just a little later.  I stayed then at Ainslie Village in the ‘Lodge’ for a few weeks, then my mother let me return home.


And then, since October 2009 till just the other day I had a lease for, this time, unit 4 / 194 Sharp Street, which is the front unity on the left.  Small world huh.  But I didn’t stay there a huge amount, and returned to live in Canberra for much of the lease.  I was just too lonely there in the end (although I was coping with it) and missed my newly acquired friends from the Mental Health Tuggeranong Drop in Centre.


One of the friends I have met in the drop in centre is ‘Marcus Low’.  He is from an Asian family, but he has a normal Australian English accent so I assume he was probably born in Australia.  Recently, at Woden Bus Interchange, I ran into him and asked him to write a story about an Angel for me.  We had discussed the idea of him writing stories for my website previously, and his story can be seen on the ‘Contributing Authors’ section of the main page.




That is all for now.  All the best to everyone reading this ongoing dialogue.


The End of Chapter Four




Chapter Five

(Written Friday 9th of April 2010 AD/CE)


I printed off my first 2 printer copies of ‘Jack Dagger – Skull and Crossbone’ yesterday at Tuggeranong library.  I haven’t printed off hard copies of most of my stuff, and am now getting around to it.  In this new electronic world, with computer memory and internet websites, it hasn’t really become necessary to print off actual paper copies.  I have 2 USB drives were I save my writings, and I think that is an absolute essential necessity these days with the ways hard drives so often crash and you can lose data.


I remember, when working in AQIS, hearing about the term ‘The Paperless Office’.  There was a seminar given on this at work and one of the senior workers took it so seriously that he assumed they no longer wanted printed copies of things, and just worked electronically.  An ironic statement I once heard it that in the new electronic environment, the paperless office uses more paper than ever before.  But such is life.


My first close female friend, who I guess in hindsight was a girlfriend, but I have never called any girl my girlfriend so far, was ‘Louise Roseman’ back in year 11 at Monaro High School in Cooma.  She had a crush on me and scratched ‘XAD’ into her arm, that being my nickname which I used as the signature for the high scores on various video games played at the Cooma Video Game Arcade.  We kissed at ‘Peter Dradrach’s’ and, while I learned she was ‘Easy’, we never had sexual relations.  Just around that time I was at the Cooma Show with my group of friends and I went on the dodgems for quite a while with a blonde girl from year 10 named Jenny.  I remember at school boasting to Mark Post that I only went with Jenny to make Louise jealous.  But that was actually all bravado, and completely untrue, since I just made it up at the time.  I was in no way trying to make Louise Jealous.  Jenny had written me a porno letter, and I was still scared of such intimacies at that age – I think, looking back, I was trying to escape the friendship with Jenny in some way.  Jenny was a nice girl, but not for me.


There was, interestingly, another Jenny in year 11 called ‘Jenny Cheetham’ who told me she ‘Knew’ there was a God.  It was one of my first ‘God’ conversations, and one of the things which propelled my teenage mind to search for God.  I rung up Jenny’s mum just a few years ago and got back in touch with Jenny.  Her father died just around that time, and while she was working in New Zealand, she came back to Canberra briefly and we caught up.  I was way to strong in my comments about Jesus and Christianity not being true, and I put her off any future friendship, which I regret.  I really like her, and I had a crush on her back in high school.  She had changed a lot though.


When I started attending CIT in 1993 to 1995 doing the ‘Associate Diploma of Business in Office Administration’, I ended up making a lot of close female friends, because the course was mainly filled with females.  One of the girls was ‘Ariel Cheng’ who told me she was a Christian.  She was a very quiet and gentle girl, from Taipei, and I ended up going to the place she was staying to talk with her the afternoon before I had my accident the following day.  That afternoon I bought a Good News Bible and returned to faith.  Other girls I studied with at CIT and remember were Nary Ly, Caroline Blanc (who I think works in Tuggeranong), Lindy Barham (who was a close friend) and Lee Chiu.  Lee Chiu was my second close female friend, and when she returned to Hong Kong we wrote letters to each other for a while.  But she was never quite my girlfriend either.


When I went to UPC I proposed to ‘Ann Kim’, but I was having a psychotic episode at the time (which she might not have known) and she said ‘Later’.  I ended up leaving the church, and haven’t seen Ann Kim in years, but in reflection she was definitely not the one for me.  Too differing personality types and theological beliefs.  But it was only a brief friendship with her, and while we kissed a few mornings (as we walked down from Chifley to Woden to go to work) I had never called her my girlfriend either.  It was mainly a brief romantic fling.  We never had sex though.


Later on in that church I was interested in Becky Kent, and just before I left the church we were starting to sit together in service.  But I ended up leaving UPC in 1998 because I didn’t believe Oneness theology.  I think I was in UPC for about a year and a half.  To Oneness believers I recommend 1 Corinthians 8:6 and John 17:3 which should teach you Jesus isn’t God.  The logic of putting Matt 28 and Acts 2 is correct, but name simply means ‘Authority’.  It doesn’t mean a literal name in the scriptural context.  You see, in terms of the New Testament, Jesus receives the ‘Authority’ of the father, which means he received the ‘Name’ of the father, with the power (Name) to send the Holy Spirit.  God revealed to me just after leaving Christian faith that worship of Jesus was extreme idolatry and carried a death penalty, but then told me later on, while I was considering that, to ‘Be in the Hearts of Men’.  You see, while God has made his judgement on the issue, he tells me to have mercy, and look at the heart of the people in such churches, who are really just in error theologically, and simply don’t know any better.


I have just started collecting old bibles, SVDP in Tuggeranong being a major place of purchase, were you can get them currently second-hand for $1.  I particularly like finding ‘To Such and Such for your such and such’ in the front cover with a signed date and year.  I am in the habit of putting my name and purchase date and signing these copies myself, just next to such markings.  I like a record of who has owned such bibles – I think that is a good idea.  In fact, with all the books I now buy, I sign and date them.  For ‘The Da Vinci Code’ paperback I purchased from SVDP I wrote in a little plot idea for a Robert Langdon story in the front cover.  The story is called ‘A Contract with the Devil’ and is set in Jerusalem.


* * *


I read the ‘Belgariad’ by David Eddings way back in Cooma in around 1987/1988.  A friend of the family had given us some books and ‘Pawn of Prophecy’ was amongst them.  I read it as the second fantasy work I had read, and thought it was amazing.  I went off to the library to find if they had the rest of the saga and was overjoyed to find they had all 5 books in the series.  I read them astutely and thought they were incredible.  This started my collecting of fantasy and science fiction novels and I read quite a number of works in those years.


Recently David Eddings died (early 2009), and then just a few months ago I began writing ‘The Belzandramanian’ which is a fanfiction sequel to David Eddings ‘Belgariad’ and ‘Malloreon’ series.  When I posted the first part of the story to a message board for Eddings on Google I found out he had died.  The Belzandramanian is going to be a major 5 part series, as long as both the Belgariad and Malloreon, which are both 5 book series.  I am working hard on it, and hopefully the readers will enjoy it.


Anyway, recently my neice Georgia Bridges (my sisters daughter) started slowly righting a short story on my computer.  She is only 10 years old and I thought the story was a good effort for Georgia.  I edited the finally copy, but all the words are hers.  You can read it at the contributing authors section.


Anyway, that’s all for now.  All the best to everyone.  Daniel


The End of Chapter Five




Chapter Six

(Written Monday 19th of April & Friday 23rd of April 2010 AD/CE)


This morning I have been working on my family tree, getting all the information out of my mother Mary.  I want to ensure I get all the details I can in case anything unfortunate happens to her before time.


Here is an interesting genealogy, with sources, from internet records I have put together.  From 105 back to 87 is Very Highly reliable, being part of the records of ancient Ireland which were carefully kept.  Going from 87 back to 37 & 36 is reasonable data in my opinion.  That Niall of the Nine hostages goes back to Milesius is commonly held to.  From 37 back to 13 is questionable, but is the only data we have.  Nennius table of nations, from my mind, may have been written by himself simply because of the popularity of the biblical genealogies, and 37 back to 13 which is from this source is highly questionable because of it.  The names may be genuine to some degree (Perhaps he drew on traditional names floating around the nations) it is questionable on authenticity, and is probably reactionary to the Christian faith and demand, but it is all we have so I place it (as others do) as our official genealogy back to Adam and Eve, but held with a degree of suspicion.  Whatever else, the amount of names going back to Adam is about the right amount historically.






I was watching Benny Hinn this morning and they talked about Schizophrenia.  The doctor who was on the show had been involved with research into the condition and claimed it was a lack of ‘Niacin’ in the diet which caused the lack of Brain nutrition, leading to the voices and schizophrenic symptoms.  Vitamin D was called necessary to help improve people with this condition.


I ate a lot of breakfast cereal when I was growing up, often twice a day, but this disappeared in my early 20s, when the depression entered in and the schizophrenia followed the depression.  If what this doctor says is true, then my lifestyle choices fit the pattern.  I will be trying Niacin for a while from now on and will let you know if my schizophrenic symptoms improve.


*   *   *


I have been buying a lot of books and trading cards recently.  When I am unwell I am unfortunately in the habit of destroying some of my possessions, and have lost many things because of it.  But I have been praying recently that God would help me not to destroy my possessions and would cure me of schizophrenia.  I think, with the new Vitamin D information, perhaps he has.


Anyway, currently my bookcase is full of books, paperback and hardback, fiction and non-fiction, and I have a lifetime of reading ahead of me.  I am also going to be collecting things like:  CDs, Records, Trading Cards, Comics, China, Books, Stamps & Coins.


I like collecting things, but presently finding room for them is starting to become a problem.  I have resorted to purchasing large plastic boxes and storing things under the house.


When I was in my teens living at 6 Bradley Street in Cooma I was given some fantasy books by a friend of the family, Gerard Bryant.  David Eddings ‘Pawn of Prophecy’ was amongst them, and was the second fantasy book I read after ‘The Twilight Realm’.  My favourite genre of fiction is usually fantasy, followed by Science Fiction.  However, my own saga about Angels with the term ‘Angelic Spiritual Fiction’ would now be my favourite genre of fiction, and the stuff I enjoy writing the most and reading about.  I am really hoping that my work ‘The Chronicles of the Children of Destiny’ becomes the ‘Lord of the Rings’ of Angelic Fiction.  Fingers crossed.


Strangely, when I was very young, living in Berridale in NSW in Australia where I was brought up, I seem to remember something about an angel called ‘Ramiel’ for some strange reason.  It is quite possibly just my extensive imagination in rethinking about my past youth, but that angel name rings a bell for some strange reason.  I do remember we had rosary group meetings back at our Berridale house when I was very young, and perhaps the Angel’s name was mentioned then.  Or, perhaps, I had angels talking to me when I was very young, and my mother often said that ‘Do you remember playing with the Angels?’ referring to before I was born.  I had a dream about that recently, a dream which gave me the impression it was referring to a time before my birth, when I was in heaven.  I was living in Cooma, of all places, and attended St Pats school, and was learning things.  The dream seemed to be a flashback of my time in heaven, and I remember in the dream certain memories in my mind ‘Clicking’ to what the dream was showing.  They seemed to be part of my inner memories, part of the very fabric of my being.  Interestingly in my dream one of the Nuns told me ‘Your mother is going somewere and won’t be coming back,’ which the dream communicated to me as my mother going off to be born into the physical earth.  I was at school with my St Pats school-friends in the dream, and I believe now that there is a world of dreaming, a world of heaven, which precedes all of our lives before earth, and which seems to follow it as well.


Talking of dreams, for a number of recent years, tapering off after I prayed to God about it, I was having the most intense of dreams, ones in which I often felt like I was really alive in them, and they were so very real.  I often tried to make the dreams last as long as they could, refusing to wake up in my dreams.  I remember many scenes from many of my dreams, and I have dreamed about many celebrities funnily enough, as well as family and friends and many other faces I don’t yet recognize.


Daniel’s are really supposed to have vivid dreams, and they are supposed to be interpreted by us as well.  That is the gift of the book of Daniel for those who bear this name.  Further, Daniel’s are supposed to be judges because Daniel means ‘Judge of God’ which means ‘God’s appointed Judge’ (To Judge others, not meaning Judging God himself).



*   *   *


That’s all for now.  I will write more later.


The End of Chapter Six





Chapter Seven

(Written Saturday the 24th of April 2010 CE/AD)


I have decided in the last few days to try and keep a more comprehensive journal/autobiography on a far more regular basis.  I want to record all the various activities I get up to so that in latter years for myself and any interested parties they can get a very detailed account of my life.


Yesterday I was down at Chess for the Leisure Activities run by Mental Health Tuggeranong.  The people who attend the various activities usually suffer from Mental Illnesses such as Depression, Anxiety, Bipolar, Schizo-effective disorder and Schizophrenia.  This seems to be the general type of disorders they deal with for MHT.  Conversations centre around a range of subjects, but naturally medication and the conditions are often talked about.  Currently Risperdal and Seraquel are talked about as commonly used drugs by various people in the centre, and I am currently on a Risperdal Consta (injection) of 50 mg over every 2 weeks.  When I first started on the medication back in the 1990s, first using Olanzapine from memory, I was on tablets.  However I was never faithful to the tablets, as I couldn’t find consistency in taking them, and was hospitalized for my psychotic attacks a number of times.  Eventually they put me on injections, and they have worked much better and I find it easier to remember getting a fortnightly injection as it is less often.


I am reasonably ok at Chess, and have played it for many years.  In fact, way back in Berridale when I was very young I remember my father Cyril teaching me the game and playing it with me.  I used to play with Matthew to start with (I think) but definitely with Gregory over the years as we grew up.  Greg has also become quite good at the game.  Greg had a book called ‘The Chess Player’s Bible’ which Matt borrowed, but when Greg moved to Perth with Christie after selling their Calwell house just recently, he left the book behind with Matt and Matt didn’t want it so I asked Greg if I could have it and he gave it to me.  Fortunately it is a good book and I am gradually learning strategy from it.  I also had a big chess book given to me for either a birthday or Christmas present when I was younger, and I never really studied it in youth, apart from what they called ‘Pitfall number one’ which gave me a basic strategy to get a quick checkmate.  But it only works against new players as experienced players spot it pretty quickly.  I had a really nice chess set when I was a kid with big carved out pieces, which I managed to get from SVDP in Cooma were Dad worked and mum occasionally did volunteer work.  Unfortunately I left it behind one time at a Galong spiritual retreat which Mum and Dad took the family on to the Catholic Monastery in Galong NSW (Up Past Yass).  I recall going at least twice to this place I think, and one of the times I saw the movie ‘Highlander’ which became my favourite movie as a kid.  In fact it was Troy Bobbin who took some of the kids to rent a video and I chose Highlander.  Troy later became a priest and I was at his ordination.  And when I was very young at a SVDP Camp on a property near Jerangle Troy Bobbin was an older boy who befriended me and we did an ‘Act’ together in the ‘Talent Night’ with another guy.  It was a great camp and we played ‘Spotlight’ on one of the nights, with a torch out on the grass at night, with the object to make it down the grass to the base without being seen.  I can’t remember for sure if I made it all the way down or not.  I also remember walking to a river from the property.  I remember asking ‘How long it would take us’ and was told it was one mile to the river and would take us about an hour, which was accurate.  There was also a room which had people writing over the wall there names and band names and things like that, and I am pretty sure I remember writing ‘The Village People’ because along with Abba and Kiss they were about the only bands I had heard about at the time.  I think a lot of the kids wrote about ‘Kiss’ on the wall, as they were a big thing at the time.  I remember we had hot Milo for supper after dinner, and we slept in dorms.  We had a big ‘Envelope’ hunt and I found a lot of them, and when they gave out awards at the end of the time there I was called ‘The great Envelope Hunter’ or something like that.  It was mostly kids from Canberra and Queanbeyan and other regions who were on the camp, but I went with some other kids from my family.  We also used to play in a hayshed on the hay, but I spotted a spider on the wall, and they took us out.  But I later went and looked at the spider and it was dead so we started playing there again.  I remember we were walking on a road and someone tuned in a radio and said ‘We have 2XL’ which was and still is the Cooma radio station.  And I remember when I got there looking in my bag and looking at my socks and my bathroom items, as mum always had a toothbrush and toothpaste and soap put aside for us when we went on camps.  This camp was in the 1980s while we were living in Cooma, and probably the mid to early 1980s.  Anyway, I remember visiting an elderly lady in Cooma East which my mother knew and we played on my elaborate chess set.  I won the game, but she had confused the Queen for the Bishop in the set, which is why I probably won.  But I was so young and ambitious back then that I wouldn’t have let her take the move back probably – I have softened, though, but still have a degree of that attitude in me.


Yesterday I got to chess in the morning.  Adrian Harry Chan (I found out his middle name was Harry recently, and at the pool on Thursday, the day before yesterday, I have been teasing him calling him ‘Harry Potter’ and making wizard jokes) is the guy who picks me up in the MHT Van to take me to Swimming on Thursday afternoons and Chess on Friday mornings.  I go each week and he usually picks me up around 10 to 11 in the morning, as sometimes he is early and sometimes a bit later.  I played one game of chess with a guy called ‘Roary’ and I just lost, but it was a close game.  Later I played Scrabble with Rebecca Hill and Tony Beer and another guy called Shane.  It was the first time I had played Scrabble in the group, and they have been playing it for years, but I am not usually interested in Scrabble.  I was trying hard in the game to win, and fortunately got my letters out in the end before the others, so ended up winning, to which I was grateful.  But I probably won’t play scrabble that much more any more – it doesn’t usually interest me a great deal.  I knew Rebecca Hill before getting involved with the MHT leisure program activities, having remembered her face from visits to Vision Pentecostal Christian Fellowship, were she attends, in Fyshwick.  I couldn’t actually remembered were I first place her, but when we started talking for the first time and she mentioned Vision I knew it had been there were I had seen her.  Rebecca works in Parliament House in Canberra in the mail room I think.  She is in her mid 20s.  Tony is in his 50s I think and no longer works.  I receive the Disability Support Pension from Centrelink and a lot of people who attend the activities are also on the DSP, but not everyone.  Names I know well now from the programs are ‘Rebecca Hill’, ‘Tony Beer’, ‘Marcus CCC’, ‘Marcus Low’, ‘Alun Dorahy’, ‘Michael Laird’, ‘Matthew Sanderson’, ‘Steve Mansfield’, ‘Jenny Cutting’, ‘Tania’ , ‘Elizabeth’, ‘Scott’, ‘Des’, ‘Rodney’, ‘Isaac’, ‘Kevin’, ‘Richard Glinka’, ‘Andrew Wojick’, ‘Richard’, and the workers ‘Carmel’ and ‘John’ and ‘Laura’ and ‘Adrian Chan’.  They are all nice people and I am slowly developing some good friendships amongst them.  Yesterday, though, I surfed the internet as they have a PC for the centre with internet access which I use quite often.  I don’t have the internet connected at home at the moment, so use it in the library, in the hyperdome and at the centre mostly, as well as at some places in Civic occasionally.  Apart from that I chatted a bit.  I also printed off ‘I Love You, Always and Forever’, which is a short story I wrote the day before (Thursday Night) for Marcus CCC, dedicating it to him.  Marcus CCC is a very generous and kind person and has been shouting me meals for a few weeks at some Tuggeranong Restaurants simply because he is so generous and I usually spend my money of my allowance all on the Thursday I get it, rarely trying to make it last for the fortnight.  I told him I need to shout him as well but he asked ‘Just dedicate a Noahide Books story to me’ so I wrote it out and printed off 3 copies yesterday.  Carmel, Matthew Sanderson, Rebecca Hill and Marcus read the story yesterday and they all liked it, getting some smiles about the second Marcus.  Of course, this is the story in the previous chapter of this autobiography.


Carmel had been speaking over the last little while about some tickets to Canberra Raiders football matches she had been able to acquire.  She rang up the raiders and told them she wanted some free tickets for the leisure program and they were happy enough to provide her with 4 tickets for each match to various matches.  I wanted 3 copies of the up coming Bulldogs match (as I have gone for the Bulldogs, I am pretty sure, since the late 1970s when living in Berridale) but Paul McNally from the programs, who is also a big Bulldogs fan claimed two of them.  But I decided to take the two anyway.  Last year me, my brother Gregory and my brother in law Alan and his son Ronan, all of us being Bulldogs fans, went to the match between the Bulldogs and the Raiders, which the Bulldogs thankfully won.  It was the third Rugby League ARL/NRL match I had ever been to, the previous two being the same lineup, Raiders versus Bulldogs at Bruce Stadium in Belconnen.  Third time is the charm, because the Bulldogs lost the first two matches I saw live, but we won the third one I saw.  Anyway, Greg is now in Perth so I don’t need the fourth ticket, but I really wanted a third for young Ronan.  We have decided (as I rang Alan just this morning) to try and get a ticket for Ronan in the same section as ourselves on one of the next numbers, as soon as the tickets go on sale to the general public.  If we can’t get one near us I will simply buy any child’s ticket, and he can sit on Alan’s knee (which Alan suggested).  It should be a good enough solution.  But the tickets were free so I can’t complain.  I am looking at the tickets right now and they are ‘Section Bay 14, Row PP, Seats 25 & 26’.  They have the dates of Friday 25 – Monday 28 Jun 2010 on them because I think the Raiders don’t set the date till closer to the time, but Alan says (after looking the match up online) that it is for the Monday Night, the 28th of June.  When I was a kid back in the very early 1980s and late 1970s I went for the Bulldogs always as my first time, but because Newtown Jets were also in blue (navy blue I think) I went for them as my second team.  They left the competition after 1981 I think, but I found out they were in the Metropolitan cup as it was called, and are now still a team in the NSWRL competition, and I support them as my second team.  Just a few years ago I decided the Raiders would be my third team as I was naturalized an Australian Citizen in Canberra, so I now go for the Canberra Raiders as my third Rugby League team in Australia.  Of course, I go for the two Hull teams in the Super League competition in England.  And I am anxiously waiting on the final 4 games of the Premier League Soccer competition in England, because I support the Hull City Tigers and they are third last at the moment, facing relegation.  They only made it to the Premier League for the first time ever 2 years ago, after having been a club for over 100 years in the lower grade competitions.  But they rose a lot in the last few years, having come from the fourth division of the overall competition (Ie Premier, Champions, I think 1st division and then 2nd division this being the fourth division I am talking about) and rising all the way up to Premier league in about 6 or 7 years.  But they are finding Premier League challenging, as it should be.  They are an ok side though, and even if they return to Champions next year, I think they have an excellent chance of returning to Premier League the following season.  I go for the ‘Hull Ionian’s’ Rugby Union side, but haven’t gotten around to viewing the website that much, but intend to.  I follow the English Cricket side very passionately and might finally see some of my first Test Match this year in the up and coming Ashes series against the Aussies in Australia.  England currently holds the Ashes winning the last series in England 2 – 1 in 2007, but I don’t expect it to be an easy fight in the up and coming series.  England will have to fight like hell to beat the Aussies in Australia, but I am hoping and praying for the best of results for us.  I chose some Aussie Rules sides from the competitions apart from the VFL when I was a kid, and I still support ‘Glenelg’ in the South Australian competition and ‘Subiaco’ in the Western Australian competition.  They will likely always be the teams I support in those competitions.  In Australian basketball I went for the Canberra Cannons in the NBL, but they haven’t been in it for a while.  But I won’t choose another side, and will support any future Canberra team, hopefully still called the Canberra Cannons.  In the Super 14 Rugby Union competition I support the ACT Brumbies as my first team, but support the 3 other Aussie sides (NSW, Queensland and the Western Force) in all their games against the Kiwi and the South African Rugby Union sides.  I think this year an Australian team might just win the competition.  In the local ACTAFL competition I go for Queanbeyan, because when I was younger they were called the ‘Queanbeyan Honey Bunny Tigers’ because ‘Honey Bunny’ were their sponsors I guess.  But I won’t change my team of choice, even though I will now go for Tuggeranong as my second team in the ACTAFL.  In the Canberra Rugby Union competition I go for the Tuggeranong Vikings, and I support Tuggeranong in the Canberra Rugby League competition (I think they are called the Buffaloes).  In the big AFL competition I have gone for Hawthorn since the early 1980s and will always have them as my number one team.  Speaking of the Canberra Cannons, Phil Smythe was my favourite Basketball player as a Kid and he played for the Cannons for years, but then went off to the Adelaide 36ers.  Anyway, from the free-throw line he hardly ever missed and I thought he was great.  He wasn’t a tall player, but was pretty good.  I remember he came to St Pats High when I was a kid and was showing us basketball tips.  I didn’t get a chance to talk to him, but I was pretty chuffed in having seen him.  I actually played basketball for St Pats in Primary school but only played a few games.  I don’t think we ever won, and I was hopeless.  I think I wore a red t shirt with number 15 on it.  We were slaughtered once about 55 nil, but only had a few players on the team as the rest of the team hadn’t shown up.  It was up at the Cooma basketball stadium, just up near the old St Pats infant school near the Snowy Hydro Electric Corporation, not far from were I lived.  Right next to it is the Indoor Cricket centre were I played in the 1989 competition with my gang team and we won the B grade competition and I was selected to play in the A Grade comp that day.


*   *   *


Mum has gone off shopping with Brigid my sister this morning.  Currently it is school holidays and Madalene and Jayden and Georgia are down at the Chakola farm with their father David.  Mum usually goes shopping on Sunday after 10 am church with Trish Kirby.  Trish has been a friend of the family for many years now, and probably mum’s best friend.  She is a mature lady and teaches Catholic lessons to the school of religion I think it is, or perhaps RCIA or something like that.  Mum also taught the kids in schools for a little while.  Trish has a degree in Theology from Australian Catholic University at the Signadou Campus in Watson in North Canberra.  I studied Primary Teaching there in the early 2000s, but only completed 3 quarters of my first year subjects, giving up on it.  I convinced myself that I wasn’t going to give the kids my best effort, but I think I’d had enough of study by then.  Rebecca Bourke was a girl who stood out in my studies at ACU and we did a project together and I visited her place once in Belconnen.  She had a cat with one eye.  I remember talking to her about Noahide faith a few times.


Right at this moment I am listening to Delta Goodrem’s album, ‘Innocent Eyes’ and the song ‘Running Away’ is playing, which is track number 11.  Delta’s boyfriend (they might now be married, but I am not sure) Brian McFadden currently has the number one song in Australia.  The song is ok, but I don’t think it is that great, and I only think it is number one because of his relationship with Delta, as she is very popular in Australia.  She had 4 number ones from her Innocent Eyes album, which was a record.  I think it was Kylie Minogue who had the previous record with 3 number ones from her first album back in the 1980s.


Because of my Schizophrenia I destroy things I own a lot when I am psychotic, but have been concentrating a lot and praying a lot for this to end.  In my current CD collection at home I own:

Delta Goodrem – Innocent Eyes

Dio – The Very Beast of Dio

Kelly Clarkson – One Minute CD Single

Dream – He Loves U Not CD Single

Cheryl Cole – 3 Words

Kate Miller-Heidke – Curiouser

Madonna – Something to Remember

AC DC – Let there be Rock

Billie Piper – Walk of Life

Tina Arena – In Deep

Cascada – Platinum


I am hoping this CD collection now lasts, and the psychosis diminishes and I return to normal.


Some of my very favourite Albums of all time (and I have listened to hundreds of them) are:


Bon Jovi – New Jersey

Bon Jovi – Slippery When Wet

Def Leppard – Hysteria

Madonna – Something to Remember

Cheri Keaggy – Child of the Father

Cheri Keaggy – My Faith will Stay

DC Talk – Jesus Freak

Rihanna – Good Girl Gone Bad

Lisa Loeb – Tails

Lisa Loeb – Firecracker

Lisa Loeb – The Way it Really Is

Kings X – Faith Hope Love

Spice Girls – Greatest Hits

Britney Spears – the Singles Collection

AC DC – Back in Black

Queensryche – Empire

Helloween – Chameleon

Helloween – Keeper of the 7 keys Part II

Iron Maiden – Fear of the Dark

Boom Crash Opera – These Here are Crazy Times

Queen – Absolute Queen

Seal – Seal

Jewel – Pieces of You

Alanis Morisette – Jagged Little Pill

Avril Lavigne – The Best Damn Thing

Taylor Swift – Fearless

Kelly Clarkson – Breakaway



& many more


*   *   *


I am catching up with my friends Chris White and Robert Preston tomorrow at Woden plaza food court at midday.  I have known Chris and Rob since Potters house days in 1996 and while I see Rob every few weeks and have done ever since potters house days, I only catch up with Chris every year or so.  But we speak a bit more often over the phone.  Chris is married to an Asian lady named Ann who he met at a party.  She was married at the time but had problems with her husband and I remember Chris saying she might divorce him, which she actually did and married Chris.  Chris was dating another older Asian lady called Nim prior to this, but had problems with her.


Chris likes to talk about issues relating to the book of Revelation in the New Testament, as does his twin brother Brenton who now lives in Townsville and works, I guess, still as a painter.  Chris is a good guy, with a savage sense of humour, but is friendly and easy to get along with.  We were going to live together briefly, but I had to pull out for personal reasons.  Chris and Brenton are identical twins, but Brenton was in the habit of wearing a short beard so you could always tell them apart.  Brenton also started using a diet shake or something like that and thinned down a lot, but Chris is still a little stocky like myself.  I am currently 154 KGs, but hope to lose at least one kilo for my next weigh in with my mental health psychiatrist who weighs me when we meet up.  I have been doing more exercise in the last few weeks and am being more faithful to it.  I hope to get down to 153 or 152 and over the next few years intend to work carefully to eventually get under 100 KGs if I can.  I am getting a bit more in control of my diet as a grow up and mature so things are looking good in the long term.


Chris plays the keyboard somewhat and might be quite good by now.  I started playing the keyboard seriously back in Lake Tuggeranong College were I studied music, and ended up composing a lot of my own basic classical pieces.  We don’t have a keyboard at home anymore and when Greg moved to Perth he took his piano with him.  But when I have access to a piano or keyboard I usually sit down and play an improvised piece – just messing around, which is all I really need to do anymore with it.


Robert Preston is married to ‘Michelle’.  They don’t have any kids together, but Robert has a daughter called ‘Rachael’ from a previous relationship, who now has a daughter of her own so Robert is now a Grandfather.  Rob is about 40, just a few years older than me.  He lives in Weston Creek.


For years now we have been seeing each other every few weeks, and often go on outings.  We used to go canoeing a lot when he had a canoe, but most of the time we head down to KFC in Tuggeranong or some other place for a meal and chat.  He has helped me move my stuff a lot and is a good and faithful friend.


*   *   *


Well, I have spoken about my dreams before, and I thought I would share some of the things I have dreamed about of famous people.


Freddy Mercury from Queen singing a song ‘Life is Like a Jigsaw, It’s Unreal’, which he never sung on earth.


Bon Jovi singing a song with the line ‘If the People say its alright, well its alright’ which they have never sung on earth.


A Bon Jovi song which I now remember dreaming about before when I was a kid, from the New Jersey Era of songwriting, but which they never sang on earth.


Queen singing a song ‘Queen says Fuck’ which they have never sung on earth.


Def Leppard singing a song about me as Lucifer which they have never sung on earth.


At least 2 other very cool Def Leppard videos I saw in my dreams, but the band on earth do not sing.


In a dream snippets of a Kasey Chambers album, going quickly through many of the songs.  They were very cool, but I don’t think she has released them on earth.




Well, that is all for today.  I hope to write again very soon.


The End of Chapter Seven




Chapter Eight

(Written on Monday the Third of May & Tuesday the Fourth of May 2010 AD/CE)


Here are some of my suggestions.

Noahides (and everyone else for that matter) should strive to maintain permanent genealogical records.  And with the advent of the online world and computer memory we have the ability to store practically endless amounts of information, meaning:


People should take it as a lifelong obligation to keep a record of their life in autobiographical form and arrange for this to be kept permanently in the family record.  A good idea is to arrange for a free  or  or  website and put all your relevant information into these web-pages and arrange for your offspring to permanently have the password details for accessing these websites and maintaining these websites.  These websites can in turn link to their offspring, and so on, for all future generations.  It is also a good idea for all your life’s story to be placed on such websites for future generations to read about.  Every child of Noah has an interesting life story and all peoples lives are worth reading about.


I think it would be a good idea if the United Nations formed a worldwide family tree department and attempted to have as many willing nations contribute their genealogical records to form a permanent family tree for mankind.  These should be kept in an online environment, accessible by the general public, with the opportunity for people to contribute their own autobiographical information as well as family photos and videos.  I think this is an area of Government input which citizens would welcome and not object to paying tax dollars for the maintenance of.  Wouldn’t it have been awesome growing up if you could have accessed an online database of your family tree and read about all the exploits of your great-great-great grandfather or your great-great-great-grandmother, and so on, all kept in an online autobiographical and biographical section.


*   *   *   *   *


4th of May


It was raining this afternoon.  Thunder was booming in long bursts at a distance, and lightning struck.  I have always liked the rain – it brings forth feelings of security when locked inside my home, safe away from the harsher realities of the fury of nature.


God created nature and, I suppose, in many ways it reflects God himself and not just his fertile imagination.  He is a God of wonder and power, of fury and might.  When he appeared to Israel at Mt Sinai he surrounded the top of the mountain with thunder and lightning.  What this meant to the Israelites was a witness of a God of Power and Might – a God not soon to be forgotten.


Perhaps one of the strongest testimonies to the truth of the God of Israel is in how so many of the other deities, which the Hebrew God calls ‘idol’s’ have come and gone and been all but forgotten by the world.  Sure, we still bandy about the Roman and Greek god names in legendary story telling, but nobody seriously believes in their existence any more.  And as for all the ancient Canaanite gods most people can’t even name one.


Yahweh, the Lord, the God of Israel, seems to have stayed around in the imagination of humankind for some reason.  For some reason this particular deity has imprinted himself on the hearts and minds of humans with the belief that he is the true God and creator of all that is.


Either, for some strange reason, this particular religion has some sort of appeal which speaks to many, or it just may be what it claims – the truth.


When Yahweh spoke to me in a dream in Goulburn about a decade ago he spoke with a voice which emanated pure, flawless truth.  It is not just a voice which I sensed I could trust and would not lie to me in this sense, but you could sense the literal spiritual truth of the voice.  That is what Yahweh himself is like – pure, unadulterated truth.


I believe Yahweh is ONE – that is how he communicated himself to me.  He is not some confusing triune deity of the majority of Christian belief.  He is a being of singular nature in the same way human beings, made in his image, are likewise one singular human person.  And, in fact, the New Testament teaches this truth as did the Christian church to begin with.


*   *   *   *   *


I lived in Cooma from 1980 to 1990 – the decade.  My family lived at 6 Bradley Street in Cooma.  The family attended the Catholic Church every Sunday for the whole decade, whereas I myself left the church in about 1988, no longer believing in Christianity and not really believing in God very much.  The Catholic Church in Cooma is St Patrick’s Church, and I attended St Patrick’s school from Kindergarten through to Year 10, first travelling in from Berridale and then walking to school every day from 6 Bradley street.  In 1989 I attended Monaro High School in year 11 for one year, before the family moved to Canberra in late 1989 I think (or possibly very early 1990).


I still have strong memories of year 11 in Cooma.  For the previous couple of years I had finally found friendships, never having found any at St Pats of any reasonable length, making new friends with the kids from the public school system who I have talked about already.  We used to hang at Peter Dradrach’s house mostly, but were very rarely at my house or occasionally at Damien Asanovsci or Michael Werle or Michael Gratwick’s house.  Peter had a Commodore 64 computer and we played it constantly in the late 1980s, also going to the Arcade parlour all the time at this point.  We played various arcade games at the arcade parlour which was on Bombala street a couple of hundred metres down the road from Peter’s house.  And, of course, just down from his house was the Rotary Oval were we did our cricket training, playing in the nets a heck of a lot over a few summers.  In 1989, the year before I left for Canberra, it was the time we played the Indoor cricket competition and won the B Grade competition.  It was a time when my life was very full with my friendships, friendships which had not really been there in a major way in earlier years, perhaps apart from Peter Collins who lived opposite us on 6 Bradley Street, and I grew up a lot and found out about people and relationships.  In year 11 Louise Roseman had a crush on me and carved ‘Xad’ onto her arm which was my nickname from computer arcade games and fantasy games (a shortened version of my made up ‘Xaddadaxx’).


Berridale was my very early youth, from 1972 to 1980.  Cooma was my childhood from 1980 to 1990.  But I achieved proper adulthood and became a man living in Canberra from 1990 onwards, and that is were most of my fundamental spiritual growth and maturity came from.


I had pinched a lot growing up, and in our gang we pinched things from shops a bit.  We were not innocent lambs of God.  But I always knew our particular group, which listened to a lot of heavy metal and hard rock from the 1980s, were still good kids and we were not an aggressive gang in any way and we never really made any trouble for people.  A very few minor incidents but never any real problems.  Looking back we were ok kids and in my relationship with God today he never brings up any problems from my youth.  I was a little bit of a devil, but I was alright in the end.


I liked Louise a bit, but I liked Jenny Cheetham more, who was a girl in my year (Louise was a bit younger) who was from the Public system, as I never knew her in St Pats, and while I never dated her or anything like that, my heart really yearned for her for a few weeks.  I met her again in a Revival Fellowship meeting in Tuggeranong a few years back after she returned from New Zealand for her dad’s funeral.  She had changed, and my feelings for her were not the same, but I still liked her quite a lot.  She’d been married since, but had divorced.  But she was keeping her married name so there was no future for us possibly.  Besides, she didn’t agree in any way with my Noahide beliefs, and I was possibly too antagonistic in some of the things I said to her.  But such is life – it is never always smooth sailing.


*   *   *   *   *



That is all for now.  I will write again in a while.


Best wishes to those reading this ongoing work.  Daniel.


The End of Chapter Eight





Chapter Nine

10th of June 2010 AD/CE / 6174 SC


Today was the 10th of June 2010 AD/CE or 6174 SC as I like to call it.  I have decided today that Haven Noahide Fellowship should keep historical records in an online format as well as in a published paper format as our own history of the world and Noahide relevant issues.


Here are my activities for this day.


Just after 2.30 this morning I went down to the service station at the Chisholm shops to use the St George ATM.  My money sometimes comes in after 3.30 in the morning, but sometimes after 2.30.  Today it was in after 2.30.  I bought a cottage pie from the station (which I do a lot on Thursday mornings, early, when I go for my money) as well as a glass bottle of Coca Cola, which is currently sitting on my desk near my, now having been drunk).  I purchased the CD’s from the Service station of ‘AC/DC – Back in Black’ as well as ‘Queen – Absolute Greatest.’  They both cost over $20.  They had a copy of Metallica’s self titled album, and later on when I was at home I was thinking over how the ‘Back in Black’ album and ‘Metallica’s’ self titled album were basically flawless albums as I saw it, both with black covers, and both having symbols relating to Satan.  I spent time when I got home, first listening to the Queen album, and listening to most tracks until about track 10 when I skipped them a little and changed to the AC/DC album.  I remember looking at the songwriters for the various Queen songs and noting, as I have noted in the past when I had most Queen CDs at a time, that each of the four members of the band had written at least one decent hit, and that each member contributed to a real band as I saw it.  I remember looking at the picture from the First Greatest hits album in the folio and thinking it was a classic photo.


Later on, just after 6, I headed off to the bus stop to catch the early bus to Tuggeranong.  I caught the 67.  The 65 comes at a very similar time each morning, and I usually prefer this one as it gets to Greenway just a little bit quicker.  There was a girl at the bus stop who I recognized from yesterday, and she asked the 67 bus driver about the 65.  I caught the 65 yesterday with her and she got off at Mackillop catholic school.  I think she is a teacher or something.


When I got to Tuggeranong Hyperdome I ordered a Caramel latte and noticed the girl who worked there again.  I have been g0ing to the coffee shop on Anketell street on the Hyperdome which is open from about 6 and there has usually been a guy working at that time.  But the last couple of times it has been a girl.  She is of average looks and I thought about her as a potential girlfriend as I do about all the girls on the bus and who I see in the streets.  I measure them up and assess wether I would be interested.  She was medium in looks, and I didn’t really fancy her.


I ordered a grande $5 latte and went into the hyperdome to use the Internet.  There are Internet stalls which take coins and credit cards which you can use whenever the Hyperdome is open.  I have a username, which I can’t tell here, and a password I use all the time now.


When online I emailed Naomi Samadi from Haven Noahide Fellowship in India.  I also paid my regular credit card bills for my go MasterCard.  One bill was just over $70 and the other I paid just over $92.  The bills come each month.


After that I think I did some updating to my Noahide websites, as well as checking my email and my myspace accounts.  Most days I check my webhits for my Noahide Books website, and I can’t remember how many I got today but they were a decent amount of hits.


After that I went shopping.  I bought 4 magazines and 2 scratchies from the Hyperdome Newsagent.  The Magazines were ‘Goddess Number One’ (X 2 copies), Heart of the Earthmother Volume 3 (I also have number 1 and 2) and a copy of Antiques and Collectable.  On one of the scratchies I won $4 which is the amount I had spent on them.  I rarely win a decent amount.  Then I went off to Revolution CD with the plan of buying some CDs, but instead I bought a milkshake and went to the library.  Oh, earlier, after the magazines, I bought 3 cds and 2 cd holders from Kmart.  The cds were a double pack of Avril Lavigne (Let Go & Under My Skin) and Evanescence ‘Fallen’.  The CD holders cost $5 each and are durable plastic ones.


When I got to the library I spent ages printing off, for the first time with the exception of Ye Olde Devil and Morning Stars, a printing each of Volumes 0 to 10 as well as volume 13.  So most of the saga is now officially printed in A4.  The printings are in my room here in Macarthur.  I spent a lot of money on the printings, and went to my bank to get out extra funds to print as much as possible.  I will finish off the final printings soon.


I got home, wrote a few more stories, updated my website and then returned to Tuggeranong to upload the updates as well as printing off ‘The Rainbow Bible’ with the little money I had left.  This was the actual first printing ever of my ‘Rainbow Bible’.  On the way to Greenway for the second time I was having fun giving funny names to various trees and signs and other things, just for the sake of humour and the voice which speaks to me using my voice.  I think it is God or a spirit or something, and not my subconscious.  Remember, I am a schizophrenic.


When I got home I had my dinner (which was stew, and quite nice) and did some more work, wrote volume 20 of the Noahide version of the Chronicles, and then started typing this chapter.  While typing this chapter I have been listening to my CD Cascada ‘Platinum’.  And that is were I am up to, so I will finish this chapter now.


The End of Chapter Nine





Chapter Ten

11th of June 2010 CE/AD / 6174 SC


Today’s Activities


Very tired last night.  Slept erratically as usual.  Got up this morning when Adrian Chan arrived and went off for my weekly chess club at the Mental Health Leisure Program at the Southern Cross Stadium in Greenway near the Hyperdome.  Didn’t actually play any chess today but mostly used the Internet and uploaded latest writings from late last night.  Brought along 3 CDs to play at the centre – AC/DC ‘Back in Black’, Daughtry, Rogue Traders ‘Better in the Dark’.  They were well received by most.  Had pizza for lunch with the group and a can of Coke – Adrian paid for me, and I promised to pay him back later.  We used to go to a café down next to Lake Tuggeranong College for lunch but that is currently being remodelled.


Met Justin Angold, who is a Noahide, and I gave him the time and date for the first meeting of Haven Noahide Fellowship in Canberra, which is scheduled for the 3rd of July on Saturday from 11-11:30 till late in the afternoon.  I am going to pray for a reasonable turnout, but it might end up just being me and Justin.  But that is ok, because it has to start somewhere.


This afternoon I listened to Queen ‘Absolute Greatest’ again and had a nap.  I was quite tired.  Then later I reorganized the Index page for Noahide Books and removed Volume 20 & 21 which were 2 Daniel stories and have instead put them into a new title called ‘Anthology’ which will be the Noahide Version of the Anthology tales for Chronicles of the Children of Destiny.  I have now 2 versions for the Chronicles of the Children of Destiny.  The Jewish Version which is now complete from Volume Zero to Volume Thirteen.  The Noahide Version uses the same first 5 volumes (zero to four) and then includes ‘Ye Olde Devil’ but then goes into ‘Rachel’s Lament’ with Rachel Smith INSTEAD of Rachel Rothchild who was in ‘Rachel Daughter of Eve’.  Thus, the Noahide Version of the Chronicles is a separate universal tale.  ‘Lucy Smith’ is part of the ‘Jewish Version’ while ‘Lucy Potter’ is part of the ‘Noahide Version’.


I also began ‘Valandriel’s Little Adventure’ which I will finish tomorrow.


Currently I am listening to ‘The Offspring – Splinter’ and the song ‘Hit That’ is playing.  I bought the CD Single when the album first came out, but just bought the album recently from Sanity records at the Hyperdome for $10.


I was listening also to Avril Lavigne’s ‘Let Go’ album today and I noticed some quite interesting lyrics in the song ‘Things I’ll never say.’  Quite cool, Avril.  Quite cool.


That will do for today.


The End of Chapter Ten





Chapter Eleven

12th & 13th of June 6174 SC (2010 AD/CE)


The 12th – Activities

Went to library in Erindale today to update websites.  Met William Chol on the bus, an African guy who goes to Lake Tuggeranong College, who introduced himself to me at the bus stop the other week.  He invited me to his house in the afternoon to watch some world cup soccer, but I was too busy.  At the library I began ‘Haven Noahide Fellowship World News’ ( ) and intend to update this page as regularly as possible.  It is just Haven’s record of world affairs.  I get the data from the Newspaper.  When I got home I put together some new Chronicles of the Children of Destiny websites.  I started which has some original material in the Chronicles intended for Catholics, as well as which has some original material in the Chronicles intended for Christians.  I also have some planned for other religious groups which I am currently working on.  These differing versions are for the specific religious groups they are written for, with their beliefs and doctrines taken into consideration.  I returned to the library later in the day and uploaded those two websites with their documents, if people want to check them out.  There is some original info on them, but not a huge amount yet.  When I got home I did a lot more writing, and then went to bed.  I listened to various CDs from my collection throughout the day.


The 13th – Activities

Didn’t do much today.  Quite tired.  I was going to go to the library, but decided to put it off until tomorrow, when I can also drop in to the leisure program in Greenway.  I worked on ‘Archangel Michael’ which is one of the volumes for being the intended website for Jehovah’s Witnesses.  Also, last night I wrote a short sequel to ‘The Gathering’ called ‘New Conflicts.’  Both of these stories will feature on the JW’s website.


Currently I am listening to Kelly Clarkson’s album ‘All I ever Wanted.’  My nieces Madalene and Georgia have stayed over for the weekend and have been playing video games and watching movies.  Nothing much else happened today.


The End of Chapter Eleven



Chapter Twelve

Final Chapter


This is the final chapter of my initial autobiography.  This autobiography now goes into the foundational ‘Rainbow Bible’ of Haven Noahide Fellowship.  If you are familiar with the Bible you will know it has historical information of early Israel.  In the fledgling Noahide world Haven feels itself responsible to produce an ongoing series of Bibles on a decade by decade basis, filled with spiritual wisdom and historical information on all the children of Noah – mankind.


It is the intention of myself and Haven that the first ‘Rainbow Bible’ be produced sometime in 2011 CE/AD (or 6175 SC).  After this point the second Rainbow Bible in 2016 AD/CE (or 6180 SC) and the third in 2026 AD/CE (or 6190 SC)and the fourth in 2036 AD/CE (or 6200 SC) and so on and so forth forever.


For the 2016 Rainbow Bible I will be revising this autobiography and rewriting it in a more comprehensive and historically chronological manner, including all the history of my life as well from 2011 up till 2016.


For more information on ‘The Archives of Haven Noahide Fellowship’ please read Sermon 50 in the Spiritual Devotional Series of the ‘Rainbow Bible’.


I will now leave off the writing of this autobiography, which will be published in the Rainbow Bible 2011 edition.


Good bye for now.


Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

22nd of June 2010 AD/CE / 6174 SC

29 Merriman Crescent

Macarthur  ACT  2904



The End of Chapter Twelve





Recommended Reading



‘Gospel Truth’ by Russell Shorto

‘Who Wrote the Bible’ by Richard Elliott Friedman

‘The Jew and the Christian Missionary’ by Gerald Sigal

‘JPS Tanakh’ 1985 Edition



The Belgariad & The Malloreon by David Eddings

The Chronicles of an Age of Darkness by Hugh Cook

The Hobbit & The Lord of the Rings & Other Middle Earth Books by J R R Tolkien

The 7 Harry Potter Books & Movies by J K Rowling

Saga of the Pliocene Exiles, Intervention & the Galactic Milieu Trilogy by Julian May





The emerging Karaite Noahide world – An Introduction to the faith of Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly, a practicing Karaite Noahide.



Karaite faith is the faith of the Hebrew Bible.  It is the faith of adhering to the principles, laws and teachings of the Hebrew Bible and applying them to one’s life.  The Hebrew Bible is also known as the Jewish Bible, the Tanakh, and by Christians as the Old Testament.  There are 24 books of the Hebrew Bible, which also includes 5 books combined as the Megiloth and a number of the Minor prophets combined into one book.  Thus, while it comprises the same material as the standard protestant bible of 39 books, a number of books in the Hebrew canon are merged together into the Megiloth and the minor prophets.


The Hebrew bible chronicles a history of mankind in its own words, from the creation of the universe in the first chapter of the first book of the bible – genesis – up until the end of Israel’s kings in 2 Chronicles.


The Hebrew Bible is divided into 3 main sections – the Torah the Neviim and the Kethuvim, which in English are the Torah Law of Moses, the Prophets and the Writings.


In Karaite tradition it is taught that this historical set of books combined as a ‘Bible’ is inspired by the creator of the universe – Yahweh, who is God.


Karaite Judaism has differing ways of interpreting the inspiration of the Bible, varying from individual to individual, as in Karaite Judaism it is stressed the importance of individual interpretation of the scriptures, which would logically lead to diverse opinion on the exact nature of the inspiration of the text.



Haven Noahide fellowship is Karaite in the sense that we adhere to the very same Hebrew Bible as the basis of our faith.  It is the scripture of the fellowship – the blueprint for finding faith as a descendant of Noah – and in the same way Karaite Jews utilize it to find their pathway in relation to the will of God, Haven Noahide Fellowship as a Karaite Noahide Fellowship uses it in the same manner – as particular, though, to the Noahide rulings and way of life as taught in the Hebrew Bible.  This doctrine of Karaite Noahide faith can be found in my other online video presentations.


Karaite Noahides are not the only Noahides.  In fact, Karaite Noahide faith, being known as such, is largely my personal invention.  In terms of historical Karaite Noahides there do not appear to be any who have existed from my own research into history from online sources.


It is true that there have been converts from the gentile world to Karaism over the centuries, and in a pre-conversion state they would be Karaites in training to be Jewish, and could possibly be identified in hindsight as ‘Karaite Gentiles’ or the likes.  Karaite Judaism, in general, frowns on the idea of Noahide faith, believing it to be the invention solely of Rabbinic Judaism.  This is not true.  Haven Noahide fellowship bases its Noahide concepts solely on the Hebrew Scriptures and do not follow the Talmudic approach to Noahide faith.


Currently, the Karaite Jewish organisation ‘Malkut Yehudah’ teach a basic approach to Karaite Noahide faith.  This information has appeared recently online.  Thus, there now is precedent in the Karaite Jewish world for a Karaite Noahide position.


However, I, personally, have identified essentially as a Karaite Noahide since the year 1999 in the common era or the Christian calendar.  Thus, I have been calling myself primarily a Karaite Noahide for the last 12 years.


In this 12 years there have been very brief periods were I have identified as ‘Creationist Deist’ and ‘Ecumenical Karaite’.  These periods have lasted for as much as a few days, perhaps a few weeks at time, but never lasted too long in the end.  There have also been brief periods were I have strongly considered some arguments from Christianity.  Ultimately, though, I would say for at least 95% of the last 12 years I have identified primarily as a Karaite Noahide.  I have worked through nearly all of my faith questions about this issue and have generally concluded I fit in the Karaite Noahide faith position.  Finally, I have also considered the ‘Torah Noahide’ or the ‘Samaritan Noahide’ position of solely the 5 books of Moses as the Scripture of authority, and also the Hexateuch or the first 6 books of the Bible, which includes the 5 books of Moses as well as the book of Joshua as my faith positions.  But, as I have said, for the high majority of the last 12 years I have specifically identified as Karaite Noahide.  This appears to be my final faith position.


I have seen comments from people who since that time have identified themselves as Karaite Noahide to varying degrees.  An individual calling himself ‘Joshua Elijah Emmanuel’ identified as being as such on ‘Beliefnet’.  I have been since unable to contact him.  The Noahide from the UK who on Youtube carries the identity of ‘Hesediah’ who has Noahide videos appears to be Karaite and Noahide friendly and may possibly be a Karaite Noahide.  I have had correspondence with him previously when I specifically asked him if he was a Karaite Noahide he said ‘You could say that’.  However, I was not sure if I sensed a firm commitment on that position by himself.  He seems to also accept the ‘7 Laws of Noah’ position also to some degree.  I am unsure of his exact position.  Another friend of mine online, Alesiah, vaguely identified as a Karaite Noahide, but I am not completely sure if she is fully of this faith.  It is still a work in progress for herself.  Here in Canberra, a friend of mine, Aaron Goodsell, seems to be gradually coming around to Karaite Noahide faith.  He has yet to give me a firm assentment of this as his spiritual belief, as he is still working through questions about his former Christian faith.  The followers in India in Gujarat of Noahide faith, who have proclaimed to me via email that they are members of Haven, do not seem to affiliate with myself any longer, and have had problems with other Noahide movements.  They did not seem to be of great commitment to Karaite Noahide faith in particular – they were mainly identifying simply as Noahides.  Some of the members may have had a firm commitment to the Karaite Noahide position – I have no firm information either way.


What I am saying is that I have not found, either in the history books, or in the online world, any people who I would say have ‘DEFINITELY’ 100% confirmed themselves as Karaite Noahide.  I have.  I anxiously await others who would also confirm this with me.



Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Canberra, Australia

July 6175 SC (July 2011 CE/AD)






Greetings from myself, Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly, Head Pastor and founder of Haven Noahide Fellowship. I will keep this as brief as I can, but hopefully make it as informative as possible.  This message is introducing Karaite Noahide Faith or, perhaps a better term for us, Biblical or Bible-Only Noahide faith. What is a Noahide? A Noahide is a biblical concept which, for those who believe, we teach is founded in actual history.  It is based on the man who God choose from the rest of sinful mankind to build an Ark and save himself, his wife, his 3 sons, and the wives of his sons, as well as animals from all kinds of species.  And then God sent a flood and destroyed wicked mankind who was practicing lawlessness.  This man was, of course, Noah, and this is the biblical story of Noah and the Ark and the flood.


Many of us are familiar with the idea that all mankind are descended from Adam and Eve, the first humans, and we uphold this teaching. But, because of the flood wiping out all sinful mankind, scripture logically teaches that we are all descended from Noah As well.  So, because we are descended from Noah we use the term ‘Noahide’ to designate such descent and belonging to the family Of Noah.  So that is what a Noahide is.


What is a Karaite? The Jewish Bible is known by a number of terms.  The Kara or the Mikra.  The Old Testament by Christians.  The Hebrew Bible. Or the Tenakh, which is an acronym designating the 3 sections of Torah, Neviim and Kethuvim. It was ratified at an ancient council of Israel at Jamnia, were the  official designation of the books we have today was confirmed. Since that time it has served as the primary text of the religion of Judaism, as well as the primary text for the religion of Christianity which emerged after its formulation. Gradually, after the text had been completed, ideas arose within the Jewish community of traditions of accompanying teachings not contained in the Hebrew Bible.  Eventually these teachings grew to be known as the ‘Oral Law’ and Judah Ha Nisi compiled these teachings into the manuscript known as the ‘Mishnah’.  The Mishnah is the Oral Law of Judaism.  This Mishnah was written down in the early centuries of the
common or Christian era.  Later from this time, in Babylon and in Jerusalem, schools of Jewish thought developed commentaries on the Mishnah.  These commentaries came to be known as ‘The Gemara’. Collectively, the Mishnah and the Gemara are called the ‘Talmudic’ literature of Judaism.


Well, not all Jews accepted some of the claims that the rabbis were making about the Talmud.  At the time of Jesus of Nazareth the Sadducees rejected the Pharisees and their extra non-biblical teachings.  We don’t know what happened to the Sadducees, but later on, after the Talmudic literature had been completed, Karaism arose within Jewish thinking.

Karaism is this essential idea – the Hebrew Bible reflects the will and word of Almighty God and the Talmudic literature, while perhaps noteworthy for its various judgements and ideologies, simply reflects rabbinic thought on the law of God, and should not be considered binding in the same authoritative sense as scripture itself.  Thus, the orthodox Jewish mentality that the Talmudic literature was inspired since the time of Moses himself is rejected in favour of a bible only approach.


So, combining the two ideas, a Karaite Noahide is a descendant of Noah who holds to the Hebrew or Jewish Bible as his religious text.


What is the difference between Jews and Noahides?
The Hebrew Bible, in terms of the differences between the peoples of the world, bases these differences on the notion of ‘Covenant’.  A biblical covenant is usually between God and his people, but there are other covenants in the bible between groupings of people.  A covenant is alike a contract or an agreement, but the biblical ones carry the idea of being perpetually binding – they do not end With one generation, but carry on forever for all generations. To keep it simple, after the flood all mankind today has descended from Noah.  Noah was 10th in the line of Adam and Eve.  The Patriarch
Abram, renamed Abraham was 20th in the line of Adam and Eve.  The Patriarch Jacob, renamed Israel, is the father of the Jewish people. Jacob is Abraham’s grandson, son of Isaac. The three key covenants for peoples in the bible are these – Noah’s covenant, from Genesis 9.  Abraham’s two covenants from genesis 15 and 17.  The Israelites peoples covenant from Moses generation onwards, from Exodus 24. The key promise of Noah’s covenant is that God will never again send a  flood.  This promise is to all mankind.  Further, from Genesis 1 to 11:9, scripture elucidates numerous principles of faith which are within the obligation for the children of Noah – Mankind today – to obey.  We of Haven Noahide Fellowship call this section of scripture – Genesis 1 to 11:9, the ‘Rainbow Bible’ or the ‘Noahide Bible’. God dealt with the Noahide peoples of the world from Noah, until the time of Abraham, 10 generations later.  Then God focuses particularly on Abraham and his generations, until the time of Moses, in which God focused specifically on the Israelite people. And each of these key areas of focus by God resulted in Covenants and rulings pertaining to that covenant.  For example, Abraham was obligated under Noahide faith, but God entered into the covenant of circumcision with him and, pertaining to that covenant, he has a
promise of seed and of land.  These are the covenantal promises of Abraham for keeping the circumcision. For Moses generation, they blood of bulls as the sign of the covenant sealed the obligation of Israel to obey the laws of this Covenant – the laws which are found in the rest of the written torah, also known as the Chumash or the Pentateuch, being the first five books of the Hebrew Bible.  These five books are commonly known as the 5 books of Moses, relating the history of Moses for a large degree, primarily from the second book – Exodus – to the end of the fifth book – Deuteronomy.


Now the Jews are essentially the Israelite people.  The term today usually refers to all the Israelite people, but in the first instance it was a derivative for the tribe of Judah.  Yet, in honour of Judah, as scripture decrees he would be the one his brothers would praise, Israelites have become known as Jews, and the religion again in his honour called ‘Judaism’.

So, Judaism is the religion for the Israelite people, and logically the entire Hebrew Bible is relevant to them. On the other hand, Noahide faith, which is also known as Noahidism, is relevant to the descendants of Noah, and the religious obligations for the rest of mankind.


There is, technically, a designation for children of Abraham not descended from Israel, and as Ishmael was circumcised, it would seem logical that those descendants of Abraham not descended from Israel should continue to circumcise in the name of  Abraham’s covenant. This would entitle them to the promise of land promised to Abraham, as well as the obligation to keep the prior Noahide laws which remain binding as well. But for the majority of mankind today, we are to keep the faith which Noah himself followed, which is Noahide faith.


Finally, the distinction between Karaite Noahides and the Orthodox Noahides, being those Noahides who accept the Talmudic literature, is that the Talmudic literatures teaches the concept of the ‘7 Laws of Noah’, these seven laws being laws forbidding Idolatry, blasphemy, murder, theft, sexual immorality, eating the limb of an animal and failure to establish courts of law.  In  the Talmud magic issues forbidden to Noahides are also addressed. Talmudic Noahides keep the 7 laws of Noah, and these comprise the earlier Noahide movement. Karaite Noahides, alternatively, find disagreement in the concept of the 7 laws as biblically non-historical, and instead hold to the Hebrew Bible alone as the authority of scripture, and the Rainbow Bible, which is Genesis 1 to 11:9, as the primary authority related to Noahides. The last point on the Rainbow Bible itself is that this section of scripture marks the historical delineation between the children of mankind today’s ancestry – Noahide ancestry – and the following sections of genesis which go on to relate the ancestry for the
children of Abraham. As Noahides, our primary scripture of concern is found in the Rainbow Bible which is our covenantal relation with God. The Rainbow Bible includes the idea of Sabbath for the Noahides, amongst many other rulings, and it is the logical purpose of Israel as a light to the nations to promote this section of scripture to mankind for their salvation, as Isaiah 56 teaches.




Haven Noahide Fellowship follows Karaite Noahide faith.


Thank you

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Head Pastor & Founder of Haven Noahide Fellowship & Noahide Books






Responding to the quote from the article – ‘The Gospel According to Saint Matthew’



Article prepared by Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly



Haven Noahide Fellowship is a Karaite Noahide Fellowship.  This means we accept the Jewish Bible (known as the Old Testament by Christians) as the fundamental scripture of authority, and reject the Jewish Oral Law documents as binding in a divine authoritative sense.  Further, we do not utilize the Christian writings in any divine sense and do not view Jesus as the Messiah.  In the acceptance of the Jewish bible we follow primarily Genesis 1 – 11:9 which we call ‘The Rainbow Bible’, as this, in our understanding, is the primary scripture which pertains to all Non-Abrahamic people today – that meaning mankind descended from ‘Noah’ – thus the term ‘Noahide’ outside of the Abrahamic Covenants.  This is essentially ‘Gentile’ faith in Yahweh.



Thus, in responding to the article ‘The Gospel according to Saint Matthew’ we intend to only utilize perspectives and teachings SOLELY developed within the fellowship from our own understanding of the Jewish Bible.  This is thus a ‘Karaite Noahide’ response to the article and should not be construed as the product of any other denomination within monotheism, although you will likely find similar arguments postulated elsewhere.


Cover Page

Quote from Michael Fallon.  ‘Matthew’s most persistent theme is that Jesus is the fulfilment of the hopes and spirituality of Judaism’



Mark 2:22

‘And no one puts new wine into old wineskins; otherwise, the wine will burst the skins, and the wine is lost, and so are the skins; but one puts new wine into fresh wineskins.’


Traditional Proverb

‘You can’t teach an old dog new tricks.’


The 12 apostles were ‘EAGER’ to here what Jesus had to say.  They were, spiritually, ‘NEW WINESKINS’.  The Sadducees and the Pharisees were ‘OLD WINESKINS’.  They didn’t WANT to hear the message.  It was no use to them and their tradition.

Throughout the history of the Jewish Bible we see God consistently teaching the Israelite nation TORAH and to not stray from the Torah.


Exodus 19:5-6

‘Now therefore, if you obey my voice and keep my covenant, you shall by my treasured possession out of all the peoples.  Indeed, the whole earth is mine, but you shall be for me a priestly Kingdom and a holy nation.  These are the words you shall speak to the Israelites.’


Leviticus 19:19

‘You shall keep my statutes’


Leviticus 26:3-4

‘If you follow my statutes and keep my commandments and observe them faithfully, I will give you your rains in their season, and the land shall yield its produce, and the trees of the field shall yield their fruit.’


Deuteronomy 4:1-2

‘So now Israel, give heed to the statutes and ordinances that I am teaching you to observe, so that you may live to enter and occupy the land that the LORD, the God of your ancestors, is giving you.  You must neither add anything to what I command you nor take anything away from it, but keep the commandments of the LORD your God with which I am charging you.’


Joshua 1:7-9

‘Only be strong and very courageous, being careful to act in accordance with all the law that my servant Moses commanded you; do not turn from it to the right hand or to the left, so that you may be successful wherever you go.

This book of the law shall not depart out of your mouth; you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to act in accordance with all that is written in it.  For then you shall make your way prosperous and then you shall be successful.

I hereby command you:  Be strong and courageous; do not be frightened or dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.’


1 Samuel 8:1-9

When Samuel became old, he made his sons judges over Israel.  The name of his firstborn son was Joel, and the name of his second, Abijah:  They were judges in Beersheba.  Yet his sons did not follow in his ways, but turned aside after gain; they took bribes and perverted justice.  Then all the elders of Israel gathered together and came to Samuel at Ramah, and said to him, ‘You are old and your sons do not follow in your ways;  appoint for us then a king to govern us like other nations.  But the thing displeased Samuel when they said ‘Give us a King to govern us.’

Samuel prayed to the LORD and the LORD said to Samuel, ‘Listen to the voice of the people in all that they say to you; for they have not rejected you but they have rejected me from being king over them.

Just as they have done to me, from the day that I brought them up out of Egypt to this day, forsaking me and serving OTHER gods, so also they are doing to you.  Now then listen to their voice; only – you shall solemnly warn them and show them the ways of the king who shall reign over them.


Exodus 20:2

‘I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery; you shall have no other gods before me.’


Isaiah 43:11-13

‘I, I am the LORD, and besides me there is no savior, I declared and saved and proclaimed, when there was no strange god among you; and you are my witnesses, says the LORD.  I am God, and also henceforth I am he;  there is no one who can deliver from my hand; I work and who can hinder it?’


Malachi 4:4

‘Remember the teaching of my servant Moses, the statutes and ordinances that I commanded him at Horeb for all Israel.’


Please also read


Psalm 1


Psalm 119


Why on earth should the Pharisees and the Sadducees listen to Jesus when he is teaching a NEW message (In his own words).  They have had a few thousand years of history being taught by God to:








At that point in history when Israel had finally worked out they were to keep the Torah with most of the idolatry of the past now dealt with, why on earth should they believe ANYBODY teaching a new message.


The argument of Michael Fallon is that Jesus is the fulfilment of the Old Testament and Judaism.


I would argue that the Old Testament fulfils itself.


There is:








ESSENTIALLY, there is ALREADY a religious faith which FULFILS the Old Testament.  And that is simply what it already is – the faith of the Old Testament as it stands.












Why Jesus is not the Messiah


Dear Christopher (and whoever reads this)


This email is a deliberate attempt to proselytize you to Noahide faith.  There is no point in pretending otherwise.  The main reason I am doing this is because you have a reasonable interest in Christian faith, but are also willing to listen to an opposing critical point of view.



I was brought up Roman Catholic and attended the Catholic Church, first in Berridale and then in Cooma until about 16 years of age.  At this point I left the church, not because of any belief reasons, but because of boredom.


However, at that stage, the truth was I didn’t really have any thing approaching a realistic faith in God, despite having been an altar boy.  I probably believed in God, but didn’t care about religion really, and gradually became agnostic primarily until about 22 to 23 years of age.  In that time period I started, soon after leaving the church somewhat in 1988, but mainly upon arriving in Macarthur in late 1990, going into great thinking about the existence of God.  I questioned things greatly, but usually concluded that while God probably didn’t exist, it couldn’t be proven either way, so agnosticism was the realistic belief.  This may sound strange, but I never gave evolution the slightest thought, and while I didn’t believe in God at the time, I didn’t believe in evolution either.  The thought of it never once crossed my mind.


Growing up I stole a lot from my mothers purse – mainly money for lollies, and stickers and, later on in my mid teens, for arcade money.  This persisted and I didn’t completely quit until about 20, when I got convictions on the issue.  However, while studying at Lake Tuggeranong in 1990 and 1991 I stole (it might have been just a little later) a book on philosophy for beginners.  Within this book were arguments for the existence of God.


Some of them made no sense (the so called ontological argument I didn’t really understand and thought was stupid (and still do)), but one argument which made a great deal of sense was the argument from design.  Basically, this argument goes that nature and life is such an incredibly complex design with such beauty apparent in it, that this is testimony to a creator and designer of sovereign power.  I remember a time looking at the sky and looking at nature and, gradually, came to completely agree with this argument.  It was a very good one as I saw it, and concluded that God did exist.  However, now that I know what my belief was, this would have been called ‘Deist Creationism’ as  opposed to ‘deist evolutionary creationism’.  I had no fixed time of how old earth was, nor any beliefs about the first human beings, but I believed in creationism.  I still, though, had no real views on evolution, but definitely believed a creator was behind it all.


From about 1990 to 1995 I suffered severe depression.  When studying at CIT from 1993 to 1995 at the Reid Campus in Civic I applied myself to my studies with a decent effort for about the first time in my student life.  It was the first time I really studied properly and tried to do well in school.  The depression was always bothering me.


At this time I was drawing crosses a lot on my notebooks, not out of any religious beliefs, but I was doing it.  I was also writing 666’s a lot, and sometimes my own quirky 667’s.  I got the 666 idea first of all from Iron Maiden’s number of the beast album, which I had listened to since Cooma years, but I had been familiar with the number earlier since omen movies and so on.


But I wasn’t into any antichrist ideas, because I was simply deistic.  If you had asked me at the time about an Antichrist I would have said that was stupid.


There was a girl called ‘Ariel Cheng’ who was studying at CIT with me.  She was Asian, from Taiwan, extremely cute and slim (and had a beautiful butt, which God showed me from behind once – in retrospect I think it was actually God who made me look, for various reasons – at the time, and still now, I was quite conservative about females).  She was a pentecostal, and attended Assembly of God church.


I didn’t know it at the time, but she was witnessing to me with her quiet and peaceful nature.  There was one time in class when everyone was giving a speech and the wind was howling madly.  When she stood up the wind stopped and when she had finished the speech the wind started again.  For me it was a pivotal thing, and I suspected God was behind it.


And then, one night in my room in Macarthur, the depression became so bad that I needed to see someone, and I could only think of Ariel.  I rang her up at the YWAM centre in Watson, and asked if I could visit her the following day.  I did, and all the day travelling from Macarthur to Watson I could feel very heavy depression on me.  Funnily enough, when I got to the YWAM grounds, the darkness left, and inside the centre I felt peace.


We spoke for a while, I told her a few things, and then I left.  When I was getting away from the grounds the darkness returned.


I had had enough.


I bought a Good News Bible from Woden Christian Bookshop on the way home, and then got off the bus and went to the catholic church were my family goes.  It was closed I think, but I sat at the doors and read the entire book of Job.  It was then I felt the goodness of God and that the God of the Bible was the real and true God.


That night I went crazy over fears of hell and my sins, and the following day, after seeing a priest, I went off alone and ended up jumping off a bridge near parliament house without any shoes on.  This was my first schizophrenic episode.


I hurt my back a little, and busted my foot.  My face also suffered.  They ended up putting screws in my foot and a metal place in my face.  You can still see the slight scar on my face, especially in photos.


However, I healed very quickly, and was soon raring to go.



NOW, the depression for the next 6 months was still there, but it was a bit diminished.  It wasn’t as bad.  I started going back to the Catholic church for 6 months, but upon returning to CIT for the final semester, I started talking to Tammy Saunders, and soon attended my first Potters House service, in November 1995.


You pretty much know most of the rest.





I questioned the Trinity pretty quickly in Potters house, and I remember asking God in prayer in the Potters House prayer room if he was a Trinity.


So, I was witnessed to by the UPC witnessing team in Woden (it was Ann Kim, Danielle Rohrlach, and probably Othon Sarantos which I ran into).


I visited the church one afternoon, borrowed ‘The Oneness of God’ and started reading it.  I remember being at Tuggeranong Bus Terminal and thinking ‘This is probably true’ about the book.  I think I did that, because the Trinity wasn’t working for me.


John Downs baptized me in the name of Jesus, and after the first service I met Paul Saberton.


Paul introduced me to ‘Father & Son’ doctrine on God, and after about a year, going through Trinity, Oneness, Arian (Jehovah’s Witness) doctrine, I concluded Paul was about right.


Father and Son teaches that God the Father is the true God, has existed eternally alone, until his first creative act of begetting a son after his nature.  The only real difference between Arianism and Father & Son is that our doctrine taught the full deity of the son as well – a subtle but important difference.


Nobody really believed us at the time, and still don’t, but I am quite sure this is the doctrine of the New Testament.  The whole revelation of the first Christians was that Jesus was the ‘SON OF GOD’.  It wasn’t the idea that he was ‘GOD the SON’, or that he was God himself.  It was that he was God’s begotten son.


That doctrine God confused by early theologians as they searched for a way of harmonizing problematic beliefs and scriptures all up.  Essentially the church took on the Catholic name, lost its foundational belief about God, and got really confused.  I know that you would say the Catholic church is still like that, which they are doctrinally, but otherwise most Catholics are just normal people.


Well, I ended up leaving UPC in July 1998 and, upon moving to Hughes about that time, just near yourself, I started occasionally going to the Hughes Baptist church, mainly to have a church to go to.


The fallout with Saberton came as soon as he preached Branham’s serpent seed doctrine.  I listened to Branhamism initially, but I knew that wasn’t for me.  Thus, in January 1999, with a lot of scripture being read each night, I was basically thinking about trying to form my own little cell church, had witnessed to Aaron Goodsell, Peter Fletcher, Andrew Funnell, Brenton and perhaps a few others about my viewpoints on God, and was slowly working towards that agenda – Church of the Living God, as it was going to be called.


January 1999

It was one afternoon, Saturday probably, and I was in my flat in Hughes.  I was going through another of what had become common intense thoughts sessions on theology.  And then there it was.  It came into my mind that, in truth, I didn’t really believe in Jesus.


I didn’t know what to think, but the idea was there that the Jesus was wasn’t the right way.  I don’t know what was behind it, and didn’t have a clearly formulated rationale reason – it was just the basic idea, perhaps because of lack of a real church which taught the truth as I saw it, that Christianity was probably wrong.


At this time it was definitely no scripture reason.  It wasn’t an argument using any biblical text.  It was just the idea that the Jesus way was not right.


The following day this viewpoint was still with me, and off I went on a long walk, making my way to Fyshwick of all places.  It was in Fyshwick that an event occurred twice.  It happened 2 times, and has never happened since.


The event was this:


It was very sudden, very quick, and was over just as instantaneously.  It is what I call a complete genuine and fair dinkum revelation from the Almighty one.  The revelation was given with a nature which made you absolutely know according to a spirit of absolute almighty truth that worship of Jesus as God the father in oneness terminology was an absolute abomination, and carried an extreme death penalty because of it.  I understand, now, that such a belief was a gross violation of truth.  Jesus is NOT God the father – that is a falsity and a complete error and lie.  It is WRONG.


This revelation happened twice, about 20 minutes apart from each other, at two different locations in Fyshwick.


That was, in a way, when Christianity died in me.  Jesus couldn’t really ever be seriously touched again.



Now, further things happened since then.


God spoke to me in Goulburn in a hotel room ( I still remember which hotel room ) and said either ‘Build on my rock’ or ‘Build on the rock’.  It was definitely either of those two sentences – I can not completely remember if it was ‘MY’ rock or ‘THE’ rock.  However, what was completely clear was the intimation which came across as clear as day in the request – he gave my mind the ability to completely understand what he meant.  His rock was ‘Israel’.  Further, he spoke in such a way as to show he had an enormous history with Israel and loved them beyond measure.




His voice had these qualities.


·        Absolute flawless truth


·        Without error



·        Extremely THICK – Like many voices added together as one voice, but only one sounding voice – in other words a very heavy or thick voice, but not many voices.  The voice of the Almighty, in other words.



·        Extreme LOVING CONCERN for myself



·        Golden Lightning in texture.  Like rushing waters, as Ezekiel speaks of.  The same sort of voice.



·        A nature which was Infinite in knowledge, and he gave my mind the ability to perceive the aspect of his infinite nature he desired me to.  My mind was able to comprehend and know this as truth.



·        A nature which was also Almighty in power – you could tell this from his voice.



·        Like a computer voice – but an Almighty LIVING Computer voice.



·        CENTRALITY.  His voice showed that he was at the CENTRE of all things.  I don’t know what this really means yet, but God is the CENTRE of all that is.




All of those qualities were able to be perceived by myself at that time.


Now this happened not long after the revelations in Fyshwick, and had concluded what I had already begun to know after reading such books as ‘Gospel Truth’ on the historical Jesus.  Israel is his people – he has never changed his mind – and Christianity doesn’t have to come into the equation.


Now, since then he has spoken to me twice more.


The second time was in response to a sudden rush of blood to my head in my room in judging the oneness people as probably deserving the death penalty theoretically.  God spoke to my in a very similar voice – you knew it was him – with subtle differences about the voice – he was using a different tone I think.  This time he said ‘Be In The Hearts of Men’.  Those exact words.  He was basically telling me, have mercy on the Oneness people and judge them more accurate.  They don’t know they are wrong, and they are trying to be holy.  So while oneness could technically carry the death penalty, as great as God’s judgement is, so is his mercy.


The final time he spoke to me was later still, with intimate and affectionate love, but I can’t remember what he said.  Again it was very brief.



There are a lot more things I could say, but I want to leave you with these FACTS as far as I am 100% completely and utterly concerned.


1) The Christian belief that Jesus is God the Father or God the Son or God in any form is 100% and a lie.  Jesus is NOT God.


2) Israel is God’s people, and he has never let them go or changed his mind about them.  Any Christian belief which teaches otherwise is completely wrong.


Because of facts 1 and 2 I postulate this:


You probably need not worry about any Christian teachings on salvation or the necessity of being a Christian.  If you read such books as ‘Gospel Truth’ by Russel Shorto or ‘The Jew and The Christian Missionary’ by Gerald Sigal, it becomes apparent that Christian faith is probably not the complete truth that it claims to be.



After many prayers, God has never given me any hint or indication that he wants me to embrace Christian faith.  That is a fact.


So, as far as I am concerned, Christianity is Just NOT needed.




Alright, the alternative to Christian faith is either Judaism of your branch of choice if you still believe in the One God of Abraham or, alternatively,

You can just be yourself.  In being yourself, Noahide becomes an option.  It can be simple, basic and easy, and you don’t really have to worry about anything more than being a peaceful person and living by the laws of the land.  There is one kosher law for noahides – don’t eat blood.  The rest is basic common sense.


My assembly is ‘Haven Noahide Fellowship’ and the website is


Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Canberra, Australia





Scriptures of relevance


Isaiah 11

The main scripture for delineating the role of the messiah.  This king from the root of Jesse arises and preaches righteousness.  In his lifetime Mt Zion is redeemed, with the Lion dwelling with the Lamb.  The important thing to do is read Isaiah 11 as a whole – what become clear the more you read it is that there is no reasonable way to twist this chapter into a first and second coming.  To do that would be perverting the scriptures.


SO – the beginning of the chapter makes it quite clear this is the Messiahs FIRST advent.  With no justification for two comings, the peace of Zion which arises in the Messiah’s FIRST advent teaches the plain truth.  JESUS was NOT the MESSIAH.



Matthew 1 and 1 Chronicles

The genealogies contradict.  The Christian genealogy adds extra names, like ‘Admin’.



The Virgin Birth Myth.  With the utter nonsense of a supposed virgin birth, which is a corruption of Isaiah 7:14 in context, Christianity shows it quite clearly that Jesus is NOT physically descended from David in their fabulous mythology.  This 100% precludes the possibility of Jesus being the Messiah in their own stupid doctrine.  An ‘ADOPTED’ son of David is just a joke.


Now, Isaiah 7:14 identifies the child as ‘Emmanuel’.  Simply read on further.  Before the child knows the difference between right and wrong, the two kings of Syria and Northern Israel will be dead.  The timing for the birth of this child is in no way connected to Jesus birth centuries later.  The churchmen who put this into the NT were idiots, and it is only stupid and thick, nutty Christian pastors who maintain this doctrine.  Educated ‘Historical-Jesus’ based scholars have gotten over this lunacy.



Jesus was NOT accepted by Israel as the Messiah.

As simple as that.  He is NOT the messiah.


Now, before you Christian wannabes get your knickers in knot and go off spouting Isaiah 53 like so many Christian fools in the centuries before you, READ – and I actually mean bother to check the scriptures first, which you idiots rarely do in any real investigative detail anyway – READ Isaiah 40 to 53.  Come on, dude.  Go on do it.


NOW did you see how many times God called JACOB/ISRAEL HIS SERVANT.  Over half a dozen times.  SO when we get to Isaiah 53 it is 100 bloody % clear that Israel is the suffering servant.  NOT the Jesus heretic.





NOW I could say a hell of a lot more, but Christians who actually have intelligence (Which is Rare for those dunderheads) can go check out and GET THE HELL OVER IT.



Daniel ‘The truthteller’ Daly

Jesus???  Yeh right!!!  Get a life!!!





The Book of

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly


© 6175 SC





The Year 6175 SC


Written on Friday 29 July 6175


I have not been keeping any great records of what I have been doing so far this year, but will try and put down now some of my continuing life story.


In terms of writing I have completed this year so far:


Morning Stars II – most of chapter 12, chapter 13 & 14, finishing the volume.

Lazy Days – the remainder of chapter 1, and chapters 2 to 14, finishing the volume.

The Dark Side of Gloryel

Life on the Edge

Life Goes On

The Dark Saber

Melanie and Daniel 2

A small number of short stories

Currently working on Lucy Potter and the Sprite of Chakola, which I intend to finish before the end of the year.


I have now set ambitious goals and have a great number of works planned for writing in my life.  I intend to accomplish as much of a series I call the ‘Circle of Magic’ series, which is a series of 7-Novel sequences, of various Harry Potter related characters, including my own creations.  Harry Potter fanfiction is exceedingly popular these days online, and there are heaps of stories out there.


Today, funnily enough, after all the recent posting I have done to various Harry Potter forums, my Weblink is currently the number one webhit on Google for the search term ‘Lucy Potter’.  The other day I returned a webhit for the previous day of 176 webhits – a record of mine for one of my websites.  Hopefully the future promises even more.


In the last few months most of my time has been spent writing, visiting the Mental Health activity programs in Greenway in Tuggeranong, and using the Internet a heck of a lot down at Greenway.  While I can indeed afford to have the internet on at home without any trouble, the reasons I don’t are:  Too many virus problems to make it worthwhile personally, 2) liking to actually get out and about a lot, out of the house, and doing things.  While I definitely spend a lot more using the internet down at Greenway then I would at home, I would still rather go out to use it.  Uploading to the web, though, is not problematic with the constant use of USBs I employ.  I have lost a few of them, though.  I make sure, now, I have at least a few on hand with all my stuff saved on them.  I no longer use the hard drive on my PC to store data, and won’t do that anymore ever, as the hard drives inevitably crash over time, and USB storage will likely last a lot longer and is far more convenient, and you don’t really have to worry about crashes with them.  CD Erasables are nowhere near as good as the USB type of storage, too fussy, the disc scratches, and USB and the other types of mini storage devices are the best option now.


I visited a working girl in Fyshwick (a prostitute) for sex twice earlier in this year.  I am still single, and have never been married, and have no children.  I have worked out that for Karaite Noahides, in my own judgement, that the teachings of sexual morality we should adhere to are first and foremost the teaching of Genesis 1 – 11:9, which teaches that a man and a woman normally get together in a marriage situation, but little more than that.  However, Leviticus 18 & Leviticus 20 are to be considered, in my judgement.  Now, God judged the Canaanites for these practices, but it WAS the promised land to Abraham’s seed, and the Torah talks about the Land getting its rest.  I have talked with Jews before, and they talk about the importance of the land of Israel – remember, society often calls it the ‘Holy Land’.  Because of this, Canaan was judged IN the holy land for their sexual deviancies, BUT, as it appears to be, outside of the Holy Land for Noahides, the strictness of these judgements does not seem to apply.  Israel (In Exodus 19) is called a holy nation – NOT the gentiles.  Outside of Israel, as a Karaite Noahide, the strictness of Leviticus 18 & 20 does not appear to apply.  We should perhaps be mindful of these passages, but they don’t appear to be obligatory.  However, if you really want to please God to the utmost of your life, and serve him, the fullness of his salvation according to the teachings of the book of Isaiah is found in connecting to the people and land of Israel, converting to this full torah religion with circumcision, and offering your sacrifice on the altars in Jerusalem.  Messiah is supposed to get the third temple built, so whatever on that issue.  I would argue that God’s salvation is ALSO seen in the Rainbow Bible, as it calls Noah ‘Perfect’ in his generations, but if you want to really connect to the utmost in your life to God, he might well indeed call you to his people Israel.  Remember, in that sense, Karaite Noahide takes you only so far with God.  But for people like myself, with a strong sense of my own Noahide family and clan and pride, I don’t suspect I will ever be connecting with the people of Israel in a conversion sense.  I don’t want to – don’t need to – and have dug down over a decades roots into Noah, so that is were I will stay – and probably forever, now.


Earlier this year I went on a holiday with the Mental Health patrons in our Tuggeranong community, down to Tuross Head, on the east coast of Australia.  It was called the ‘Coastal Creators’ holiday, and we did a lot of creative activities.  I did some felting, wrote a tiny short story about ‘Ambriel’, a little bit of artwork, and played a lot of cards with some people.  I had a wonderful time down there, enjoyed the trip there and back, and it looks like a strong possibility there will be another one held next year.  This year the Australian Government put a lot more funding into Mental Health, so things are probably a bit better for me relatively speaking.


There is a new drug called ‘Invega’ which will be available (most likely) in injection form soon enough.  Apparently it has no side effects, so a substantial amount of the weight I have gained since taking my medication for my Schizophrenia could fall off.  I have been told that the weight gain is very marginal for the drug.  I have a bit of a stomach because of my medication, but being a lot slimmer would be wonderful.  I am anxiously awaiting the new drug, and it might be available within a year for injections.  It is already available in tablet form.


I have a new case worker for my condition down at Mental Health in Tuggeranong called Ashley.  My old case worker, Jan Haskell, has now retired.  I got along well with Jan, and miss her somewhat, but Ashley is doing a good job.


Adrian Chan, a mental health worker, still picks me up for swimming on Thursdays and chess on Fridays, and I have known him for a while now.  We can’t have any friendship outside of his working role, though, and I once wanted him to come to a birthday party of mine, but his work restrictions don’t allow that.


I see Robert Preston, my Pentecostal friend, still a fair bit from time to time.  We recently went down to ‘Tharwa’ for a drive (near Canberra) which we do occasionally, and I love the country down there.  I could retire there if I had the money.  I have chatted to Chris White on the phone, who is sort of a Pentecostal Christian, and we have chatted about Christianity versus Noahide faith, and he likes to talk about concepts relating to the Christian book of Revelation – the final book of the New Testament.


My mother is still of reasonably good health, and I continue to live with her and my older brother Matthew here at 29 Merriman Crescent in Macarthur.  She continues to go to church each Sunday, and has a lifetime of devotions to God built up.  She is a good example to me in this sense.


My nieces and nephews are growing up, and have lost a lot of their bratty ways, and I can talk with them in a lot more mature ways and adult conversation almost.  They are getting there.


My brother Gregory has recently expressed his desires to return to live in Canberra (he currently lives and works in Perth in Western Australia) and says he might like Lanyon Valley in south-west Tuggeranong to live in.  I look forward to this should it occur.


I was strongly thinking about going to year 12 at CIT this year, and enrolled, but decided to cancel it in the end.  At the current moment, there is more activity in my various websites, and I have committed myself to a lifetimes work of writing to leave as a legacy.  So while I currently receive my Government Disability Support Pension, I see no real point in changing plans at this time.  Maybe in a few more years, should my health continue to maintain a reasonable level of wellness mentally, I might consider applying for work again.  But a few more years, in my own judgement, is still warranted.


There is nothing really on the romance scene – per se – but things seem possible soon enough.  Perhaps.


All the best.



Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

29 July 6175 SC


The End of Chapter One




Daniel at 29 Merriman Crescent on Monday the 21st of November 6175 SC (2011 AD/CE).


Yesterday was my 39th birthday.  One more year until my 40th.  Now, I have reached my conclusion that the Rainbow Bible II will be now combined into the Rainbow Bible I, and that I will have it published by Copyqik printers here in Canberra very shortly.  There will be NO further Rainbow Bibles published by Haven Noahide Fellowship.  I feel I have addressed the issues sufficiently enough as is.


If you are curious about an issue from a Karaite Noahide perspective, ultimately, in the end, go purchase a copy of the Jewish Bible – (the Tanakh – and I recommend the JPS Tanakh 1985 edition, but any decent version will do, Jewish, Christian or otherwise) – and then work out the issues for yourself.  Part of the core principle of Karaite Judaism is the importance of the individual doing the work for themselves.  On judgement day, your pastor is not going to be able to defend your life after all.


I want, in this final chapter, make some final judgements for the Karaite Noahide community.  Firstly, the key set of scriptures we utilize in Haven Noahide Fellowship, now, are:


The Tanakh – The 24 Books of the Hebrew Bible – for the Wise and the Unwise

The Pseudepigrapha – the 70 Books of Wisdom for the wise


These comprise the 94 books composed by Ezra and the other workers inspired by God in the tradition of 2 Esdras.


Haven views the 70 books of the Pseudepigrapha as Scripture, authoritative, and the Word of God.  It is viewed that Ezra and his compatriots compiled all the writings of the Torah, the histories, the prophecies, and the psalms and wisdom and so on, put it all together, and produced the 24 books.  They were the ultimate editors and compilers of the finished biblical product.  We strongly recommend Richard Elliott Friedman’s book ‘Who Wrote the Bible’ to see many good ideas for how the Torah (first 5 books) may have been ultimately produced, yet we would view the final redactive stages of all 24 books as a work of the Ezran community described in 2 Esdras.


2 Esdras describes how the ‘70’ books in the Pseudepigrapha were formed and inspired by God.  It gives a description.  We of Haven find this satisfactory.



Now, our interpretation of the four beasts of Daniel 7, which is also a beast described in 2 Esdras, is that Beast 1 was Babylon, Beast 2 was Media-Persia, Beast 3 was Greece & Beast 4 was the Roman-European beast, with the ultimate 11th Antichrist Horn represented by the Nazis and Adolph Hitler.  The beast persecuted the ‘Saint’s’ (Israel) who just after WWII concluded took possession of the ancient Kingdom of Israel, as the chapter describes they will.  We of Haven see Noah himself as part of this community of Israel, as Abraham also is likewise.  Those who are OBSERVANT amongst the children of Noah and the children of Abraham according to Noah’s covenant and Abraham’s covenant, also take there place in the community of Israel as members of the three covenants of God and God’s Holy Kingdom.  We of Haven believe that God desires Parents honoured, as the commandments teach, and thus the observant Abrahamic community deserves greater honour than Israel in the Everlasting Kingdom of Daniel chapter 7, but the Noahide Community, which is older still than the Abrahamic community, deserves the greatest honour.  Honour your father and mother, as the scriptures rightly teach.



On other issues:


We regard the Talmudic Noahides as important.  We agree with the death penalty for murder, but NOT for any other others of the 7 laws.  We think the 7 laws concept is a good idea, a good approach, and we approve of Talmudic Noahides if they want to follow this way of life.  We argue it is NOT historical back to Noah, but we agree that Rabbinic Judaism likes the ideas of the 7 laws of Noah concept, and agree they have something of a commission (according to Deuteronomy) to make judgements for Israel, so Talmudic Noahides can listen to their judgements IF THEY VOLUNTARILY WANT TO.  We recommend the 30 laws and the 66 laws of Talmudic Noahidism as the established viewpoints, and think they are a good idea for the Talmudic Noahides to follow and abide by.  They are ok.


Now, for Karaite Noahides.


We think Fornication, Lesbianism & Prostitution are OK.  The 30 & 66 laws do not forbid these for Noahides, and nor does scripture.


Haven now teaches GRADES for Salvation.


GRADE 1 – Mastering Genesis 1 – 11:9.

GRADE 2 – The Above, with the addition of Leviticus 18, Leviticus 20 and Deuteronomy 18: 9-12

GRADE 3 – The Above, with the Remainder of the 30 & 66 Laws of the ‘7 Laws of Noah’ system

GRADE 4 – The Above with various chosen Torah Laws of your own choice

GRADE 5 – Complete observance of Torah, with the exceptions of No Passover celebration (Only For Full Converts)


Over and Out



21/11/6175 SC








Noahide Midrash


Noah and the 7th Rainbow



Daniel the Noahide



Noah had been collecting rainbows.  Well, maybe, that was a strange way of putting it.  Rainbows.  You could hardly collect the sign of God’s great covenant with him and his children.  They were made of colours – how could you collect colours?  They sat in the sky, on rainy days, happy, lovely, beaming their glory.  Beautiful.  And now he had collected 6 of them – 5 more since the first magnificent, glorious one, he had seen on the day of the covenant.  And now he waited for the seventh rainbow.


In heaven, there were 7 Seraphim Angels of Glory which watched over the children of Noah.  These were the 7 Noahide Angels.  They were not the 7 Archangels in waiting, which one day God would send to the people of Israel.  Nor were they the 7 angels of the Man from Nazareth and his followers, or the 7 angels of the Prophet from what would become Mecca and his followers.  Those latter groups of 7 angels were made, before the days of creation, put aside for those peoples of the books, to guide them in all their tribulations.


But the 7 Seraphim Angels of Glory were Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Raguel, Phanuel and Saruviel.  They were the eternal Noahide Archangels of Glory.


And Saruviel, the seventh angel, dropped down to see Noah seated upon the rock with his wife Titea, looking out at the raining valley, and with his great power, upon the will of the Most High, brought forth the sun and clouds in a particular manner, and the 7th Rainbow of Noah’s life shone forth in all its glory.


‘There,’ said Titea.  ‘The 7th Rainbow.  You can now rest in peace.’

And Noah said ‘Amen.’


The End




The Primary

Praise Songs


The 7 Divine Fellowships


Song Lyrics Written by

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly


Song 1 – Praise God


Praise God

Praise God

Praise God

Praise God

Oh what joy it is

To praise Almighty God


Praise God

Praise God

Praise God

Praise God

The Haven of my Soul’s delight

The Lord Almighty God


Praise God

Praise God

Praise God

Praise God

Forever in our Father’s hands

Praise Almighty God


Praise God

Praise God

Praise God

Praise God

And let all the congregation sing

Glory to our God



Song 2 – Jehovah God of Glory


Jehovah God of Glory

Mighty in Battle

Vanquishing the enemy

Triumphant is he


Jehovah God of Glory

Splendid, Magnificent

Shining in his armour

He has the victory


Jehovah God of Glory

Defeating the enemy

Praise to our Creator

A Warrior is he


But all Jehovah’s Glory

For all of eternity

Is found in the simple truth

He loves both you and me



Song 3 – Jehovah the Magnificent


Jehovah is Eternal

Jehovah is All knowing

Jehovah the Magnificent

Until the end of Time


Jehovah is Infinite

Jehovah is Perfect

Jehovah God our Father

On Cherubim Enshrined


Congregation sing

Congregation shout

Congregation praise our God

He is forever kind


Praise our God Jehovah

Praise our God of Glory

Jehovah the Magnificent

The Lord our God Divine



Song 4 – The Peace and Joy of Serving God


The Peace and Joy of Serving God

Who made us all for his good pleasure

Is found in trusting in his word

And watching what we say


It’s found in keeping Godly homes

It’s found in raising happy children

And walking with Jehovah God

In Him we keep the faith


The Peace and Joy of Serving God

Who teaches us through holy word

Is marvelous enlightenment

Of heart and soul and mind


In serving him and trusting him

We find our hearts purest delight

And walking with Jehovah God

We find our peace of mind



“The Book of the Divine Creator”

By Daniel

© 2009


Verse 1

For Hope is indeed the greatest of the virtues.  For Hope always believes, even when all things seem lost, when all things seem forsaken, when all things seem as if heaven itself is determined to destroy your very soul, Hope still believes.  And as that Hope endures, peace, life, love, faith and joy come forth, born from the strength of Hope, enshrouding the soul of the child of God with Glory.  For children of the Assembly of the Divine Creator are eternal children of Hope, never giving up in their belief that God will always be their for them, hoping for bright eternal promises to give them the consolation their souls truly desire.



Verse 2

For Peace is Hopes firstborn child, born of the Hope for better days, beyond the wars, trials and tribulations of the children of men.  Peace is what Hope has always longed for, desiring its blessing to enshroud the heart with eternal joys of friendship and kindness, even with those who were once their bitterest enemies.  Peace flows eternally, from the heart of God, like a river of purest ecstasy, refreshing the heart and giving eternal consolation under even the most difficult of circumstance.


Verse 3

And Life, New Life, is the secondborn child of Hope, New life, born into a world of Peace, in which Hope has found its glory in the new world of life eternal.  Life begins anew, flowing from the heart of God indeed, growing each day, brightening the heart, brightening the mind, brightening the soul, Life, in all its splendid vibrancy and enchantment, Life to make the joys of each and every day an eternal consolation from the Hope and Peace from which it has sprung forth.


Verse 4

And Pure Love, the third-born.  For in the new life of glory, what more could one possibly desire to seek than the gentlest touch of Love’s pure heart.  For in the death of violence and bitterness, those things which the eternal power of peace has vanquished, love can be resurrected in even the most bitter of hearts, born anew, born to life eternal, and growing each and every day in the beauty which flows from God the creator, the source of eternal and blessed love.



Verse 5

And then faith is restored, growing again.  For love has touched its deepest heart, reminding it that once, when lost in misery and despair, hope almost forsaken, that faith can be rekindled even in the darkest of hearts.  For faith moves us onwards, propels us ever onwards, trusting in the eternal Lord of Glory, trusting in the divine creator to bless us and give us the eternal joys and gifts of heaven which our deepest yearnings so truly desire, all born from the gift of faith, believing and trusting in our eternal lord.


Verse 6

And the fifth-born, the greatest consolation, born from enduring hope and the remaining virtues, blessed and pure joy.  Joy which gives us those moments were everything is perfect, were we cry to the heavenlies that everything is good in the world, that everything is right, that life is rolling along in divine perfection and that all things are as they should be.  And that joy bursts open within us, giving us the greatest sensations of our lives, making us never forget the eternal and loving divine creator who has brought us to be.


Verse 7

And then, the virtues of life, the foundational virtues being in place, we grow and develop, continuing to learn each and every day of those eternal principles of life which embellish and grant ever-growing perfection to our lives, the lives of the Assembly of the Divine Creator, the Lives of the Eternal Children of God.

Thus Ends the Book of the Divine Creator

The Book of Universal Faith


Verse One

Unity.  Many coming together as one, linked by an idea, a belief, a purpose.  For we are all one, daughters and sons of Eve and Adam.  And the idea?  Connections, to those within humanity who best meet our hearts needs, wants and desires.  Connections, built with trust, respect and patience.  Connections, which grow into love and appreciation.  For Universal Faith is to appreciate all of God’s children, those who fill this universe, and make connections with them, one by one, to fully satisfy all the desires of knowledge that these connections can impart to us.


Verse Two

Humanity is like one body, with many parts.  All of us are offspring of Adam and Eve, eternally genetically linked.  Yet, as science teaches, in the 700 Trillion unique genetic designs within humanity, there are those designs which connect to us most appropriately and in the most stimulating of manners.  Yet, every design has its purpose in the creators mind, and each design, each and every human gone from us and yet to be has a purpose in our life, bringing those aspects of knowledge, friendship, kindness, blessing and love we so truly desire.


Verse Three

Eternal connections.  That is the purpose of our life.  To find and build eternal connections.  Friendships which endure not just for a day, a week, a month, a year – but friendships which endure throughout the endless eternity before us.  Each of these friendships must be valued and treated with respect, for they are eternally our source of joy, love and comfort.  And to begin these connections, seek out those whose focus is on the eternal – those whose belief is in eternal life – for such people have a focus on Yahweh and the gift of eternal life he has promised them, and thus are well endowed to bless you with the connections to bear the fruit you desire with all your heart.  So seek ye the connections with those whose focus is on the eternal.



Verse Four

And the completion of things is the moral heart.  Value those things which speak to your heart, and remember the purpose those others which do not so speak to you have in the hearts and minds of others.  For not every gift of knowledge, at first, speaks to every unique human, but we find our way slowly and carefully along our eternal destiny, learning, loving, growing and living in the hands of our eternal and great God and Father, slowly appreciating every aspect of the Infinite and its place and purpose in the eternity of creation.


Thus Ends the Book

of Universal Faith



The Book of the Most High

The Seven Divine Principles



Principle One

For God Most High is the first impulse of life eternal.  Connecting with God in his eternal nature, understanding his eternal existence, and finding the grace and love flowing from the throne of the eternal on high which grants you the grace to live eternally yourself.  This is the first and foremost principle of the ‘Assembly of the Most High’.  For in life eternal all other questions and mysteries, in the fullness of God’s good time, become realized, and the purposes you seek in life materialize in the happiness from your eternal relationship, and the fruit of love and peace and joy which such an eternal relationship brings.


Principle Two

Thus, with life eternal fulfilled in your very being, life seeks to order itself according to the divinely eternal ways, chosen by the Most High, for your eternal life.  And, in very truth, these ways can seem circular, reappearing time and time again, in the grand circle of life, in which all that you need for the embellishment and fulfilment for your existence will come in the fullness of time, and your eternal happiness the reward for your diligent labours of faith.


Principle Three

And then, having learned the secret of life eternal, and enjoying the regular and recurrent ways of this eternal life, you grow in knowledge and stature and follow your destiny.  For God’s destiny in your life is inevitably for your own good, and following this destiny is your life calling and the meaning in which you will find greater and deeper levels of happiness and thanksgiving.




Principle Four

And then, the moral man becoming perfect, the physical man speaks of his hearts desire.  And seek ye, I say unto you, glory and accomplishment for the satisfaction of having given your all.


Principle Five

And in great wealth and the glory of rulership as God’s sovereign chosen ones, you realize that destiny and glory are leading you on to sovereignty and eternal responsibility.


Principle Six

And the quiet heart understands things in the fullness of God’s time, and the reflective heart understands God’s purposes and wisdom, and great satisfaction is the reward for those who have patiently kept faith in the one above.


Principle Seven

And at the grand culmination of things God speaks to you and asks you ‘What great plan of life lies in your heart, oh divine and beloved child of God???’







Torah of Noah

The 253 Official Rules of

The Kingdom of Noah

(aka The Kingdom of Noah Torah)


1.     Thou Shalt Not Kill

2.     Thou Shalt Do No Violence

3.     Thou Shalt Not Eat Blood

4.     Thou Shalt enjoy thy rock & roll, but thou shalt not let the party get out of hand

5.     Thou Shalt enjoy thy wine, but thou again shalt not let the party get out of hand

6.     Thy Rock & Roll parties on Saturday Night is generally the best way to go

7.     Thou Shalt not have thy personal rock and roll up too loud, and make sure it gets lower and lower as the night goes on to allow people their proper rest

8.     Thou shalt have thy teeth cleaned by water when you can

9.     Thou shalt get a good diet which must include some fruits and vegetables for proper health

10.                       Thou shalt not eat too much meat – keep it to a minimum – too much is not good for the health

11.                       Thou shalt be concerned about thy health

12.                       Thou Shalt agree that you should not covet too much land to the detriment of thy neighbour’s right to also live on the land – you should not try and take it all, simply because you think you can just buy it, but you shall share your land and property with your neighbour to ensure peace, happiness, and enjoyment for all

13.                       Thou shalt share thy natural resources of thy nation fairly amongst the citizens

14.                       Thou shalt trade in equity, fairness and justice with all nations – do not attempt to prosper over them, but ensure they do not rip you off either – you shall have equitable, just and fair trade agreements

15.                       Thou shalt make thy spare national resources available to other nations in exchange for their own resources which you can utilize

16.                       Thou shalt trade fair resources for fair resources – neither party should profit unjustly over the other

17.                       Thou shalt have concern for thy neighbours welfare and ensure they have access to life, liberty, happiness and the pursuit of their dreams

18.                       Thou Shalt Wash Yourself after Sexual Relations to ensure no unpleasant substances affect you or others

19.                       Thou Shalt Wash yourself regularly and keep yourself clean

20.                       Thou Shalt Keep Tidy

21.                       Thou Shalt realize that men have penises and women have vaginas – and that there is a difference between men and women in the way that God designed them

22.                       Thou shalt realize that a feminine culture is a good idea for females and that a masculine culture is a good idea for males

23.                       Thou Shalt Wash Your Clothes

24.                       Thou Shalt Wear Clothes so as not to embarrass other people through thine nakedness

25.                       Thou Shalt Not Eat the Forbidden Fruit

26.                       Thou Shalt Not Steal

27.                       Thou Shalt Not Rape

28.                       Thou Shalt Wait until Puberty – Nature’s Signal – before practicing sexual relations

29.                       Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery, as fucking around if you have oathed to stay loyal to a partner is a sign of corruption and dishonour

30.                       Thou Shalt realize that a woman who has children to more than one man is not wise

31.                       Thou Shalt Honour Marriages as the foundation of a stable society

32.                       Thou Shalt Treat each other with kindness and respect to build a stable society of trust and respect

33.                       Thou Shalt realize that gay men can not fuck each other and have babies

34.                       Thou Shalt realize that the idea of gay marriages is pretty fucking stupid as they can’t make fucking babies

35.                       Thou Shalt realize that the Apostle Paul, in advocating that the Laws of God are redundant in Christ, is something of a dimwit as we need fucking rules to organize society, and thus Christian dogma is just pretty damn stupid

36.                       Thou Shalt have fair and true justice and judgements

37.                       Thou Shalt not kidnap people

38.                       Thou Shalt have a welfare system, thou shalt encourage education, and thou  shalt attempt to contribute lawfulness and wisdom to the society to profit those dedicated to eternal life

39.                       Thou Shalt budget carefully to ensure your spending is upon the important needs to maintain your household

40.                       Thou Shalt exercise prudence and caution when it comes to the company and friendships that you keep – remember, not every supposed friend will act in your best interests or care for you properly

41.                       Thou Shalt keep honest and true land boundary records

42.                       Thou Shalt honour the law

43.                       Thou Shalt not appoint a corrupt judge to office, and thou shalt dismiss a corrupt judge from office

44.                       Thou Shalt not consult demonic entities for witchcraft

45.                       Thou Shalt realize that Astrology is bullshit

46.                       Thou Shalt realize that Tarot is a joke

47.                       Thou Shalt realize that Magic is unethical manipulation of the rights of others through spellcraft

48.                       Thou Shalt know that many people are offended by faggotry

49.                       Thou Shalt know that transsexuals make some people vomit

50.                       Thou Shalt realize that tattoos really suck in looking at them

51.                       Thou Shalt know that coveting other peoples stuff leads to jealousy and envy and theft

52.                       Thou Shalt get thine own stuff instead of being envious of thy neighbours

53.                       Thou Shalt have concern for thine parents because they are raising you and feeding you in this world

54.                       Thou Shalt not honour thy parents wishes if they intend sin for thee

55.                       Thou Shalt not get drunk in public places – it inevitably leads to embarrassing behaviour and violence

56.                       Thou Shalt not smoke cigarettes – they lead to cancer and a shitload of horrible diseases

57.                       Thou Shalt avoid illicit drugs – they only kill you in the end

58.                       Thou Shalt observe the traffic rules – if you speed, you will inevitably kill others or yourself

59.                       Thou Shalt ignore rabbinic hypocrisy – they are corrupt and full of gentile hating sin

60.                       Thou Shalt not be proud of thine own efforts, for pride corrupts the heart into thinking itself greater than it actually is

61.                       Thou Shalt realize that God made everything and designed everything – why is thine boast in a vain idol, a vain statue, a vain human, who sins constantly???

62.                       Thou Shalt realize that your vain kings and queens are puffed up with pride, and attempting to usurp authority in place of God and his laws, which are true and just forever

63.                       Thou Shalt realize that all civil codes are corrupted by human logic, not that of the divine, and allow sin in great quantities to prosper unchecked

64.                       Thou Shalt realize that freedom of religion is freedom to sin, which is inevitable death, and regard all such societal rules which allow this as corrupt

65.                       Thou Shalt remember the suffering of Israel under the corruption of slavery in Egypt and not allow the barbarity of slavery to enter your heart or soul by trying to enforce another human to the service of your carnal and mundane pleasures – and you shall also realize the limitations of Israel’s Torah by the fact that Israel is a corrupt servant of God, thus suffering the defilement of the flesh through the act of circumcision, as they promote the corruption of slavery and many other puffed up and pride-filled ways, exalting themselves over mankind

66.                       Thou shalt not put too heavy loads of theological teaching on young minds as everyone needs to learn about the rules of life, and you can’t learn everything instantly or all at once – so thou shalt allow some people decent, fair and reasonable grace as they learn how to live

67.                       Thou Shalt not worship idols like Jesus, or Buddha, or Even Noah – Noah is just our patriarchal father – he is NOT meant to be worshipped, nor is any human being

68.                       Thou Shalt realize that false idolatrous religions like Hinduism are full of shit

69.                       Thou Shalt definitely enjoy fucking your partner when the marriage is consummated, and seeing all their bodily assets is what life is all about – so ignore the idiotic rabbis when they advocate turning off all the lights to not see your partner in the marriage beds – (rabbis are dumb)

70.                       Thou Shalt be careful when dealing with Abraham and his circumcised army.  They are most cunning in their deceptions and legalisms to attempt to rule over you.

71.                       Thou Shalt realize that the author of these rules does not insist you agree with every single one of them – but thou should get the fucking point that much thought and wisdom has gone into them

72.                       Thou Shalt realize the swears are necessary for people to get the fucking point

73.                       Thou Shalt realize that Harry Potter and Star Wars books and movies are enjoyable just as that – books and movies

74.                       Thou shalt give Israel a break for all the crap they have had to deal with – but watch those wall-worshipping rabbis – they will screw you over if they can

75.                       Thou shalt be merciful

76.                       Thou shalt be just

77.                       Thou shalt be kind

78.                       Thou shalt be loving

79.                       Thou shalt be honest

80.                       Thou shalt be brutally honest when necessary

81.                       Thou shalt humble the proud

82.                       Thou shalt have honest weights and measures

83.                       Thou shalt not commit fraud

84.                       Thou shalt feel free to insult Jewish Talmud Scholars in true Karaite Spirit

85.                       Thou shalt do all thine mockeries in a spirit of sarcastic love and affection

86.                       Thou shalt rebuketh bullies

87.                       Thou shalt not tolerate bullies

88.                       Thou shalt verily mocketh bullies

89.                       Thou shalt not fuck animals

90.                       Thou shalt not engage in any forms of sexual bestiality

91.                       Thou shalt ensure your working standards are legal, ethical, and according to the correct procedures of the company or business you work for

92.                       Thou shalt not exploit anybody

93.                       Thou shalt not exploit employees

94.                       Thou shalt pay fair, reasonable and just wages, and provide bonuses when the situation fairly warrants – yet thou shalt also provide a decent, good and reasonable profit for yourself and any shareholders also

95.                       Thou shalt not be ashamed of being rich, nor shalt thou be ashamed of being poor

96.                       Thou shalt strive for wealth and success carefully to build up your estate, as God likes wealth and treasures

97.                       Thou shalt not strive for wealth to a great degree if thou doesn’t really mind that much, but thou should never be jealous thus of those who do work for and strive for greater wealth

98.                       Thou shalt respect land laws and rights and peoples ownership of the land

99.                       Thou shalt agree that God had the right to punish Canaanites and dispossess them from their land because their sins were just too great in the end

100.                  Thou shalt get along with Israelites, and accept their Torah for the Holy Land of Israel and all residents of the Holy land of Israel

101.                  Thou shalt realize that outside of the Holy Land of Israel, the Torah of Israel only applies from Genesis 1 to 11:9, plus those judgements aimed specifically at the Noahide nations mentioned throughout the Tanakh

102.                  Thou shalt realize that according to Exodus 19 it is only the Israelites that are called to be a Kingdom of Priests and a Holy Nation, and that while according to Isaiah we must accept the light of Israel to the nations in the form of teaching directed at us as already specified in the Tanakh in the form of prophetical utterances or judgements of the Rainbow Bible which is Genesis 1 to 11:9, we are not called as Noahide Nations to usurp Israel’s role or be a Kingdom of Priests or a Holy Nation

103.                  Thou shalt realize the standards of the Noahide Nations need to be decent enough for us to get along well enough with in the end for us to pursue our dreams in the spirit of eternal life

104.                  Thou shalt not racially discriminate

105.                  Thou shalt realize that according to Torah Israelites are supposed to live in Israel

106.                  Thou shalt realize that Israelites having holidays or brief sojourns in the Noahide Nations is quite acceptable

107.                  Thou shalt have no slavery in Noahide Nations

108.                  Thy Nation shalt not oppress any other nation

109.                  Thou shalt seek the ways of national and international peace

110.                  Thou shalt have an economic and political system which acts in the best interests of every citizen, whatever the particular economic or political system you favour

111.                  Thou shalt realize that both right wing, left wing and central body of any political system are all necessary for the proper functioning of a political system, and respect each components rights to exercise authority when they are in office

112.                  Thou shalt not exercise political opposition simply for the sake of it, but that shalt exercise political opposition when the case at hand definitely warrants it

113.                  Thou shalt realize that Daniel 7 was JUST A DREAM OF DANIEL’S

114.                  Thou shalt respond to all Israelite suggestions of rights to rule Noahide Nations by quoting Isaac’s blessing on Esau and saying ‘We Noahides Shall Break Free of Cruel Israelite Slavery and Bondage and tell the Israelites to Go Fuck Themselves’

115.                  Thou Shalt be aware of ‘Who Wrote the Bible’ by Richard Elliott Friedman

116.                  Thou Shalt be aware of ‘Gospel Truth’ by Russell Shorto

117.                  Thou Shalt be aware of ‘The Jew and the Christian Missionary’ by Gerald Sigal

118.                  Thou Shalt treat the three preceding books as Noahide Torah

119.                  Thou Shalt observe the facts of Creation Science

120.                  Thou Shalt raise thy children with Kindness, Justice, Fun and Love

121.                  Thou shalt realize that God loved Noah and we are Noah’s Children and that God loves us as well

122.                  Thou Shalt realize that God punishes Israel when they sin, so that if the Noahide Nations are more righteous at the time they fight any Israelites in any potential war, we have a right before God to expect to be victorious, as God punishes sinners regardless if they are Noahides, Abramides, Adamides or Israelites

123.                  God desires Noahide Nations to be Righteous

124.                  God does not command the Noahide Nations to convert to Judaism in the Tanakh

125.                  God expects Noahide Nations to be Righteous

126.                  God talks to Noahides and teaches Noahide peoples truths as well

127.                  God expects you to remember that the sign of Noah’s Covenant is the Rainbow

128.                  God expects you to remember that as Noahides you are partakers of God’s OLDEST and HOLIEST covenant

129.                  Thou shalt remember that the Nation of Israel is God’s Servant

130.                  Thou shalt remember that Noahide Nations are Free Men and Women

131.                  Thou shalt be happy in thine own Noahide achievements

132.                  Thou shalt be happy in thine own Noahide successes

133.                  Thou shalt be happy in thine own Noahide glories

134.                  Thou shalt pray for eternal life to Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh regularly

135.                  Thou shalt have just laws and just rules

136.                  Thou shalt create and promote your own rules and laws and teach them to others if you believe they are just, fair, kind and well-intentioned towards people

137.                  Thou shalt be happy being social or happy being independent if that is what thou desire

138.                  Thou shalt disregard others if they mock thee for thy looks or thy personal tastes in things, such as clothes or music or other things

139.                  Thou shalt find inner strength through being a child of God’s creation, a child of God’s love, and remember these rules are dedicated to all people, including yourself, and are for your best interests at heart

140.                  Thou shalt practice love, mercy, grace and kindness

141.                  Thou shalt try to see the inner beauty in people and see as God’s sees – the heart

142.                  Thou shalt acknowledge the truth

143.                  Thou shalt tell the truth

144.                  Thou shalt lie if you want to to a corrupt person who will use it against you

145.                  Thou shalt not bow to men

146.                  Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself

147.                  Thou shalt educate thyself and grow in knowledge when you have the time and the inclination

148.                  Thou shalt encourage education and growing in knowledge in others

149.                  Thou shalt not put a stumbling block in front of the blind

150.                  Thou shalt protect the rights of orphans and widows

151.                  Thou shalt care for the disaffected in your society

152.                  Thou shalt give people a break when they need one

153.                  Thou shalt not be too legalistic all the time, but thou shalt be legalistic when necessary

154.                  Thou shalt exercise balance, moderation and know there is a time for all things under heaven

155.                  Thou canst pray to God if thou wants to

156.                  Thou shalt not feel pressured into praising God if you think it is stupid or you don’t want to

157.                  Thou shalt remember that God is just a bloke as well, as we are made after his image, and he also knows how to relax and have a good time

158.                  Thou shalt expect mercy from God and thou shalt grant mercy to God

159.                  Thou shalt not judge God too harshly, but express your opinions freely to him on any issue you believe in

160.                  Thou shalt realize that God has dealt with a lot of crap in the last few thousand years

161.                  Thou shalt not racially discriminate but thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself

162.                  Thou shalt keep prostitution to a minimum so that the land does not fall into depravity and become full of injustice

163.                  Thou shalt have designated suburbs in your cities for your brothels

164.                  Thou shalt not deliberately force your daughter to become a prostitute, but if she takes it up herself of her own volition thou shalt still respect, love and care for her and provide for her

165.                  Thou shalt not indulge too greatly in pornography, and thou shalt get rid of your old porno collections after a while to make sure you do not get involved with old and stale debauchery, fowl obsessions over porn stars who do not want the attention, or smelly odours and substances attached to such things – keep any porn in your collections reasonably recent if you must have such things

166.                  Thou shalt not offend straight people with your gay fantasies

167.                  Thou shalt not practice sexual harassment

168.                  Thou shalt be slutty or smutty with a person of the opposite sex in a flirtatious sense only if they appreciate such things and do not tell you to back off or say that they are not interested

169.                  Thou shalt not make assumptions that all men are bastards or that all women are bitches – there is a great diversity of people amongst the human race

170.                  If you are gay, better to find your own gay community, and live in designated gay suburbs or gay streets or gay housing complexes

171.                  God is less concerned about gayness if it is separate from the heterosexual community into enclaves and areas of the community which don’t affect the mainstream which God prefers

172.                  If you are Gay, still keep the rules of God, and do not provoke him or others who are offended by such lifestyles

173.                  Keep any profane lifestyles separate and away from mainstream society so as not to bother them

174.                  Thou shalt not fuck around with thy neighbours property

175.                  Thou shalt respect thy neighbours property

176.                  Thou shalt not pressure thy neighbour into doing things they don’t want to do

177.                  Thou shalt not try to control or manipulate people

178.                  Thou shalt be clear in charting thy work procedures for thy workforce, and not expect things of them that are not clearly designated or shown instructions for in the work procedures and protocols manuals

179.                  Thou shalt be very specific in the things required of your workers in thine work contracts, and not expect things of them which are not clearly specified

180.                  Thou shalt have the right to expect workers to comply with all reasonable requests according to procedures of the workplace if they have agreed to them contractually

181.                  Thou shalt have the right to make workers redundant if they are consistently working at a level lower than that required by their work agreements

182.                  Thou shalt give fair warnings to workers before attempting to make them redundant

183.                  Thou shalt not fuck dead people – thou shalt avoid necrophilia and respect the rights of the dead

184.                  Thou shalt not molest little children – wait until puberty before engaging in sexual practices with anyone

185.                  Thou shalt have concerns for thy little ones and raise them properly

186.                  Thou shalt allow adoptions when necessary, but thou shalt not attempt to usurp over the child the rights of the biological parents

187.                  Thou shalt honour doctors and be careful about medical rules and procedures

188.                  Thou shalt treat the mentally unwell with care and concern, and hospitalize them if and when necessary

189.                  Thou shalt exercise caution with psychotic people, but thou shalt remember that they do not necessarily intend any form of lawlessness

190.                  Thou shalt take the hint if the girl tells you to fuck off

191.                  Thou shalt take the hint if the guy says you are not the one

192.                  Thou shalt have the right to refuse everyone from telling you to do anything at all to simply serve their vain wishes, regardless of your age

193.                  Children are supposed to comply with their parents wishes if the parents are attempting to raise their children properly

194.                  It is quite ok to rebuke rebellious children to ensure compliance with the laws

195.                  Thou shalt realize you are not alone in this life and this world, and it does not revolve all around you, and that you can not have all the say or everything your own way – you have to share this world with everyone else you dimwit

196.                  Don’t piss people off just for the sake of it – have some respect

197.                  Piss people off if they have a go at you for no reason

198.                  Don’t exercise grudges against people

199.                  Exercise grudges against people if they deserve it

200.                  Everyone thinks its funny until someone loses an eye

201.                  Keep your humour in check when necessary

202.                  Don’t vandalize

203.                  Don’t harm other people’s property

204.                  Do the right thing

205.                  Don’t be rebellious simply because you are up your arse

206.                  Be Natural

207.                  Walk in harmony with nature

208.                  Care for the environment

209.                  Keep genealogies for a relevant number of current generations

210.                  Repent of lawlessness when God convicts your conscience of guilt

211.                  Enjoy your youth

212.                  Settle down when you need to

213.                  Get along with society

214.                  Be pleasant

215.                  Try to like people and understand them

216.                  Communicate honestly and openly

217.                  Don’t try to get one up on people simply to be a cocky prick

218.                  Afford the good things in life when and were you can

219.                  Be luxurious when you can

220.                  Be thrifty when you need to be

221.                  Learn about life by living it

222.                  Choose life

223.                  Study the Tanakh of Israel to understand Israelite culture

224.                  Take your school education seriously

225.                  Look to contribute to society in some way or other that you are capable of

226.                  If you are shy  by nature it is ok not to participate in things if you don’t want to

227.                  Find your favourite things in life and learn to enjoy them

228.                  Be in the Hearts of Men

229.                  King David is not as stupid as he looks

230.                  Be Ethical

231.                  Be Decent

232.                  Be Proper

233.                  Fucking up occasionally is human nature

234.                  Everyone needs a break

235.                  Even rabbis can be human at times – give them a break when they are not acting like dickheads

236.                  Noah offered sacrifices to God of clean animals – you can do this as well if you want to as Noahides – you aren’t commanded to though

237.                  It is best to put first degree or deliberate murderers to death

238.                  God should kill murderers before they intending murdering – that is the right thing for God to do as far as we are concerned

239.                  Thou shalt not torture

240.                  Thou shalt not maim

241.                  Limited degrees of torture in any ongoing cold war or hot war hostilities can be justified if it is in your nations best interests and will ultimately save lives or other necessary national assets of significant enough value

242.                  Limited degrees of acceptable torture should not permanently damage a human body – that is the important thing – for example, scaring the fuck out of them is ok, as they will eventually heal from any psychological scarring, yet their bodies will remain whole, which is the most important thing

243.                  It is very important to make sure you have the right person in the above situations if you are going to use limited degrees of torture – you wouldn’t like a child of yours tortured if they were innocent would you?

244.                  Keep your anger in check

245.                  Try to avoid being angry with people

246.                  Fuck off to the pub and talk shit with your mates to get your anger and other issues of your chest

247.                  If you really have to, make sure you only smoke a few cigarettes a year – this might almost be considered moderation on such coffin nails and cancer sticks

248.                  Aids will kill you

249.                  Don’t infect others with Aids – that is essentially murder

250.                  If you have Aids, the only way out of this hellhole is to repent your guts out to God’s personal satisfaction, and then ask him for a cure – he might give you one

251.                  The 3rd Final Rule is:  Study a lot of Stuff

252.                  The 2nd Final Rule is:  Children of the Kingdom of Noah – Keep the Faith, Walk with God, study these laws and the Literature of the 7 Divine Noahide Fellowships and Live Forever, Prosper, Don’t Worry & Be Happy

253.                  The 1st Final Rule is:  Be Good






The Kingdom of Noah is a Micronation within the boundaries of Australia.  It is located in Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly’s bedroom at 29 Merriman Crescent, Macarthur, ACT, Australia.  The Kingdom of Noah has been taught by the Spirit of God that God has plans for about 700 nations on planet earth officially.  There are a number of Macronations, the remainder being Micronations.  These Nations were complete by the end of Tuesday the 20th of December 2011 CE/AD.  The purposes of the Kingdom of Noah are related, primarily, to its heavenly allotment of space.  Heaven itself is a spiritual realm located above the earth.  This is taught in scripture.  There are LEVELS in heaven.  When people die they go to the heavens to live forever, unless they have been to sinful, in which case purgation in hades is required until repentance is sufficient.  God has placed theological thoughts within my mind – he asks his children questions to gain understanding and ideas on new issues – and he placed within my thoughts the ideas of the earth as the centre point and the expansion above the sphere of the earth expanding outwards, growing each time.  For example, a square kilometer of land on earth is far greater in its equivalent in heaven in correlative proportion the further you go up in the levels of heaven.  And, thus, it expands eternally.  The nations of earth have equivalents in heaven, and as you can see the land gets larger each time with each level you rise, and so on, upwards, for all eternity.  The Judgement has apparently been that, based on the first day of the first year of the four year cycle, with the leap year as the fourth year, that at exactly 1 second past Midnight at the beginning of the four year cycle of January 1, the position of the earth in relation to the sun and its place in the universe is the point for which the expansions upwards from the kingdoms is measured.  God asked me to compute this idea, and it seems it has generally been accepted.  This is an exact point of the earth in relation to its cycle around the sun and the rest of the universe.


The nations of the world have been established by God for the continuing population of mankind in the rest of the universe, as mankind populates the heavenlies through procreation eternally.


Many of the desires for progeny and forming empire and religious thought are relevant in an eternal life in the heavenlies, and commentary on this can be found in Chronicles of the Children of Destiny – Morning Stars II, amongst one example of my writings which features interesting ideas.


It is anticipated that the World To Come – in fulfillment of the passages of the prophets of the Scriptures – is imminent.  I have had dreams recently which seem to indicate that the end of death, as foretold for Mt Zion in scripture, is in the process of happening.  Around the year 2070 the realization of this truth is apparently understood by humanity for the most part.  This has been communicated to my mind in the forms of dreams.  The actual resurrection of the house of Israel, and what God has told me is approximately 50 Million other members of mankind, to reside on planet earth for eternity is somewhere beyond that point, yet not too distant.


Life on earth is similar in nature to life in the heavenlies.  All the same basic functionings occur in both, yet the physical world of earth has a degree more solidity involved with it.  The heavenlies are more spiritual, but they have substance associated with them also.


God has chosen about 40 million members of mankind outside of the House of Israel so far, and he is currently examining the children of men and their works to complete his final numbers.


Warranting a position of eternal life on earth itself, rather than in the heavenlies, is based on a number of principles.  The keymost are:


·        Strong levels of Holiness

·        Strong levels of Work Ethic

·        Strong output of commercial product, examples of which include Music Albums, Novels and other Artistic Products

·        Other outstanding performances in the field of excellence


God is looking for the cream of mankind to warrant places in the World to Come on planet earth.


Now, there will be the rest of mankind remaining, certainly, and there will be a neverending supply of souls born on earth, who die, and go off to live forever in the heavenlies.  One of the primary purposes of the final elect of God on planet earth is the ruling of mankind for their sanctification and preparation in a place and community in the heavenlies.  This has been God’s purpose all along.


Do you want to warrant a place in the world to come?


The Christian band DC Talk sang a line which is supposed to inspire you to reach for those heights.  It goes ‘Got a gift you best start using it – if you don’t you might wind up losing it.’


As Pitbull sings ‘Aim for the Heavens, if you don’t make it at least you are on top of the world.’


So apply your talents rigorously, complete an entire reading of the Scriptures (Deuteronomy 8:3), and work hard and you may end up becoming one of the chosen lucky ones.


Now, the Kingdom of Noah has its own Torah, which has been written above.  The sarcasm is a necessary element for Karaite Noahide faith, and entirely in harmony with the wishes for the future citizens of the Kingdom of Noah.  It is all appropriate and acceptable for the Kingdom of Noah.


If you are not going to live forever on earth, and want to have a place in the ‘Kingdom of Noah’ under Karaite Noahide faith, feel free to email me, or contact my eventual children who will take their place in the Kingdom of Noah in the heavenlies in the fullness of time.


It is expected the Kingdom of Noah will eventually have a whole host of nations within the Kingdom as a whole, as levels continue to expand upwards.  The Kingdom of Kadravana is a specific example of such a nation.




The Royal Karaite Rainbow Bible

Noahide Australian Kingdom of Kadravana


(Within the Australian Continent

of the Kingdom of Noah in the Heavenlies)


Spiritual Constitution

·        The Rainbow Torah (Genesis 1 – 11:9) – JPS Tanakh 1985 Edition

·        The Wisdom of the Noahide Torah

(Within the legal frameworks below there are certain specified exemptions towards the Wisdom of the Noahide Torah)



Australian Constitution as at 24:00:00 (Midnight at the end of the day) on the 31st of December 2000 CE/AD

(With all necessary noun elements changed for Kadravanan principle)

Cessation of Legislative Acts section added to Kadravanan Constitution

Principle of Delegated “Regulations” Authority section added to Kadravanan Constitution.

Removal of all non-applicable sections of the constitution taken note of.  Amendment

To section 116 dealing with Freedom of Religion – only religious thought functioning within the framework

Of the Spiritual Constitution and each provincial religion are tolerated.



Australian Federal, State and Local Law as at the end of the year 2000 CE/AD

(With all necessary noun elements changed for Kadravanan principle)

Law includes:  All Acts of Parliament, English Common Law, Case Law and other forms of Legislation.

This is the end of the legislative process.  Beyond this, only delegated ‘Regulations’ can be formed as new legal principles.




The ‘Spiritual Constitution’ is the highest form of law – the ‘Torah of Noah’ the ‘Rainbow Torah’.


The ‘Australian-Kadravanan’ Constitution is the next form of law – submissive to the Spiritual Constitution.


The ‘Acts of Parliament’ of the Federal Government and the State & Territory Governments form the next standard of law for the Kingdom.  The determination of which state laws apply to differing ‘Regions’ within the 7 provinces are left to each region upon foundation of itself to choose and determine.  Once a code is chosen for a particular region, it may never be changed.  There are the 6 State Codes and the 2 Territory Codes which may be chosen.  Any particular region may choose only 1 legal framework amongst these 8 choices.  It should be understood that the full legal code of Acts for any particular region includes the Federal Code hand in hand with the chosen State or Territory code.


Common Law including ‘Precedent Law’ must NEVER carry the authority of unchangeable judgement (which it doesn’t anyway).  Common law ‘Precedents’ precepts are intended to be temporary judgements, and only applicable as the basis for legal rulings for a maximum period of 1000 years.  Outdated precedents may never be used in the legal process.  It is the responsibility of Judges and Juries were applicable to be forming new Precedent as the case at hand sees fit.  Only what would be termed ‘Recent Precedents’ carry the most relevance and authority, and the older a precedent, the less authoritative it would be deemed, till the point of non-applicability after 1000 years have been reached.


In this sense, Rules of Act Law (Legislation) – the legal Rulings of Parliament – are meant to be the foundational knowledge for the Judge, Magistrate, Lawyer & Solicitor, as well as Jury and other relevant parties.  The ongoing newness of Precedent law is meant to function, ultimately, from its careful knowledge of the Acts themselves, and it is in the Acts – the legal Judgements of Parliament – which are ultimately meant to resolve cases of legal question.  In this sense, Kadravanan society is meant to function by what is deemed lawful according to ‘Spiritual Constitution’, ‘Constitution’ and ‘Acts of Parliament’ in the primary sense.



In this sense, once founded, the 3 foundations of Kadrvanan law – 1) The Spiritual Constitution, 2) the Constitution, & 3) the Acts of Parliament are irrevocable.  Once this legal system is put in place it may never be revoked – that is a fundamental principle of Kadravanan Law – Society – and culture.  It is meant to represent an unchanging way of doing things, so that sound societal behaviour may result, and attract people who desire an unchanging legal code.




For the necessity of dealing with issues of law which arise in Kadravanan society which the law itself does not address, Regulations are the form of conduct code which apply.  Regulations carry the authority of the Constitution, but may be repealed at any time.  Regulations are formed on a region by region basis.  The highest court of appeal for matters addressed by Regulations may only be within the domain of a Magistrate of a Region’s highest Regulatory Court.  Higher forms of Courts, which are Constitutional Courts and the Law Courts, may not give judgements in issues relating to matters of Regulations – these are deemed too trivial matters for the higher courts to utilize their time upon.  For the settlement of issues of law in a case of Law pertaining to regulations, it is the responsibility of the parties at hand to settle regulative matters in ‘Regulations’ courts alone, as they bear ‘No Legal Interest’.  In this sense, matters deemed of ‘No Legal Interest’ may only be settled in ‘Regulative’ courts.  Regulative Courts have the power of Constitution and it is the law of the land that an individual should in ‘Normal Circumstances’ act in accordance with Regulations, unless they disagree with the rulings of the Regulations.  The disagreement must be made in writing, and officially lodged.  If they disagree, they are not bound to act in accordance with the judgements of the regulations.



British Monarch

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly



Governor General

Callodyn Gabriel Daniel Daly



Spiritual Overseer






Capital City



The 7 Divine Provinces


The 7 Provinces of the Kingdom of Kadravana.



Capital City – Lourdes

Official Provincial Religion – Haven Noahide Fellowship

Official Colour - Purple



Capital City - Bluebell

Official Provincial Religion – Assembly of the Divine Creator

Official Colour - Red



Capital City - Destiny

Official Provincial Religion – Universal Faith Assembly

Official Colour - Orange



Capital City – Bendigo

Official Provincial Religion – Assembly of the Living God

Official Colour - Yellow



Capital City – Brisbane

Official Provincial Religion – Universal Truth Assembly

Official Colour - Green



Capital City – Beautiful City

Official Provincial Religion – Assembly of the Most High

Official Colour - Blue







Capital City – Bridgetown

Official Provincial Religion – Haven Adamide Fellowship

Official Colour – Indigo


Georgia has 1 Spiritual Constitution – The Rainbow Torah + the following Legal Code


The 27 Laws of Georgia


1.     No Theft

2.     No Robbery

3.     Ownership of Property and Items honoured

4.     Graffiti is legal

5.     Vandalizing property is not legal

6.     No Unlawful Entry of Domiciles

7.     No Rape

8.     Sexual Harassment is legal for upwards of about 1 hour per day upon a person (That is the total time for the national assembly of people allowed to harass towards one person).  No Sexual harassment permitted on Sundays or Mondays.

9.     Sexual harassment includes grabbing tits, ass, crotch, feeling up

10.                       No Sexual harassment permitted every 3rd year

11.                       No Kidnapping

12.                       No Bestiality (CGI Bestiality Pornography allowable)

13.                       Incest is legal

14.                       Prostitution is legal

15.                       Adultery is legal

16.                       Homosexuality is legal

17.                       Paedophilia with parental consent is legal

18.                       Paedophilia without parental consent is not legal

19.                       Abortion is left as a matter of individual conscience

20.                       No Torture

21.                       No Maiming

22.                       No Excessive Violence or actions related to causing excessive harm to a person

23.                       No Slightly Excessive Violence

24.                       Violence is legal, were justifiable on natural cause

25.                       Intimidation is legal based on Sexual Harassment principles

26.                       No Poisoning of Food with excessively harmful poison (laxative poisoning permitted within reason of natural anger causes, and humour principles – limits apply)

27.                       Everything else permitted were the Rainbow Torah remains silent


Divine Rights


1)   God is deemed as morally required to ensure you have the ability to find a partner of the opposite sex, to have food to eat which must contain at least some fresh fruits and vegetables and meat without blood as well as a minimum of fresh water for drinking purposes, to allow living space for you and any family you desire (before natural land limitations come into question due to excessive population), to ensure clothes are provided for you, to have the ability to be able to bless yourself and others through YOUR own work and efforts, as well as honouring the other principles of the Rainbow Torah.  In Georgia he is deemed as:  Not being required to answer any specific prayers at all.  Not being required to presence his Holy Spirit anywhere in the land.  Not being required to speak to you.  Not being required to personally bless or prosper you financially.  However, if you fulfil the obligations of the Rainbow Torah itself in a good, proper, honest, decent and genuine attempt, and we would make the judgement that if you are not excessively or in a prolonged manner blaspheming God or worshipping idols, but honouring him, as well as the full legal code of the land, then we would deem it probable that God would desire to in fact take an interest in you and perhaps answer your prayers and talk to you.







My own judgement is that an individual can develop his own or her own spiritual thoughts, ideas and traditions.  It is important to ensure they are within the framework of acceptability to Almighty God, but the Rainbow Torah gives the freedom to Karaite Noahides to develop religious frameworks, such as this Rainbow Bible, and other spiritual and political ideologies as they see fit.  Judgement should be sound, according to wisdom, and based on truth.  It is not hard to get the approval of God for your project eternally if it is sound, of good wisdom, positive and holy.  The Jews wrote the Bible in the end.  Your own church, your own mosque, your own temple, your own synagogue, your own clan, your own tribe, your own family, your own community, you yourself, can do the same if you put in some effort.  You can even go off and promote it if you want to.  Approval from God depends on the quality of your work.


You too can write sound and lasting scripture.  Just put in a decent and committed effort.


In Deuteronomy God teaches us to appoint judges for ourselves.  If you study the entirety of the Tanakh (Deuteronomy 8:3) you will start becoming able to make your own value judgements.  It is a sufficient starting point for developing your own ministry, your own empire, your own destiny.


Utilize the Word of God – the Tanakh – and dig your own wells, and you will find your own salvation.


Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Canberra, Australia

A little before Christmas in the year 2011 AD/CE






Psalms of Daniel


Psalm One


Beyond Azion lie the children of Adam in the Realm of Infinity

For Beyond Azion is Azaphon, the Heart of Infinity

And the Onaphim of God Live in the Heart of Infinity

For Azaphon is the Golden City

And Nadrazon is the Silver City

And Daron is the Bronze City

And in the Realm of Eternity, Zaphon is the Heart of Eternity


For Azion is the Heart of Heaven

Where the Children of Heaven Dwell

And there is much righteousness

And there is much love



Beyond Azion lie the children of Adam in the Realm of Infinity

For Beyond Azion is Azaphon, the Heart of Infinity

And the Onaphim of God Live in the Heart of Infinity

For Azaphon is the Golden City

And Nadrazon is the Silver City

And Daron is the Bronze City

And in the Realm of Eternity, Zaphon is the Heart of Eternity


And the Children of Adam and Eve dwell on the Discs of Azaphon

And the Children of Adam and Eve dwell on the Discs of Nadrazon

And the Children of Adam and Eve dwell on the Discs of Daron

And there is much righteousness

And there is much love


Praise Yahweh Forever

Praise Yahweh Forever

Praise Yahweh Forever




Psalm Two


Wisdom is Truth

Wisdom is Truth

Wisdom is Truth

Wisdom is Truth


In praise of Wisdom

Praise the God of Truth

In Praise of Wisdom

Praise the God of Truth


Wisdom is Love

Wisdom is Love

The Heart of a Dove

Wisdom is Love


In praise of Wisdom

Praise the God of Love

The Truth from Above

The God of Love



Psalm Three


Praise God

Praise the God of Noah

Praise the Immortal Creator

Praise him now and forever


Lord God

You keep faith with those who keep your covenant

Your holiest covenant given to our father Noah

Each generation who swear by the Lord the Almighty One

Who amongst the unbelievers affirm the rainbow

Who amongst the unbelievers affirm the promises of God

Receive your attention

Receive your blessing

Receive your love


We Praise you, Almighty God

We Praise you, God of Noah

We Praise you, Immortal Creator

We Praise you, now and forever





New Education


Understanding the 253 rules of the Covenant Code of the Noahide World takes a little time.  The sarcasm is a necessary element, for life without humour is a dry vessel, ready to crack.  The soft heart of quiet love, gentle humour, and pure passion is the balm which soothes the seeker of the higher forms of holiness.  But the severity of South Park, the Cheek of The Simpsons, and the crudity of Family Guy are necessary parts of the life-stream continuum to lighten up heavy loads, to relax, to let it all hang out, and to realize that we don’t have to be so bloody perfect all the bloody time.  And we become more real, honest and humane by realizing this.


Books like ‘The Path of the Righteous Gentile’ and ‘The Rainbow Covenant’ and other major Noahide Books of the New World are ‘BIBLES’ of Noahide Faith.  They teach an authoritative, acceptable and wise approach to a religious life.  They are the Talmudic Noahide books of wisdom, which the Karaite Noahide community appreciate and respect.  They are NOT for the Karaite Noahide community, but I would encourage you, if the Karaite Noahide approach is not strict enough for you, or not sober enough for you, try one of those Noahide Books and practice a Talmudic Noahide lifestyle instead.  Karaite Noahides shouldn’t really try to hold on to converts who belong somewhere else.  That would be stupid.  But some of you guys fit in our world.  Some of you fit.  We don’t really approve of chopping someone’s head off for pinching an apple, so some of you do fit in the Karaite Noahide world.  Kapiche.


The Spice Girls are the heart of Divine Fellowships 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6.  Geri Halliwell’s CDs are mandatory listening for ‘Assembly of the Divine Creator’, as well as her autobiographies and Ugenia Lavender books.  Melanie C is for the Universal Faith Assembly, and the same principles apply.  Victoria Beckham is for Assembly of the Living God, Melanie Brown is for Universal Truth Assembly and Emma Bunton is for Assembly of the Most High.  The CD albums and the wisdom of each solo spice girl are to be considered part of the teaching for each of the respective Divine Fellowships.


The first fellowship – Haven Noahide Fellowship – is not based on this idea.  Madonna Ciccone is sort of the unofficial Spice Girl for this group, but not really in the end.  Only in a soft sort of way.  Haven is meant for those Karaite Noahides who are quite serious about being Karaite Noahides and don’t want to get involved with what a lot of people will consider weird ideas about ‘Spice Girls’ cults.  But, hey, the Catholic church worship Jesus’ mother, so what’s new, huh?  No, I don’t advocate Spice Girl worship.  These other religious assemblies aren’t meant to attract potential Karaite Noahides unless they actually like the CDs from these Solo Spice Girls and their messages.  To clear something up, critically the music of the Spice Girls on their solo albums is a little more complex and thoughtful than their group efforts.  As the girls have progressed in their careers they have matured, and I personally recommend their CDs as a snapshot into human life and how to enjoy it from many interesting perspectives.  Modern psalms of life, some of them with very good messages, some, surprisingly to many, quite serious.  Take an album like ‘Reason’ by Melanie C.  Its maturity might be something new to you.


The cult of personality, as Living Colour call it, goes back to Jesus of Nazareth in the biggest way.  Hey, people believe this bloke was actually God.  The cult of personality is a truth which Divine Fellowships 2 to 6 ARE based on, in some ways.  The girls, the Spicies, are meant to be a focal point for us to understand how human life can function for people in both ordinary and extraordinary circumstances.  They are a ‘Metaphor’ or a ‘Symbol’ of a kind of life many of us dream about, which makes it a good idea to see if there is any real life Halakah which we can learn from these ladies.


I, personally, in a spirit of the wisdom of ‘Morning Stars II’ really do recommend other such celebrity religions could quite likely be formed, utilizing favourite CDs and books for such purposes. No, the Bible doesn’t have to be the only holy book.  That is just a fundamentalist approach.  Many of our big musical artists put a hell of a lot of effort into their music CDs to try and communicate their “LIFE WISDOM”.  Solo Spice Girls do this as well, and I love their stuff.


For Christians, Christian Artists like Amy Grant and Michael W Smith and Rebecca St James and The Priests and many others have CD albums with messages which MEAN SOMETHING.  They are HALAKAH – RELIGIOUS IDEAS – THINGS WHICH CAN HELP PEOPLE.


So, a religion based on some of the messages of the Spice Girls, in our instance, is not actually as dumb as it sounds.  You WILL understand and appreciate this idea in the fullness of time.



Danny Daly

January 6176 SC – January 2011 CE/AD






Understanding Astrology


Astrology is an artificial creation of minds of staggering intellect, truly stupendous in its paradigms of insight into life, beyond all the fathoming of minds based on simplistic idea like logic and reason.  It baffles mere mortals who say stupid things like ‘That’s bullshit mate’ and ‘What a load of bollocks’.  But these are the unlearned ones, says the soothsayer of fortunes, happy to read your palms for a buck and tell you just how tall that handsome stranger will be, and just the exact number of zeroes in that sudden cheque you are SOON to DEFINITELY get in the mail.  Bwah ha ha harrgh.


But I love Astrology – seriously.  Couldn’t live without it.  Every time I open up one of those Women’s Weeklies and am told the fortunes of Scorpio for the month I wait with anticipation as my DESTINY UNFOLDS.  Amazing.


Numerology – that is what the Jews are in to.  They call it Gematria.  Funnily enough, I dabble around with that, and find some very interesting connections on English words using Ordinal Equivalents to total them, when A is 1 and B is 2 and C is 3 and so on through the alphabet to Z is 26.  For example God is 26 – the exact number of letters in the English alphabet.  Daniel is 45.  Adam is 19.  David is 40 and so on.  Of course Cool is 45 and Dumb is 40, but I digress.


Astrology is the WAVE of the Future.  As the Age of Aquarius unfolds, our lives will be enrichened by such gems of wisdom as ‘Knowing your Soul Path’ and ‘The Wisdom of your Gemstone’ and so on and so forth.


Heart of the Earthmother.  I am not sure if she is into Astrology – she might be – but the magazines, which you can find in Aussie newsagents, or order online, are AMAZING.  In the Chronicles of the Children of Destiny – the Pagan Version – which you can find online, I have some fun with Heart of the Earthmother.  Her Combatant is Daniel – from the Realm of Understanding.  WHO KNOWS what the future has in store for her as she struggles with the villainous Seraphim of Yahweh, sure to corrupt the universe with their ‘Devilish Ways’.  Beware those blonde Seraphim, she bemoans.


Funnily enough, I have been visited by a blonde Seraphim, in the skies above Macarthur, and down at Fadden Pines.


And Michael himself appeared in a dream, with the Seraphim who had appeared to me in person.  I thought it was Ambriel.  It seemed the Ambriel from my books.  I really don’t know, as he said not his name.


Life is a mystery.


Astrology is ok, as long as it doesn’t go to your head.  It’s a little bit of fun, but getting caught up in the New Age is just a distraction from the mundane of life anyway, which is why people do it.  I mean, after all, its all about spirituality these days, isn’t it politically correct society out there?  Isn’t it?  I mean, religion.  Who needs that.




7 jan 2012




Karaite Noahidism – The Next Branch of Judaism


The Spirit of God has taught me that ‘Karaite Noahidism’ is a new branch of Judaism.  Apparently there are currently around 70 or so branches of Judaism which God recognizes.  It is through the spirit which speaks in me that I learn such things.


When Yahweh spoke to me and asked me to ‘Build on his Rock’, he made it perfectly clear that his rock was the Jewish people – the people of the book – which includes the righteous of the world through the covenant of Noah.


Those who adhere to the covenant of Noah are ‘Noahides’.


At Mt Sinai there was a covenant, sealed in Exodus 24 with the blood of bulls as its sign, made with Moses’ generation of the priestly people of Israel.  This is the ‘Israelide’ covenant.


Yet, betwixt these two covenant, lies another covenant, which is the heart of Islam.  The covenants of ‘Abraham’.


Genesis 15 gives the Land Covenant.


Genesis 17 gives the Circumcision Covenant.


The Rabbis argued in the Talmud that the seed through Ishmael was only Noahide.  They are not quite correct.  Remember, God promised the fullness of the covenant to Isaac’s house, BUT, and this is a fundamental BUT, Ishmael was still verily circumcised because he was of the HOUSE of Abraham.


Muslims, essentially, circumcise in the name of Abraham’s covenant.  In this spiritual house we find the offspring of Ishmael, as well as the house of Abraham’s other wife ‘Keturah’, who was probably NOT Hagar.


True, ‘Abrahamides’, as I will call them, are essentially under the Noahide codes of faith, yet they must also circumcise and, more than that, the land promised to Abraham and his seed – from the wadi of Egypt to the Euphrates rive – is ALSO for the other children of Abraham.  Perhaps the land of the East, were Keturah’s offspring were sent, was east of Israel, yet within the boundaries of the Euphrates.  Perhaps this land mass runs from top of the eastern coastline of the mediterannean sea to the short nib of the Euphrates, downwards, encompassing the land as it goes, perhaps even encompassing all the Arabian peninsula.  Perhaps this is why ‘Allah’ has claimed Mecca for the religion of Abraham, and this is the centre of the Muslim world.  As in God’s ultimate turning of the Christians to Noahide faith, the Muslims are to be turned to ‘Abrahamide’ faith.


EACH of these faiths – Noahide – Abrahamide – Israelide – are governed by an essential contract with Almighty God.  THE COVENANT.


Noah’s covenant – the Rainbow

Abraham’s Covenant – the Circumcision

Israel’s Covenant – the Blood of Bulls and the Torah itself in a way




As the next branch of Judaism, it is important for Karaite Noahidism to contribute new theology and teaching, steeped in the Judaic tradition, to mankind for the enjoyment of spiritual truths amongst the larger monotheistic community.  This Rainbow Bible is attempting to do this.



There are a lot of issues I want to talk about, and here is a snapshot into some of the things currently on my mind.



Documentary Hypothesis – in particular the theories of ‘Richard Elliott Friedman’


I would date ‘P’ to the exact timing of Ezekiel the prophet and the ministrations of the House of Zadok.  Ezekiel 44 makes it quite clear that the house of Zadok teaches knowledge of ‘Clean and Unclean’ things, amongst other responsibilities to the temple of the LORD.  God states in Ezekiel that ‘The House of Zadok’ will teach his people Israel such things.  I feel this is ample proof of the origin of the ‘P’ strand of the Torah.  Please read Ezekiel 44 and the surrounding chapters to see my point.  Further, I feel this JUSTIFIES such notions as the Torah still being of Divine Origin and ‘Word of God’ in status.  I feel the house of Zadok ‘Attributed’ the teachings of P (primarily Leviticus) to Moses as an act of humility and honouring the prophet.  P is not specifically Mosaic in origin, but carries the authority of God regardless.

Likely ‘D’ has some such similar origin and authority as well.

I raise this issue because I feel this viewpoint justifies, to a certain degree, the notion that the scripture still carries divine authority associated with it.




The ‘Concise Gospel of Jesus of Nazareth’ and historical Jesus faith as talked of in my fictional writings.

The passages I ‘Excerpted’ in my work ‘Melanie and Daniel:  Temptations’, which has a link as well (see main page of website) from the Gospel are passages I call ‘Kosher’ teaching of Jesus of Nazareth.  I have removed ‘Christ’ claims and anti-semitic passages from this ‘Concise Gospel’ and believe it is a way of integrating the authentic teachings of the ‘Man’ Jesus of Nazareth son of Joseph and Mary into Judaism, as well as offering to fans of Jesus teaching a ‘Kosher’ Gospel message.  Why bother doing this?  Simply because it is a decent enough idea as I see it, and Jesus on his own merits of some of his non-controversial teachings should be heard by Israelites as well.

The movie from the 1970s ‘Jesus’ which Christians use a lot is, I feel, a Positive movie which Judaism could embrace.  Mainly it concentrates on the teachings of Jesus and his works, and is a ‘Feel Good’ movie about the man from Nazareth.

The real controversy in the movie (one of the few times this movie brings it up) is when Jesus is in front of the Sanhedrin claiming to be the messiah.

I have noticed the spirit on the Sanhedrin in this movie when watching it – a very Jewish spirit – and I feel this should be pointed out to Christians.  My perspective is that the Sanhedrin are examining Jesus claims of deity and messiah-ship, and consulting, and finding Jesus claims untrue.  They looked into the issue.  They consulted.  They found Jesus incorrect in his claims.  The Sanhedrin was NOT misinformed.  They examined the issue and checked their facts.  Look at this movie, and the final scenes with Jesus in front of the Sanhedrin.  They didn’t AGREE with Jesus.  And yes, they were correct.  And for sensitive Christians to the spirit of God, watch the movie carefully and see if you can sense the spirit of the Sanhedrin – it IS there.  They DO have a spiritual nature.  It is NOT the same as the spiritual realities of differing Christian churches.  It is a spirit within Judaism.

I encourage movie to watch the Jesus movie, as in this movie Jesus comes off as likeable and friendly, and it could NOT be considered an anti-semitic movie.

Oh, and if you notice ‘Peter’ in this movie, and sense his spirit, if you are familiar with the spiritual feelings of the Catholic Church you will find it is the same spirit of ‘Peter’ all the way through it.



Sarcasm and other issues.

My writings have a heck of a lot of sarcasm towards Israel.  Oh, I am only joking.  Lighten up Rabbi.  Your ‘Wondrous’ Talmud is full of all sorts of friendly sayings towards gentiles, I would imagine (Or so I have heard), but nevermind.

Of course, Exodus 22:21.  ‘Do not oppress an Alien for you were slaves in Egypt’.

& Isaiah 42 in Israel’s role to ‘Rescue the Gentiles from the dungeons of sin and so on, showing them the light of the Torah.’

So as a Noahide I DO understand (Exodus 19) Israel’s role as a Kingdom of PRIESTS and a Holy Nations.  Of course, you can’t have a priest without a ‘Laity’, so the Noahide Nations of the world are the Laity I would imagine.  We can’t ALL be priests.  That would be a bit weird.



2 Esdras

I Feel the 70 books talked about in 2 Esdras comprise those missing books mentioned in the Bible (Like the Book of Jasher and so on) as well as the Apocrypha and various of the books of the Pseuedpigrapha.  In the Karaite Noahide branch of Judaism, these books are ‘Authoritative’ and ‘Scriptural’, and part of the tradition for the ‘Wise among the people’ as the teaching says.


They are not necessarily historical at all – they may well be pseudepigraphal.  That is accepted.  Regardless, they ARE accepted by us as Scripture, carrying the authority of God Almighty, and appropriate for study and teaching.


We uphold the teaching that the imminent Messiah will reign ‘400’ years, after which Judgement Day will advent.  At that point, those people who are found built on one of the branches of Judaism, be it ‘Israelite’ or ‘Noahide’ or even the hopefully emerging ‘Abrahamide’ branches will be considered ‘Gold’ and part of the Kingdom of Israel.  Not all mankind will be saved.


For our movement, Christianity, Islam and Bahai will become part of the Kingdom of Israel, within their own various covenantal approaches to the faith.



17 January 6176 SC / 17 January 2012 CE/AD







This material is only semi-canonical.


The Year 2020 in the Common Era calendar and the Christian Calendar


The Year 2020 CE is the more likely time for the resurrection of the dead according to the Book of Daniel chapter 12.

70 Years are completed by Israel in their rebirth as a nation, accounting for the 70 Noahide Nations.

The Septuagint is the LXX, but supposedly it was precisely 72.  So somewhere in 2020, within the 72nd year approximately,

the resurrection is more likely to happen.  This has allowed sufficient time for the preaching of the Gospel 2000 years prophecy

as Jesus, the Jew, was around 20 at this stage and enough mature gospel had been taught and lived.  This is a sufficient

time period to account for the Egyptian and Mayan prophecies as relevant indicators of the end of their calendars, a significant

enough idea for mankind, and reasonably fulfilling Egypt's traditions, in God's mercy, is an acceptable enough idea.


The first of my dates was the 21st of December 2012, and the second of my dates was the 26th of December 2012.  There

was a lot of reasons for these predictions.  Perhaps, funnily, the third time will be the charm, and this is the more likely

date of the three in my current opinion.  Perhaps it could be argued that simply a responsible and traditional enough date

for the fulfilment of such things should be argued, and the idea of 2020, for perfect vision, pardon the pun, is a more

responsible date, and completes Israel's service for the 70 Noahide Nations.


Earlier speculations within the Rainbow Torah were a learning experience, but this is where I have now worked to as of

my latest thoughts as of the 24th of November 2012.  I don't mind being wrong if either of the first dates comes to pass,

and should not have any particular preference apart from a responsible date.


Because I view Zerubbabel as the Messianic figure of Isaiah 11, and because he only achieved Governor status of

Judah, and not Kingship status, the messianic prophecy was not completely fulfilled.  Thus there was no physical

resurrection after the persecution of the Seleucids by Antiochus Epiphanes IV, and the Everlasting Kingdom failed

to resurrect its dead.  I would argue Psalm 89 predicts this reality.  Next time around Zerubbabel has a better chance

of fulfilling his Messianic role properly.


I would recommend a Wedenesday on the 26th if possible somewhere in the year, but that is entirely flexible to sound

reason, and just a suggestion because of earlier speculations.  There may not even be a Wednesday 26th in 2020, as

I haven't checked yet.  I may do so one day.  But I have no specific date, just that 2020 looks the most likely year.


Just a responsible and mature date in that year would be the best bet.



One Final Edition for Each Rainbow Bible only - Amending completely earlier writing within the overall scope of the Rainbow Bibles - Written as of 25th of November 6176 SC (25th of November 2012 CE)


I had planned on doing 7 editions for each Rainbow Bible, and this was expressed within the Rainbow Bibles.

  But I have decided there will only be 1 Final and complete Edition for each of the 7 Rainbow Bibles, and none of them, as of this date, are by any means complete.  Further, there will not be any earthly reality of 21 Divine Fellowships, but ONLY 7 Divine Fellowships and 7 Official Rainbow Bibles, 1 each for each of the 7 Divine Karaite Adamide-Noahide Fellowships.  In a heavenly setting, Gabriel and then Michael have permission to form the remainder of the 21DF if they so choose.  Gabriel is responsible for 8DF to 14DF and Michael is responsible for 15DF to 21DF.  Ultimately, they may have to choose to return to live in the Physical Earth's universe for their Eternal Life, if they choose to act upon the 21DF Theology - as it would be required for all 21DF to know each other, and be located in the same physical realm.  Seeing as I have chosen to live my eternity in the physical universe, Gabriel and Michael will have to make up their own bloody minds.  I know Michael personally, who has spiritually appeared to me twice.  I suggested he was Ambriel, from my books, in earlier writings, but it was indeed Archangel Michael.  The Holy Spirit has confirmed that with me.  So, my guess, is that Gabriel and Michael and the people of heaven, ultimately, not being wusses, will eventually accept the challenge and take the hard yards and live forever in the physical - because they are probably not pussies in the end.  Come on you wimpy bloody angels.  Hah.  Daniel San forever.



The Catholic Jesus Gospel

A Mythic Message of Divine Inspiration

According to altar boy Daniel Thomas Andrew Tarcisius Daly


And being born in a manger, the son of Mary and Joseph, Jesus grew up and was well known as a godfearing child of a holy Jewish family.  Jesus was strong in the Lord and loved his father Joseph and his mother Mary with all his heart.  He worked with his father as a Carpenter and carefully learned all the ways of the trade.  He was quick to pay attention to even the most minor of details and would listen faithfully as Joseph instructed him in the ways of Jewish living and being holy towards God.


Jesus cried greatly when Joseph died, and when they were at the grave his mother Mary said ‘Fear not, dear Jesus.  For your father has gone to heaven to be with his heavenly father, the father of us all.  Remember that dear son.  God is your father, and he loves you greatly.’

‘I will remember,’ responded the boy Jesus.


As Jesus grew, he grew strong in the faith, and was full of courage.  The Holy Spirit of God watched over him, instructing his mind and teaching him the proper ways of godly conduct and how to teach men the way of the Gospel of God.  The Holy Spirit blazed in the young man Jesus’ heart, and as he worked and grew everyone in Nazareth thought of him as a most special and gifted child of God.  But there was something different about him.  Something different his mother Mary noticed.  He was special, was Jesus, as the Angel Gabriel had told her.  He was special and had a gift – a gift for all men in Israel and, one day, to the ends of the world.  And as he continued to grow in learning, wisdom and understanding, Mary knew she must share her son’s message to be a Holy Mother to the world, to spread the message of God’s beloved peacemakers, children of God, children of peace, bound together in bonds of love, and unity.


As he grew Jesus shared with his mother his dreams from what he had seen in the sacred scriptures.  Dreams of forming a special community – a chosen community – one which would live forever, a sacred ecclesia of God – which throughout eternity would serve God in love and fidelity, knowing God loved them dearly and would forever be faithful to them.  And Mary knew her son was wise and would share him in this vision, as she knew Joseph her husband would have, had he lived longer.


Jesus grew and soon, one day, he spoke with his mother.

‘It is time, mother.  The Day of the Lord is upon us and I must preach the Gospel.  For God my father wishes this of me.’

And Mary nodded solemnly, gave her son her blessing, and sent him on his way.


And then she prayed this holy prayer.


‘God of my fathers, God of my ancestors, I sing praise to your name.  My dear son Jesus, descended from our champion King David, is truly a Son of David, a man after God’s own heart.  I thank you King of Eternity for the passion you have placed in my son’s heart, and I ask you to keep your hand upon him all his days, until he has completed his sacred mission.  Praise to you Lord God Almighty.  I rejoice in your ways with quiet humility and grateful service.  Alleluia.


And Jesus went off, and came to John.  And was baptized.  And the Holy Spirit of God alighted upon him and a voice from the heavenlies said ‘This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased.’


And immediately Jesus went to the desert, were the dark lord tested him, but Jesus came through this testing in his faith and the Gospel was preached.


One day as he saw the crowds gathering, Jesus went up on the mountainside and sat down.  His disciples gathered around him, and he began to teach them.

‘God blesses those who are poor and realize their need for him, for the Kingdom of Heaven is theirs

God blesses those who mourn, for they will be comforted

God blesses those who are humble, for they will inherit the whole earth

God blesses those who hunger and thirst for justice, for they will be satisfied

God blesses those who are merciful, for they will be shown mercy

God blesses those whose hearts are pure, for they will see God

God blesses those who work for peace, for they will be called the children of God

God blesses those who are persecuted for doing right, for the Kingdom of Heaven is theirs

God blesses you when people mock you and persecute you and lie about you and say all sorts of evil things against you because you are my followers.  Be happy about it! Be very glad!  For a great reward awaits you in heaven.  And remember, the ancient prophets were persecuted the same way.


And you must pray like this:  Our Father in heaven, may your name be kept holy.  May your Kingdom come soon.  May your will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.  Give us today the food we need, and forgive us our sins, as we have forgiven those who sin against us.  And don’t let us yield to temptation, but deliver us from all evil.  For thine is the Kingdom, the power and the glory, world without end, Amen.’





Jesus continued his teaching.  ‘Judge not, less you are likewise judged.  For the standard you use in your judgement may very well be applied to yourself in the way God decides to judge you.  So what if there is a problem with your brother, like a little speck in his eye.  You probably have a log in your own eye, so at least remove the log before you try getting the speck out of your brother’s eye.


Do to others whatever you would like them to do to you.  This is the essence of all that is taught in the law and the prophets.’


One of the teachers of religious law was standing there listening to the debate.  He realized that Jesus had answered well, so he asked, ‘Of all the commandments, which is the most important?’

Jesus replied, ‘The most important commandment is this: ‘Shema Israel, Adonai Eloheinu, Adonai Achud.’  And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength.  Secondly, you shall love your neighbour as yourself.  These are the prime commandments.’

The teacher replied ‘Well said Jesus of Nazareth.  To love God with all of your being is the summation of our faith, so much more than just the sacrificial aspects.’

‘You are not far from heaven,’ Jesus responded to the teacher.


Jesus spoke to his disciples.  ‘There was a man, walking along a road, and he saw a man who had apparently been robbed, lying on the road, bleeding.  He was a Pharisee this man, and looked at the bleeding man, but was too busy to help him so walked on.  Later on a scribe came by, but was also just a little too busy to get involved, and passed on as well.  Later that day, when it was starting to get cold and dark, a Samaritan came along, who the Pharisees and Scribes really don’t approve of, looked at the man, and despite it being late and cold, troubled himself to put the man carefully on his donkey, take him to an inn, and pay for his healing.  Now tell me, was it the Pharisee, scribe or Samaritan who did the right thing?’


Jesus spoke to his disciples.  ‘The younger son of a farmer wanted the good life, sick to death of work.  He’d had enough, demanded his inheritance right there and then, and because the farmer loved his son, he gave him his share.  The son went off, partied for quite a while, but ended up broke.  He was working for a man, feeding the pigs, and eating very poorly, when he came to his senses.  ‘At home I’ll get a better feed.  I will ask for forgiveness.  I have been an idiot, but hopefully dad will forgive me.’  The son went home, and his father killed the fatted lamb in his son’s honour.  But the older brother, who had worked hard and not left, remaining faithful, complained.  And then the father said to the older brother, ‘I would have done so much for you as well, and more besides.  But rejoice, for your brother was lost to the family, but is now found again.’


Jesus preached many, many things for a while until the day came – the day he feared, but the day which would bring life to countless people.  And, as he walked the stations of the cross, bearing the sins of the world, he remembered in his heart the love he had for those he had chosen and the price that needed to be paid for their salvation.  And with courage and the last of his passion he reached the cross and was raised so that men might be forgiven.


3 days later something special happened.  Jesus rose from the dead by the power of the Holy Spirit.  And he was seen by men, and seen by his disciples, and seen by doubting Thomas, and taken into heaven at the ascension.


A while later, after Jesus had been taken up to heaven, Saul converted and became Paul.  And writing to the Corinthian Church, he wrote:


‘If I spoke with the tongues of an Angel, in all his glory, and thought myself splendid, what would it matter if I didn’t really love people very much.  If I was the ultimate prophetical voice, and expounded the word of God with so much wisdom that people were amazed at me, but didn’t practice love towards my friends and fellows, what kind of person am I really?  If I had 7 university degrees, with PhD’s, but lacked intelligence in how I showed love to people, perhaps not even loving them at all, is my life really worth living?  Love suffers long and is kind and patient.  It is not arrogant or rude or unforgiving.  And it does not think highly of itself, puffing itself up in pride.  Love is the true voice of prophecy, it is the true word of God.  And love, knowledge of love itself, is what is eternal.  You see, prophetical preachers come and go, but love will last forever.  All that knowledge was part of our learning, but love is the completion of our journey, giving us a fulfilment in life which makes it all worth while.  When I was younger I behaved in childish ways, but growing up and growing in love I have learned to put these ways behind me.  While I am young and naïve what I know is not complete, but when I love completely my knowledge will be perfect.  Faith will last forever, and is a great virtue.  Hope will endure for all time, and is a wonderful truth.  But love is special, greater than even faith and hope, yes love is the greatest of all.’


Later still Mary had been faithfully teaching many, many souls about the salvation of Jesus.  And God looked upon his faithful servant, his dear child who he loved with all his heart.  And he spoke unto Mary saying ‘Daughter of God.  As Enoch and Elijah were brought unto heaven for their great faithfulness and service, you need not see death, for you are pure in my eyes, and have walked in great faith and service.’  And so Mary was assumed to heaven in a blessed assumption, and the angels and saints rejoiced at her company.


The End